Author Topic: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people  (Read 9208 times)


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Re: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2014, 07:13:58 AM »
Referring to the link below:

Please watch this video which is a clear evidence of the violent which actually took place in the monastery itself. It is a very important now to let people around the world know what had actually happened with all the violence and discrimination amongst the Tibetan community. Where the so call non-”spirit” worshipper actually behave like the ones who practises. I am saying that Dorje Shugden is a spirit just the way the bunch of blind followers or the ones who afraid to stand up against the bigger force for whatever reasons which only they themselves justified. Another thing i wanted to say that when the reporter asked the question: So do you think all your Guru were wrong because all of HHDL Gurus should be a Dorje Shugden practitioners. And the answer HHTDL gave is: “Yes”…i meant what? What did the HHTDL just said? How can this be if everyone as Highly Attained can be wrong so can you HHTDL. If they were all wrong which mean everything that we are pursuing and believing can be wrong as well.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2014, 07:40:05 AM »
Who the CTA think they were trying to fool when they just denied there were no violence caused towards the Shugden practitioners in the Tibetan camp in India? And I am so sorry to say this but, His Holiness Dalai Lama, please stop lying. If there were no ban on the Shugden practitioners, why is there a need to put up notices in front of clinics, libraries and places of worship to state that Shugden practitioners are not welcomed? Where is the peace, harmony and kindness that you have been preaching about? Or those poor 'spirit worshippers' does not deserve the love, kindness and compassion? May those sponsors who have been funding all the violence realize where their money are being channeled to.

DS Star

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Re: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2014, 09:51:54 AM »
This video is the solid proof that the CTA and the office of HH the 14th Dalai Lama was, and still is, responsible for the violence and hostile actions carried out towards practitioners of Dorje Shugden.

I want to believe that the Dalai Lama has a higher motivation as he is the so-called emanation of Cherenzig, the Buddha of Great Compassion. This ban and the violence that followed, surely test my faith to the core.

I see so much political agendas and so much sufferings to the DS practitioners, especially the Tibetans themselves.

When I started to learn the teachings of Buddha, I have conviction that THIS is IT. The religion that preach and practice real COMPASSION. No discrimination, no taboos, based on one’s own action, be responsible; Great!

But then when I see all the ‘events’ pertaining to DS issue and all the sufferings, the lies, specifically by HHDL himself, my belief is somewhat shaken…

Nevertheless, perhaps like I mentioned earlier there is a higher motivation that small mind like mine cannot conceived yet. Yes there is a provision for people in Bodhisattva path to lie for the benefits of others, and this is the lies by the ultimate ‘Bodhisattva, Mahasattva’ Cherensig himself, so perhaps I am wrong to criticise at all.

Having said that, I really pray that all the sufferings of DS practitioners to be stopped as I could not see any benefits coming out from this ban. I urge the CTA and the Dalai Lama please stop all the violence. The ban got to go, lift the ban.

Lift the ban Your Holiness.


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Re: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2014, 10:55:50 AM »
This is so ridiculous what I am hearing & reading. How can there be no violence so far? Does his HH really think we are living in the stone age whereby people do not travel & also has no contact with the world? Is like telling the world that Holocaust does not exist, Hitler did not kill anyone.

So many people/monks/nuns have witness what happened in the monastery when the ban first started. There are youtube videos on this and also on recorded videos on what HH said in his talks regarding the ban & the practice of Shugden. How can it be that there are so many evidence on violence and discrimination towards Shugdenpas but now people including His Holiness denies violence? What about the hurt that was inflicted on the fragile old monk living in Trijang Ladrang? You mean he and all the other monks are lying and only CTA and His Holiness is right? Why didn't CTA or His Holiness issue an official statement in acknowledging that the monk was hurt? Just take into consideration this as an old monk... if an old monk was attack so severely on monastery grounds, wouldn't a high authority such as the office of His Holiness do something to stop such things happening in future? Why didn't they?

To say that there is no ban is absurd because all the actions of CTA and His Holiness speaks otherwise. Even if there was no official saying that there is a ban, the statement to encourage everyone to stop practising Dorje Shugden is already strong enough to prevent people from practising.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2014, 12:36:12 PM »
This is an excellent article. There are clearly enough evidence that ordained sanghas, lay practitioners and local villagers were seen attacking and mob the Dorje Shugden sangha practitioners, even when they were doing a peaceful puja within their monastery. Luckily local police were there to protect Dokhang Khangtsen sangha in the video. There are also sufficient evidence of signages in the monasteries and declaration forms for sangha to swear that DS practitioners were ban and disallowed into any teachings, shops, hospitals etc.

Also I am most unhappy when the Dalai Lama refuted saying there was NO such violence or mob or riot instigated against Dokhang Khangtsen when it happened right under his nose. Why did he deny that the mob happened?

Why didn’t the Dalai Lama tell the non-DS sangha and the lay community NOT to instigate any HARM to DS practitioners and respect their decision and freedom to practice Dorje Shugden?

WHY? It is quite clear that the CTA wanted financial support from the rest of the “ignorant” world to look good themselves in the name of religious freedom which they preach and NOT practice. Shame! Shame on them!

We need to share this with the rest of the world of this double standard practice. We do not disparage the Buddhas or the Dalai Lama but we will NOT tolerate discrimination in the name of religious freedom. We want the BAN to be lifted! Stop dividing fellow Tibetans to choose. Grant them their freedom to decide for themselves.

We need to praise all Dorje Shugden supporters ( and practitioners all over the world for working hard to bring news and information to anyone who was ignorant to what the BAN was about. People do care.


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Re: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2014, 03:39:41 PM »
After watching the videos, I am both sad and sickened. All this just proves to show that there is unmitigated violence and discrimination towards DS practitioners and supporters. What baffles me is that how CTA can still continuously deny such blatant disregard for humanity with so much evidence online and on so many news portals. Or for that matter, how HHDL can ignore the pleas and calls for the ban and restoration of religious freedom. It has become a mad world indeed.


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Re: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2014, 07:21:41 PM »
Speechless. Such a blatant lies given by the Tibetan leadership, and the instigation of violence against, of all people, a group of ordained monks peacfully doing their prayers. The worst part is that many among te mob that attacked the Dokhang monastery, are monks and nuns themselves! Since when did sangha sink until such a low level? What kind of poison did the Tibetan leaders instill in the minds of these people that propel them to commit such a base act?

The wold is sympathetic towards the Dalai Lama and Tibetans for the religious persecution done by the Chinese on them, epitomized by the infamous remark of Mao Tze-tung to the Dalai Lama “Religion is poison”. But what about this? Instigating and provoking monks and nuns to physically and verbally attack their own kind, this type of “religion”, is it nectar or poison? What’s the difference between Mao Tse-tung/the communist Chinese and the Tibetan leadership?

The Tibetan leadership is always trying to garner support for thir Free Tibet cause from the world, but they should be wise to realize that having a double standard by persecuting Shugden practitioners the same way they accused the Chinese of religious persecution on Tibet, DOES NOT HELP.

Stop the persecution and octracization against Shugden practitioners, then only will the world respect and support you cause. It is not even a matter of whether Shugden is a demon or not, it is simply a matter of religious persecution, period.

Free Shugden, then only will Free Tibet become genuine and justifiable. Think.


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Re: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2014, 05:48:42 AM »
It is easy to hide information and make people to always believe what you said in older days, but in this era of information overload, it is only a matter of time the truth is exposed. Yes, you can't hide anymore, and you can't fool the people any longer.

CTA survive mostly on donations, and the many donors believe in their cause to be independent and freedom (from China). When the donors find out that while CTA is fighting for freedom, they themselves are suppressing freedom of their own citizens.

Therefore, to relief this ban and relief the suffering all the Dorje Shugden practitioners, especially those under CTA, we must expose the truth to the western word where many of the donors are. Once the donors are informed and educated, they will either stop donating or demand CTA to lift the ban; and in both cases, will force CTA to lift the ban.

If you feel there is nothing much you can do to help, you can use social media to spread the news, because it is a very powerful tool in this era!!

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2014, 06:07:02 AM »
Thank you for posting this article and making the video. I find it very hard to believe that this has actually happened but the evidence speaks for itself.

What is striking is that the Dalai Lama himself has said that there would be something like the “cultural revolution” occurring against those who practice Dorje Shugden. There is so much media coverage on the Dalai Lama as the exemplary figure of what Buddhist practice should be that people do not believe this could happen or even want to believe it could happen as they have built up an image of the Dalai Lama in their minds. He had stated that what his teacher practices and the teachings he received from them is wrong. This begs the question then what else did he receive that was wrong, if this is truly the case.

I also find it very disturbing that other monks and even the lay women, although Buddhism is steeped in their culture can do such things towards other monks. The practice of Dorje Shugden does not contradict the pratimoksha vows of monk hood, so those who are practicing are still the sangha jewel, and disrespect or I’ll treatment of them surely terminates in the ripened affect of bad karma.

Thank you for sharing this with the world. A lot people think that this issues and the violence against those who practice Dorje Shugden does exist or simply be following what they are told about the issue. This website and this article in particular highlights that this is not the case. The evidence is clear.

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Re: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2014, 06:15:52 AM »
This is serious and very sad. The Tibetans just don't see how tragic the situation is and hardly anybody step up to improve the situation. It takes people from the outside and those who champion the Dorje Shugden cause to see the faults of religious discrimination. There's just so much evidence and I cannot believe this is happening in the 21th Century. I cannot believe that people would do this to others.

This is especially pronounce considering how much the Tibetans want independence from Chinese rule but they themselves are not really to take over the reins. The Chinese government by virtue of their political standing is atheist and any religious bans that's harming the harmony and stability of the people is naturally against the self-interest of the Chinese. It shows that the Tibetans are not fit to rule themselves. Hence, it is very clear to see that all negotiations with the Chinese have reached a stalemate.


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Re: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2014, 05:06:53 PM »
Why destroy the peace and harmony of the Tibetan communities living in exiles in India and around the world with this unjust ban?

How could the Tibetan leadership incite hatred and violence towards Shugdenpas? Shugdenpas are your own kind! Tibetan Leadership cannot deny the existence of the ban and the continued persecution of the Shugdenpas. The footages in the video provide some of the evidences of these happening.

It was due to the pressure and incitement of the Tibetan leadership that the mob had attacked Dokhang Khangtsen monks! It was unbelievable to see monks from Gaden Jangtse attacking their own fellow monks from Gaden Monastery! It was also very unbecoming of the local nunneries to be involved in the attack.

There is nothing wrong for Shugdenpas to propitiate Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden has been practised for centuries and transmitted by the Gelug Lineage masters. And to say that all the lineage masters were wrong (and that His Holiness Dalai Lama is correct) to practise Dorje shugden is the greatest folly of all!

In the midst of this ban and ordeal, one wonders about His Holiness Dalai Lama’s role as the ambassador of peace, love and compassion. For Shugdenpas, they want just their religious freedom!


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Re: What ban?! Tibetan govt organizes riots against their own people
« Reply #26 on: March 16, 2014, 07:52:20 PM »
Wow, because of the ban and the protest, so many monks and lay people had created such heavy negative karma for themselves as their intention looks like it was to hurt the sangha who practises Dorje Shugden. What a pity. So sad that the unity of Tibetan people has broken apart because of this ban.

Anyways, quoting from the article, it is funny to read that “many anti-Shugden supporters have since gone on the record stating that they do not know what the protests are about because the Tibetan leadership have never banned the practice of Dorje Shugden”.

Take a brief visit to the Dalai Lama’s official website (, and you would find within, under the “Dolgyal” (derogatory term used by CTA and His Holiness to refer to Dorje Shugden) section, a Resolution that was issued in June 1996 titled “The Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies’ Resolutions”. Within this resolution, it clearly states against the practise of Dorje Shugden through examples of the following clauses:

1. “In the interest of Buddhism and the Tibetan national cause, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has openly advised against the propitiation of Shugden. On behalf of the Tibetan people, both in and outside Tibet, the Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies would like to express our thanks and gratitude to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and make a pledge that we will abide by his every advice.”

2. “In sum, the departments, their branches and subsidiaries, monasteries and their branches that, al are functioning under the administrative control of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile should be strictly instructed, in accordance with the rules and regulations, not to indulge in the propitiation of Shugden. We would like to clarify that if individual citizens propitiate Shugden, it will harm the common interest of Tibet, the life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and strengthen the spirits that are against the religion….”

Aren’t the above two clauses already strong enough evidence to prove that there is a separation, that there is a ban against the practise of Dorje Shugden, because anyone who goes against the Dalai Lama’s wishes is going against law. Being a world renown leader in Tibetan Buddhism, and the head religious figure of Tibet (and ex-political leader), since the Dalai Lama has advcised against the propitiation of Dorje Shugden, isn’t it an unspoken law that no one should break? If there was really religious freedom within Tibet and for Tibetan Buddhist practitioners, then why have a section within the Dalai Lama’s OWN website against Dorje Shugden. It is inciting and quite an obvious rule that no one should practise Dorje Shugden. So what is the CTA and anti-shugden supporters going on about and stating that there is no ban when clearly, everything that has been done and said by His Holiness and the CTA points to that direction.

Further to that, another resolution was passed unanimously on 17 September, 1997. Lets take a look at some interesting clauses, for instance:

1. The joint disinformation campaign of China and a small number of Shugden activists should be challenged within the framework of law

2. Efforts should be made to challenge the Shugden activists’ campaign to intimidate and deceive non-Shugden practitioners, and that the victims should be provided security and legal protection

3. Particularly in the Three Great Monastic Universities of Sera, Gaden and Drepung, the restriction on Shugden practice should be kept up; Wherever the restriction has not been adequately enforced in any quarter of a Monastic University, the abbots, lamas, bureaucracy and scripture teachers should be asked to discourage the practice; support should be given to ordinary monks who are forced to violate the monastic discipline through use of intimidation and threat by Shugden activists

With regards to the above three clauses, by “challenge” what does the resolution mean? Challenge is subjective, and anyone can challenge through violence, harm, hurt, etc. If I, as an Anti-Shugden activist reads this resolution, and would like to challenge the a Shugden’s activists campaign, it is open for me to use intimidation, violence, harm and hurt in my hopes to stop them under the impression that I am playing it right by following His Holiness’s staunch advice against the practise. In addition, what law does the CTA have? What laws has been set when it is so obvious that violence is acceptable, as shown in the video. So it is vague and pretty open as to what a Anti-shugden activist can do to “challenge” the pro-shugden camp. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a riot and protest took place at Dokhang Khangtsen WITHIN the monastery grounds itself.

4. Recognition should be given to those who followed Shugden in the past out of ignorance, but have now given up the practice; efforts should be made to ensure that they do not suffer as a result of having given up the Shugden practice

5. Efforts should be made to ensure that Shugden practitioners do not receive tantric teachings and Sothar teachings/vows;

The above clauses in the resolution is pure discrimination against a Dorje Shugden practitioner. If there was religious freedom, and I CHOSE TO PRACTISE DORJE SHUGDEN, then I should too be entitled to receive teachings and vows. Why is it that because I practise Dorje Shugden, I cannot receive tantric teachings and Sothar teachings/vows? It is clear that there is discrimination, and behind this discrimination is a ban on the practise of Dorje Shugden in which they are now apparently ignorant of?

Most of all, even on His Holiness’s own website, it states that “….However, since he (His Holiness) personally feels strongly about how negative this practice is, he has requested those who continue to propitiate Dolgyal not to attend his formal religious teachings, which traditionally require the establishment of a teacher-disciple relationship.”

As a result, it is obvious that the violence from the protest and riot is caused by the Tibetan leadership, because they are the lawmakers, and they are the ones which the people look up to and listen to for advice. So if the stand against Dorje Shugden has been made so strong and clear by the Tibetan leadership and His Holiness, there is a direct link in them behind this organized violence. And if as His Holiness claims there is no violence, then why didn’t he stop the riot and protest then, being the head religious figure and watching monks break their vows through their participation in the protest. Why didn’t His Holiness do anything to stop the riot and protest. If there is no ban, Why didn’t the CTA step up to protect the Shugden practitioners, who are their people too.