Author Topic: "Report: Iran confiscates Buddha statues to stop promotion of Buddhism"  (Read 6592 times)


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Iran, the conservative Muslim nation began confiscating Buddha statues along with Barbie dolls to stop the promotion of Buddhism in the country and to shun the Western culture. Some who have the statues in their houses say they keep them only for decoration. However, under the Muslim constitution, the rights of all non-Muslims should be observed in general.

It is interesting to see how strictly religious countries deal with religious freedom. If their government systems are theocracy, it is difficult to argue if other religions should be allowed because the nations was built upon that particular religion. However, look at the United States. Even the Pledge of Allegiance mentions the Christian God, yet the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights allows religious freedom. Now, the United States is full of so many different religions. And I think it is one of many factors that drive the nation more successful and democratic, and more global. I think if conservative nations open themselves, up, they will learn the importance of religious freedom.


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I think any religious supremacists (not just Islam) who behave in such manner is desperately insecure and fearful of any kind of challenge. Thus they move to crush free speech, demonize and smear other religions rather than engage them in discussion or debate to learn more about the other religion, and endeavor to stifle all dissent.

I remember studying in History class in school, Muslim invaders in the 12th century wiped out Buddhism in India and monasteries were also destroyed. Emperor Ashoka is thought to have built the first monument commemorating the Buddha’s Enlightenment near the Bodhi tree in around the 3rd century B.C and the Muslim invaders destroyed it.

In 1193, the library of Nalanda University was set aflame by Muslim invaders. Nalanda University had the most renowned repository of Buddhist knowledge in the world. Its collection was said to comprise hundreds of thousands of volumes, so extensive that it burned for months when set aflame by Muslim invaders led by the Turk Bakhtiar Khilji in 1193. Thousand of monks were burned alive or killed.

History may have recorded such destruction between Islam and Buddhism but right under our nose today, such destruction is happening between two 'factions' of Buddhists; the wannabe politically correct faction of the Dalai Lama and the much suppressed Dorje Shugden practitioners.

What a shame as no one should be guaranteed rights of any kind that impose restrictions or infringe on anyone else what they chose to practice.

Big Uncle

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I draw parallels between the Muslim extremist beliefs and the Dorje Shugden ban. I think they are both unfair, unconstitutional, undemocratic and definitely a violation of basic human rights. Nobody should enforce on another what one should belief in. Within Muslim extremist beliefs, this reflects deep-seated insecurities and the wish to use religion as a means to dominate others.

As for the Dorje Shugden ban, the Dalai Lama's reasons are vague as he does not seem to benefit from this as the very idea runs counter to his basic message and teachings. He is taking huge risks in enforcing the ban and appearing to be hypocritical to his basic message. There is a running theory amongst some scholars that the Dalai Lama is using this as a means to consolidate his political power and stifle the strength and power of Gelug fundamentalists. This appears to make sense but the Dalai Lama has never really needed that as he is respected by all Tibetans as evident by the way the Dorje Shugden ban in enforced.

On the other hand, many politicos with CTA(Central Tibetan Administration) stand to advance politically when they appear politically-correct by having a strong hand in administering the Dorje Shugden ban. This is where political nature of the ban becomes very strong as we see lay officials entering monasteries to observe swearing in of monks. The Dalai Lama is supposed to have resigned from his political role but why does CTA continue to uphold the Dorje Shugden ban when it is actually not in the jurisdiction of a democracy and secular government? This is where 'politicking' is very pronounced and CTA should be the one in power and the one to abolish it from the level of secular governance. It's just too bad as doing this will spell doom for CTA in the near future when either the ban comes down or the Dalai Lama enters clear light.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 06:40:07 PM by Big Uncle »


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Iran, the conservative Muslim nation began confiscating Buddha statues along with Barbie dolls to stop the promotion of Buddhism in the country and to shun the Western culture.

While Islam in general, being together with Christianity an offshot of Judaism, or Judaism for the consumption of non-Jews, shares the very nature of Jewish supremacism, intolerance, and bigotry, one should not be fooled by Fox's and other prostituted Western media's anti-Iranian hatred propaganda.

Indeed, intolerance and bigotry are much more intense (and without any complaint by Western prostituted media such as Fox) in US-allied Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, where the mere possession of Buddhist symbols or any other sign of ”apostasy” is punished with death by decapitation.

And let's not forget that the beloved Kalachakra teacher Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche, brimming with good health and energy, suddenly and mysteriously fell sick while visiting ”Israel”, dying soon thereafter, suggesting that he might well have been condemned to death and poisoned by what the Kalachakra tantra call the ”barbarians”, that is, among others, the followers of the ”prophets” of the Asuras, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses, popularly known as Jews.


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There is a running theory amongst some scholars that the Dalai Lama is using this as a means to consolidate his political power and stifle the strength and power of Gelug fundamentalists.

”Gelug fundamentalist” is just a code used by Jewish or Jewish-assalariated propagandizers, such as George Dreyfuss or Robert Thurman, and intended at demonizing pure Dharma practioners such as Pabongkha Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche, and their followers, who, as opposed to the evil dalai, have refused to mix Dharma with politics, and thus Gelug with Nyingma tenets.

However, the epithet ”fundamentalist” applies only to the evil dalai and his minions, because they are the only ones trying to impose their ”rime” views on others, and promoting witch-hunts against those refusing to bend to their dogmas, everything on the basis of a personality cult around the evil dalai, sold as the incarnation of Chenrezig to the masses, who are expected to obey the evil theocrat with blind faith.

This sinister Jewish-Nyingma-evil dalai axis stems from the fact that that the evil dalai's office was powerful in Central Tibet, Nyingmapas were powerful in Eastern Tibet, and both disgruntled theocratic power structures agreed to unite and become the lackays of Western, Jewish-controlled imperialistic powers such as Britain and US, always hell bent on fragmenting, controlling, and ultimately destroying China, and Buddhism together with it.


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Throughout history mankind has always used religion as a mean to control and gain power. Islam has never been known to be a liberal religion, Islamic states have always strictly enforce its practice and hold on its population. This is nothing new and should not be shocking. One can argue if you truly believe in something so much, you would force it someone else for their benefit. Or the true motivation could just be power under the disguise of religion. IMO, religion is actually one of the most powerful weapon of mass destruction to exist in this world to-date. It's a thin red line between good and evil.


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Islam has never been known to be a liberal religion, Islamic states have always strictly enforce its practice and hold on its population. This is nothing new and should not be shocking.

What is shocking is that people believe that US and UK are countries supporting freedom and democracy worldwide, while actually supporting as ”strategic allies” the most ruthless, brutal and repressive tyrannies such Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and so forth, not to mention the ”Jewish state” of Israel.

Iran and Syria are quite democratic and liberal countries, but since they are on the way of Israeli interests, they become the targets of Israeli puppet states such as US and UK, not to mention the Gulf monarchies themselves, and are always depicted in a bad light by Western prostitute media such as Fox.

As to Islam not being a liberal religion, the same applies to Christianity and to the root and source of both, Judaism, all of them hell bent on destroying any religion not relying on their shared bloodthirsty ”god”. Therefore, Buddhism is among their main targets, not only of Iranian Muslims.

IMO, religion is actually one of the most powerful weapon of mass destruction to exist in this world to-date.

This applies to the Abrahamic ”religions”, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and that's why they were called ”barbaric” by the Kalachakra Tantra. This also applies to the evil, pseudo-Buddhist, Jewish-financed personality cult of dalaism.

However, this surely does not apply to Buddhism, which is free from the eight mundane concerns.


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In my humble opinion I disagree that religion is the most powerful form of weapon of mass destruction. We are blaming our human suffering on an external entity, form, or whatever, again. If you include your understanding of Buddhism the most sophisticated advanced form of weapon of mass destruction, if you wish, is none other than the ignorance, the ego self. The ego self uses whatever it has, in this case religion, twist it and manipulate it, for its own ends to influence other egos who are also ignorance. So you see it is a huge mess. No one is to blame but each individual self, the ego. Religion is devoid of any harm but we are seeing forms of religion that is gradually diluted as centuries past by. The message of religion which encourages spirituality and love of others to becoming a message of killing others and banishing others. The believers have become the police while in actual fact it is the believers themselves who must uphold the discipline on themselves.