Author Topic: My friend Namkha – just some thoughts  (Read 5976 times)


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My friend Namkha – just some thoughts
« on: September 05, 2009, 06:32:32 PM »
Yesterday I wondered about my friend Namkha, what he would do at the moment. Just to introduce you: my friend Namkha is the Nyingma Lama, who recently had organized this great Dalai Lama event not far from our monastery. Of course I had been not there, because I was not invited as a Dorje Shugden practitioner. But I could watch my friend Namkha via youtube and I found him to be extremely devoted to His Holiness by hovering over him all the time. If I say “my friend”, then it is not meant sarcastically at all. We are friends since he asked me a few months before for friendship in a great Internet platform. Of course I was a little bit astonished, when I found his request for friendship in my mailbox. Didn't he read my page well? This time I had even Dorje Shugden as one of my top friends on the front page. But however, I was pleased and as I have some education I immediately accepted the request and posted a nice thanks comment on his page. He is a great Rinpoche and me, I am just a simple nun, so I know, how to behave.
And since I read in the newspaper, that he considers me to be a Non-Buddhist, because of living in this monastery up there, I am now doubled impressed: as one knows nowadays everybody is a Buddhist, even Muslims are, only we Dorje Shugden practitioners are not. So, what a great step for him to ask me for friendship!
Or was he just worried about me, when he saw me little Nyingma-practitioner swimming in this Gelug monastery like a small herring in a shark basin? I heard in the city, that his own disciples are warned by him not to go up to our monastery, because they're will be definitely beaten by our monks, as soon they will be found out to be Nyingmapas.  This is now a good opportunity to talk about our monks: for my taste some of them could be less arrogant with us nuns. And to be honest, I would appreciate a few of them not wait the women to do all dirty works. But unfortunately I found the same issues in all Nyingma-, Kagyü- and Sakya-Centers as well. So, that seems to be not the point. And become beaten as a Nyingmapa? I promise if this will ever happen I will post it here very loudly in this forum.

But let me go back to the topic: as already mentioned I wondered yesterday, what my friend Namkha does at the moment. The great event is over, the smoke is passed away and the fronts are clear again, so how are his days after? As to my surprise I found out in the Internet, that he will give soon a Chö retreat. Of course not too far from our monastery – we are more or less neighbors. Since I am also a little bit Chö practitioner and always eager to find some new interesting places for Chö practice in the near, I traveled immediately via Google Earth to this place. It looked not really interesting to me, no scary things, just a few high mountains in the near. And of course Dorje Shugden, as you know, he stays in our monastery not too far from his place. Then I tried to imagine, what will happen, if my friend Namkha invites all sentient beings from the surroundings nicely with his drum and bell and so on - and all of a sudden Dorje Shugden appears. Will there be a great fight? May we wait for another weird email like this we had here already from Jack? This would mean Namkha Rinpoche to be just a very bad Chö practitioner as Patrul Rinpoche (I hope he knows Patrul Rinpoche) writes:

“External demons are just deluded perceptions, and as long as you do not destroy your believe in a self, trying to kill them will not put them to death. Beating them will have no effect on them. Trampling them will not crush them. Chasing after them will not make them go away.”

“People today who claim to be practitioners of Chö do not understand any of this, and persist in thinking of spirits as something outside themselves. They believe in demons, and keep on perceiving them all the time; in everything that happens they see some ghost or gyalgong. They have no peace of mind themselves, and are always bewildering others with their lies, delivered with much assertive blustering: 'There's a ghost up there! And down there, too, a spirit! That's a ghost! That's a demon! That's a tsen! I can see it ... Ha! - I've got it, I've killed it! Watch out, there's one lying in wait for you! I've chased it away! There – it looked back!”

Now my friend Namkha might say, that he uses Chö only in the sense of cutting the root of an I.

Then it will be as it is stated in a quotation of Milarepa:

“You who appear as harmful spirits and yaksas, male or female,
Only when one has no understanding are you demons,
Bringing all your mischief and your obstacles.
But once one understands, even your demons are deities,
And become the source of all accomplishments.”

“Demons become Dharma protectors, and those protectors' faces become the face of the nirmanakaya.”

So, when my friend Namkha, as a good Chö practitioner he is, will find out our 'demon' being a Dharma protector with the face of the nirmanakaya and a source for all accomplishments, what he will do? I think, he has to realize us also being Buddhists, because otherwise, how could be there a Dharma protector, if there were no Buddha, who taught us the Dharma?
But probably there's not so much to fear for my friend Namkha to meet Dorje Shugden while his Chö retreat. Maybe his Chö party is so awful boring, that there will be no more guests than two or three sleepy Nagas, who just want to find out, who's doing such a noise. Does one know?  ;)

I hope I am not too much off topic here. But since I realized to have here a small but selected public, I have a lot of fun with sending some news from this part of the world, which aroused according Samdong Rinpoche 'from the Deaths'  ;D


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Re: My friend Namkha – just some thoughts
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2009, 11:09:38 AM »
The more I read your writing, the more fluid and sanguine it became to my mind. Really very beautifully expressed and clarified some issues in my pea brain.
  I encourage you to write more wisdoms and they are as a salve on my soul.
Muchas Gracias!

Now I answer very quickly, before the cheshire cat disappears again  ;)
Thanks for your nice words, I feel very encouraged by them and of course I hope my friend Namkha will like it, too  ;D 
If you find some grammar or orthographic mistakes or unusual expressions, please feel free to correct me, I always work on to improve my English.


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Re: My friend Namkha – just some thoughts
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2009, 06:56:07 PM »
I have to agree, this was one of the best posts I have read in a long time. Thank you so much!  :)


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Re: My friend Namkha – just some thoughts
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2009, 08:18:14 PM »
Very Enlightening :D... Just that these people made a big hoo ha or a mountain out of molehill about us ::)