Author Topic: The Ghost Of Tibetan Democracy  (Read 5542 times)


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The Ghost Of Tibetan Democracy
« on: December 29, 2013, 08:31:37 PM »
This is a new article on DS.Com that clearly shows how inept the CTA is and how unprofessionally it is being run. If the CTA cannot manage a relatively small administration of over a hundred thousand Tibetans in exile, how can it be expected to govern Tibet? Whatever unethical and unfair practices the CTA is cultivating now will only be carried into its culture if ever it is allowed to govern the Tibetan people.

Read this and ask yourself if you would like to have such a government:

The Tibetan Parliament’s lackadaisical attitude and neglect in approving the right nominees to the Kashag soon yielded disastrous results when the CTA’s April 2013 budget session ended with considerable confusion with the Finance Kalon (whom the Parliament had approved not so long ago) failing to answer with any clarity whether the CTA’s 2013/2014 budget was in fact balanced, in surplus or deficit. As political reporter Sangye Kunchok reported, “it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that it was [in fact] a deficit budget but the manipulation of the numbers have blurred the real situation”. [4]

On further questioning, it was learned that the CTA’s shortfall in revenues has been covered by applying almost all of the reserves held by various departments which had taken up to 40 years to accumulate. Given the ambiguity of the CTA’s real financial position, its future sustainability was called into question. Thereupon the Parliament passed a resolution directing the Audit Department to audit and appraise the financial status of the CTA to establish a clear and objective position. [5]

Extracted from:

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: The Ghost Of Tibetan Democracy
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2014, 11:24:56 AM »
Ha! This news is worryingly amusing. How can they even think of running a whole country that they want to take back from the Chinese, when this is how they try to cover up issues in their budget? Anybody with a sense of economy would no apply almost all of the reserves that have taken up to 40 years to accumulate to cover up shortfalls in one hit. That in itself is extremely inefficient move, but it goes to show that the people in charge of the budget are trying to cover up the mistakes of either themselves or their predecessors in order to retain their reputations. But, this is going to have far more repercussions for the CTA in the future. 


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Re: The Ghost Of Tibetan Democracy
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2014, 11:58:21 AM »
Ha! This news is worryingly amusing. How can they even think of running a whole country that they want to take back from the Chinese, when this is how they try to cover up issues in their budget? Anybody with a sense of economy would no apply almost all of the reserves that have taken up to 40 years to accumulate to cover up shortfalls in one hit. That in itself is extremely inefficient move, but it goes to show that the people in charge of the budget are trying to cover up the mistakes of either themselves or their predecessors in order to retain their reputations. But, this is going to have far more repercussions for the CTA in the future.

Its not only a question of competence or lack of. Its a question of attitude. The CTA does not see itself as being a "servant" of the people like all elected representatives. Instead the leadership of the exiled Tibetans display much characteristics of their feudal past and with that, they do not see public money (which is probably kindly donated to them by various governments of the democratic world to aid in their pursuit of freedom) as belonging to people, but as their own assets to burn as they please.

Look into the history of the Tibetan politicians - Lobsang Sangay and Penpa Tsering. When have you EVER heard them say anything that is constructive, motivational and that which lends to world peace and harmony. Virtually every single word that comes out from them is a criticism of China and another complain of how the world is not doing enough to help them. I have not seen the CTA, whilst fighting for Tibetan freedom, do anything to improve the livelihood and standard of living and education for the exiled Tibetans. I have not seem them promote Tibetan Buddhism of any kind and I have not seen them promote the Tibetan people's culture and tradition to the world.

I firmly believe that politicians like Sangay and Tsering have much to gain by being in exile and they have made very cushy careers out of being "victims" of China. History will judge the CTA, especially the present Sikyong as the "government" that truly lost the hopes of the Tibetan people. Lobsang Sangay will go into history as the only expert on Human Rights who is much more a practical expert in propagating human wrongs.


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Re: The Ghost Of Tibetan Democracy
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2014, 03:06:13 PM »
After almost two decades of governing the Tibetans in exiles, what had Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) accomplished that these Tibetans are really proud of? Is Tibet's independence forthcoming? Is the Autonomy policy accepted by China? We can forget about these milestones because CTA cannot even hold formal talks or negotiations with China anymore! China does not want to at all! So that means the above two milestones are out of reach!  Where does CTA go thereafter?

CTA and the Tibetan Parliament had failed miserably in their functions and responsibilities of ensuring the badic welfare and constitutional rights of the Tibetans in exile are met.

Now the CTA had gotten itself into hot soup with the ambiguities and irregularities found in their accounts! Instead of carrying out their duties and responsibilities, the Tibetan Parliament and CTA had been and are still very focused and busy enforcing the ban on Dorje Shugden!

Aren't  the Tibetans in exile concerned at all about the state of their elected government? Any people with a clear mind will be very worried now and will not hesitate to step in to bring about a change in the present government.


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Re: The Ghost Of Tibetan Democracy
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2014, 06:16:29 PM »
It is obvious that the CTA is not doing a good job at taking care of the Tibetans in Exile at all. If they were doing a good job and that they are trying to move towards getting Tibet back, their main priority would be to get the morales of the Tibetans together and make them all be united. Thinking that all the Tibetans are one.

However, this is not the case as the CTA has constantly been pushing the ban of Dorje Shugden practices. The CTA has also made the people not be united and even go against all the Shugden practitioners. Just through this we can tell that the CTA is not ready at all. They have just been coming up with different plots to get the Westerners to take pity on them and try to play the "good guys" and say that the Chinese are the people that are bad for not returning Tibet to the Tibetans.


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Re: The Ghost Of Tibetan Democracy
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2014, 10:32:46 PM »
The way CTA runs the administration is quite scary. How can the head not know about their financial status? To me, CTA is not running the administration as a Democracy, even though they claim it to be, because they don't need to be answerable to their actions. I think in certain way, it is even more backward than Communism.

Personally, I am very disappointed with Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay. As a graduate from Harvard University, I would think the would enforce democracy is implemented properly, but it turns out totally opposite.

I do pray that CTA can be more mature in terms of governing their administration to benefit all her citizens.


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Re: The Ghost Of Tibetan Democracy
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2014, 05:32:27 PM »
Personally, I am very disappointed with Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay. As a graduate from Harvard University, I would think the would enforce democracy is implemented properly, but it turns out totally opposite.

As a graduate from Harvard University, the Kallous Tripa is implementing Western style ”democracy” exactly as expected.

Which means, he is enforcing a dictatorial regime against the people for the profit of a brutal elite, just like his Harvard comrades such as the genocide Henry Kissinger (the evil brain behind every brutal dictators around the world, from Pinochet and Latin American banana republic dictators to Indoniesia's Suharto to Iran's Pahlavi to Saudi Arabian butchers etc.) and the Fed capo Ben Shalom Bernanke (who leads the ongoing and hugest assault in History against American households).


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Re: The Ghost Of Tibetan Democracy
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2014, 07:53:28 PM »
I think in certain way, it [the CTA] is even more backward than Communism.

Not a big deal. It would be hard to find any regime which is not more backward than Communism, specially among the Western countries sponsoring the Tibetan medieval gangsters making up the exile “government”.


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Re: The Ghost Of Tibetan Democracy
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2014, 10:04:51 AM »
It is shocking and worrying to hear that the CTA who run the government body of Tibet do not have the basic knowledge on the finance of a country! As both social and economy are very important aspects for the stability and unity of a country, how are they going to take care of their people if CTA do not have the basic knowledge at all?
Can they please do something meaningful rather than spending time to look into the ban and hurting Dorje Shugden practitioners like Gen Chonze (