Author Topic: Michael Coward Brown  (Read 4239 times)

Dulzie Bear

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Michael Coward Brown
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:07:07 PM »
Michael Brown is this anonymous profile on Facebook who is prolific with his anti-Shugden rhetoric particularly on 'We Need To Talk About Shugden' and 'New Kadampa Survivor Activists Fb groups'.

His Fb profile -

It is ironic that he says all this with the pseudonym Michael Brown and attacks Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Tsem Tulku, other Shugden lamas, NKT and other practitioners  and call them "manipulative", "dishonest", "cowards", " "liars" and yet he himself remains hidden and anonymous. Such hypocrisy! If he really wants to criticize, come out and show who you are before you start criticising others.

Michael "Coward" Brown, come forward. Show yourself! Be real...


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Re: Michael Coward Brown
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2015, 05:29:08 PM »
Michael Coward Brown's FB seems to be set up for only one purpose, that is to attack Shugden lamas while hiding behind the cloak of anonymity. Coward Brown does not talk about his own practice or guru or centre but instead puts down people because of their religion. In fact I have never seen Michael Coward Brown write anything positive, encouraging and dharmic. He doesn't post anything of value but loiters around We Need To Talk About Shugden and New Kadampa Survivor's Activist casting judgements while sometimes trying to sound like a pseudo intellect.

He is like an anarchist hiding in the shadows while doing everything possible to destabilise a government. Honest people with genuine beliefs would be open with their opposition and offer alternatives backed up by sound logic. Michael Coward Brown's only objective is to destroy.

Gabby Potter

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Re: Michael Coward Brown
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2015, 06:57:29 PM »
Some people just have nothing better to do in their lives, so they just had to waste their time on the internet targeting and attacking innocent people, sigh such a waste of time. Please do something meaningful at least, karma catches back and if he doesn't believe that, I guess that's too bad for him.

Big Uncle

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Re: Michael Coward Brown
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2015, 08:22:29 AM »
Lol! Michael Coward Brown has a ring to it. And i am wondering if he is reading this. It's sad that these so called followers of the Dalai Lama thinks they have the moral authority to question High Lamas. Its sad and extremely bad negative karma for these people. I am sure he will regret his actions and words once the Dorje Shugden ban comes tumbling down.


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Re: Michael Coward Brown
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2015, 07:30:06 PM »
It is easy to hide under anonymity and criticize others, but I don't really see the point of cultivating hatred day in day out, as it totally contradicts Buddha's teaching of gaining ultimate happiness. There are many people who may not fit our projection, and criticizing them really do not make us a better person. why not the time to do meditation? Or focus the energy to spread compassion?

Everyone's path is different, and I have already chosen my Guru who is a Dorje Shugden practitioners. I see good quality in Him and I hope you can respect that. Criticize others's Guru will not achieve enlightenment, at least not from what was taught in Buddhism.


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Re: Michael Coward Brown
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2015, 09:41:09 AM »
It is amazing that Michael Brown can spend so much of his time in criticizing others!  He has become obsessed with doing this!  Doesn't he has any other more meaningful thing to do in life? If Michael thought he is being righteous, he is very wrong! Are you 100% sure what you perceive  is true or correct? Are you infallible? What credentials do you have that what you say is authoritative and acceptable?  The worst is you are hiding behind a false identity!  This only makes you a loser who does not have the courage to face the world openly!  If you are truly a practising Buddhist, you should realise your negative actions are not in accord with Dharma.  Your negative actions are causing great harm to others and the Buddhadharma!  Worst of all you are creating causes for tremendous amount of sufferings for yourself in the future!  What are the repercussions of creating wrong views, disparaging Buddhas, high lamas and emanations of enlightened beings, dividing the sangha, hurtful speeches, idle chatting, spreading lies, to name a few?  For your own sake, stop damaging yourself! Whatever obstacles and sufferings that you have encountered are due to your past actions! Blame no one but yourself.  Accept, let go and move on!