Author Topic: Namka Barzin  (Read 10251 times)


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Re: Namka Barzin
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2012, 01:50:52 AM »
No matter what is being said, all the High Lamas who practiced Shugden are coming back one by one in their full glory, manifesting clear signs and activities of their past lives. So that proves that Dorje Shugden is not a spirit. Furthermore, with the ban in place, if Shugden was really worldly he would have said many nasty things against HHDL by now, but the fact that he is still respecting HHDL shows that he is not a worldly being  but an enlightened one. Seems that Shugden's qualities are getting clearer and clearer because of the ban.


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Re: Namka Barzin
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2012, 01:38:09 PM »

A blessing came when Domo Geshe Rinpoche, who was then the abbot of Dungkar Monastery, heard of this bad news and came to subdue this angry spirit. After successfully subduing Namkar Barzin, Domo Geshe Rinpoche made him take an oath to protect Dharma teachings and the area where Dungkar Monastery was situated. His Oracle was established in Dungkar Monastery.

Domo Geshe Rinpoche thus put Namkar Barzin under the command of Dorje Shugden as the second minister of Dorje Shugden’s entourage, where he will be able to collect vast merits and benefit countless sentient beings for infinite lifetimes.

Hmmmmmmmm, and if Shugden has been acused for being a demon, I wonder why the young incarnation of Dome Geshe Rinpoche is back and currently is residing in Shar Gaden. Shouldn't Domo Geshe Rinpoche be in the lower realms if he practices Shugden..."the demon".

Do read about the enthronement of HE Domo Geshe Rinpoche in the below link

 Oh dear , you got a very good point !! All the high lama practice Dorje Shugden . And they come back to teach and grown the pratice!

H. E Dome Geshe Rinpoche is 8year old , this year. And he is very smart and clever. Even he have a super extremely good memories to remind all the dharma text book !!


Ratna Shugden

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Re: Namka Barzin
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2012, 02:43:21 PM »
If we view the mongolian Geshe Namka Barzin as an ordinary sentient being, his accumulation of merit over his previous lifetimes & in his last human existence is a contributing factor for Him to become a retinue of Dorje Shugden even though it is not known whether he ever wished this or if he even know about Dorje Shugden at all. I believe that he had ever vowed to manifest as a Dharma Protector in one of his many lifetimes, nothing can happen without first planting a cause.

He died tragically without fulfilling his wish to be an ordained lama, but he ended up being part of the retinue of Dorje Shugden,who are responsible for protecting the pure doctrine of Je Tsongkhapa, he got more than what he had originally wished for!

Dharma practitioners should rejoice in his amazing good fortune.
May we all accumulate vast amount of merits for the same supra mundane miracle to happen for ourselves in this lifetime or in future existences.

On the other hand, he may be the emanation of a Buddha, manifesting as an ordinary human being, dying a tragic death,seeking revenge on his tormentors after death, & terrorizing the area before being subdued by a high Lama.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Namka Barzin
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2015, 04:56:35 AM »
"Namkar Barzin is the second minister to Dorje Shugden after Kache Marpo. He is one of the newest members of Dorje Shugden’s entourage, whose history goes back to around 60-75 years ago. He is not an enlightened being but an oath-bound Dharma Protector, after being subdued as a raging spirit by Domo Geshe Rinpoche and placed under the command of Dorje Shugden." Quote from post by Thaimonk.

We study history in school and we talk about the past (history) constantly.  And some history that we read are very very long ago as far back as thousands of years.

The story and history of Namkar Barzin is relatively new only 75 years ago, and in my opinion it is real and can be verified as the places mentioned still exist.

The above also will lead us to understand and believe how the Tibet Buddhism works and how pure and real the doctrines are as they are recorded and verified.

In studying the history of Namka Barzin we also learn that the legends on the Great Sages and Masters of Tibetan Buddhism is pure and real.

Another point that comes to my mind is that with the incarnations of Great Masters, we are in a fortunate era to be lead towards the path of Dharma, Liberation and Enlightenment when we put in our efforts. Lovely story.


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Re: Namka Barzin
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2015, 02:33:42 PM »
Very intrigued by Namka Bardzin the protector  and especially the animal qilin /gyaling  which appears during the time of a arrival or passing of a great sage  or illustrious ruler....

Domo Geshe Rinpoche is super compassionate  to bring a new protector into the Dorje Shugden Mandala,  whereby this newest  protector being  by serving in the Dorje Shugden Mandala will purify  lots of karma and collect merits...


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Re: Namka Barzin
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2015, 07:24:25 AM »
Namka Barzin is said to be especially effective is protecting against the elements. I guess as a wordly protector he is even closer to us and with the focus on wisdom (the sword) and tantra (the skullcup) he would be very effective in worldly wrathful activities.

This how I read it. I am not sure if this is correct. Morever, as a minister of Lord Dorje Shugden; an Enlightened protector, propitiating him is safe because is in the mandala of Dorje Shugden.