Author Topic: Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion  (Read 8643 times)


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Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion
« on: April 05, 2014, 05:35:53 AM »
Jennifer Aniston is thinking about becoming a Buddhist.

The former 'Friends' star has been inspired to embrace spirituality by her friend Demi Moore and as well as learning more about Buddhism she is also exploring Kabbalah.
A source told the latest issue of America's OK! magazine: "As Jen gets older, she feels she's benefit from guidance. She's been talking to friends and has been interested in learning more about several religions, including Buddhism."

Jennifer, who is engaged to actor Justin Theroux, had dinner with Demi recently and took the opportunity to quiz the 'Ghost' star about her belief in Kabbalah, which is a mystical off-shoot off Judaism.
Jennifer, 45, was fascinated by what Demi, 51, said about her faith but is believed to be leaning towards Buddhism because she is such an ardent follower of yoga.

The source revealed: "Jen was struck by how calm and centred Demi seemed. Jen was intrigued and decided to get private lessons. She loves the idea of studying something spiritual, and she already does yoga, so it seems like a natural next step."

Jessie Fong

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Re: Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2014, 06:29:02 AM »
We hear of more and more people wanting to embrace a religion.  Of late, a lot of famous people have decided to adopt Buddhism in their life.

It is good to know that many people understand that they need religion in their life.  It helps when you have friends around who will help you and encourage you.


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Re: Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2014, 02:53:30 PM »
It is nice to hear more people embracing spirituality as this generation of people work and play so hard that we have totally getting out of touch with reality. The reality of meaningful life. Without a meaningful life all the hard work we put in and the fun things we experience will disappear just like thin air because there is a very little substantiality to what we 'do'. It has come to pursuing whatever we feel and think which interest us and getting good at it in this life alone. Therefore whatever spirituality we want to pursue must based on compassion and kindness to others. This will define how much peace and higher level of happiness we can attain.


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Re: Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2014, 03:03:19 PM »
It's always nice to know that famous people are beginning to go on a spiritual path and become Buddhist. Buddhism teaches us to be compassionate. More famous people are turning to religion for their spirituality and to have a calm and peaceful mind.


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Re: Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2014, 03:14:20 PM »
Interesting... It's wonderful to hear how people get inspired spiritually especially these famous people.
Dear Jennifer, there are so much to learn and discover yourself with Buddhism. The transformation is just amazing once you put Dharma into practice. I do hope that you find the correct path and it will bring you much joy and happiness. May you also be blessed by the 3 Jewels always.


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Re: Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2014, 03:53:21 PM »
Always nice to receive a news of people are interested in Buddhism especially the famous one. I don't mean they have special treatment just because they a famous but being famous, i hope they could inspires a lot more people towards what they are up to and interested in and hopefully thru their fame it can bring more attention to Buddhism.


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Re: Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2014, 04:33:08 PM »
Have always been a fan of F.R.I.E.N.D.S ! It is wonderful to know that many celebrities are embracing Buddhism . Buddhism is so different from other religions that some people question whether it is a religion at all.  Instead of teaching doctrines to memorized and believed, the Buddha taught how to realized the truth for ourselves.Everything starts from ourselves. The focus of Buddhism is on practice rather than belief.
I wish Jennifer Aniston a smooth spiritual path.

Big Uncle

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Re: Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2014, 04:44:31 PM »
I have actually saw a documentary and it claims that an old branch of Kabbalah actually believes in reincarnation! Apparently, the old judeo-christian religions had this belief system but it was eventually abolished and replaced with the single life theory along with eternal bliss or damnation in the hereafter. They use this belief system to enslave and manipulate the masses of believers. In the case the of the church, they would even sell indulgences - papers that promised absolution from sin. I found this rather intriguing and I thought I shared this here as it is pretty similar to Buddhism.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2014, 01:27:30 AM »
First of all - Buddhism does NOT convert anyone to become a Buddhist. Buddhist philosophy can be used by different faiths like Christians, Moslem, Judaism, Hinduism and even science can adopt the outlook of Buddhism.

Buddhism is just a label to a philosophy that spreads love, compassion, happiness, peace, reality, truth, care for others, being mindful, awareness. These are values that ANYONE can incorporate into their "polluted" or "soiled" body, speech and mind.

If Jennifer Aniston decides to take up Buddhism is her way of life, then all the best for her and her life will definitely transform for the better for her and people around her.


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Re: Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2014, 06:17:13 AM »
I have actually saw a documentary and it claims that an old branch of Kabbalah actually believes in reincarnation! Apparently, the old judeo-christian religions had this belief system but it was eventually abolished and replaced with the single life theory along with eternal bliss or damnation in the hereafter. They use this belief system to enslave and manipulate the masses of believers. In the case the of the church, they would even sell indulgences - papers that promised absolution from sin. I found this rather intriguing and I thought I shared this here as it is pretty similar to Buddhism.

The following is taken from Kabbah Online at about reincarnation in the Jewish faith. It's interesting that they have a misconception that Buddhist view of understanding is based on fatalism (philosophical doctrine stressing the subjugation of all events or actions to fate - wikipedia). Reincarnation is a natural phenomena that Buddha observed and spoke about. So it is not exclusive to Buddhism.

"Consequently, many Jews are surprised to learn, or may even wish to deny, that reincarnation - the "revolving" of souls through a succession of lives, or "gilgulim" - is an integral part of Jewish belief. But this teaching has always been around. And it is firmly rooted in source-verses.

Examples abound. Ramban, one of the greatest commentators on the Torah (and on the Talmud), and a seminal figure in Jewish history, hints several times that reincarnation is the key to penetrating the deep mysteries involved in the mitzvah of yibum (the obligation of the brother of a childless, deceased man to marry the widow). In his explanation of Gen 38:8, he insists that Yehudah and his sons were aware of the secret of reincarnation, and that this was a major factor in their respective attitudes towards Tamar...

The Jewish understanding of reincarnation is different from Buddhist doctrines. It in no way leads to fatalism. At every point of moral decision in his life, a Jew has complete free choice. If not for freedom of choice, how unfair it would be of G-d to make demands of us - especially when reward and punishment is involved! Reincarnation does not imply pre-determination. It is, rather, an opportunity for rectification and soul-perfection.

The holy Ari explained it most simply: every Jew must fulfill all 613 mitzvot, and if he doesn't succeed in one lifetime, he comes back again and again until he finishes. For this reason, events in a person's life may lead him towards certain places, encounters, etc., in ways that may or may not make sense. Divine providence provides each person with the opportunities he needs to fulfill those particular mitzvot necessary for the perfection of his soul. But the responsibility lies with us. At the actual moment of decision in any given situation, the choice is ours."


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Re: Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2014, 04:04:39 PM »
As people gets older and especially for those who have it all and done it all; such as celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, they most probably find life less meaningful. Some immerse in a hobby, some in charity while some like Aniston look into religion. I can't help but think that there is a level of "unsatisfactoriness" in her life ie "suffering" that is the First Noble Truth that she is feeling and she is trying to find a answer and a solution. I hope she will chose Buddhism as I believe is the only way for true long term happiness.


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Re: Aniston Considers Buddhism Conversion
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2014, 05:56:32 AM »
There you go! Another person realising the benefits of Buddhism. This is also probably has a lot to do with people realising thru their life experiences and Buddhism can really relate! It tells us logic and which is why i believe in Buddhism. Prior to this, i didn't really believed in anything. I would think praying to GODs are superstitious acts and always wonder will it be bringing any real benefit worshiping without knowing anything. It is through learning that i can relate to things clearer and the teachings are applicable to what i experienced in real life.