This is inspiring to see that these monks despite all the hardships, difficulties, threats and problems they receive from their own people and their own hypocritical Govt, they did not lose faith and they still continued on. To see this brings tears to my eyes, I feel a little sad seeing that they don't even have ritual tables so that they can place their ritual items on it, instead it is on the floor! Oh my goodness, boy are we spoilt, and boy are they so humble and so sincere!
Seeing these humble monks, giving up their lives to study the Dharma, to gain attainments to benefit others, and to continue what their Gurus have taught gives me inspiration to do more to bring down the injustice ban. Many of them suffered so much because of the ban. Nothing really good is coming out of the ban except the truth about Dorje Shugden and educating the world about who Dorje Shugden really is!
I will work hard to bring the ban down, I will keep telling my friends about this injustice and the world through the internet what is going on and the injustice that is happening!