Author Topic: Death Meditation  (Read 15114 times)


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Death Meditation
« on: May 18, 2014, 11:52:24 PM »
For an attained being, the subtle consciousness can stay in the body in meditation for as long as he chooses to remain after being certified clinical death.   This is an interesting living dead for 20 days video:


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Re: Death Meditation
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2014, 12:20:46 PM »
Other signs of the consciousness leaving the body are 1) when all heat has left the area of the heart centre (in the centre of the chest), 2) the body starts to smell or decompose, 3) a subtle awareness that the consciousness has left and the body has become like 'an empty shell', 4) a slumping of the body in a practitioner who has been sitting in meditation after the stopping of the breath. Buddhists generally prefer that the body not be removed for disposal before one or more of these signs occur, because until then the consciousness is still in the body and any violent handling of it may disturb the end processes of death.


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Re: Death Meditation
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2014, 11:50:15 AM »
Tukdam (thugs dam) is an honorific term for meditative practice and experience that is frequently used to refer to the period following the death of a great master, during which time they are absorbed in luminosity.

As Sogyal Rinpoche describes it in "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying" :
"A realized practitioner continues to abide by the recognition of the nature of mind at the moment of death, and awakens into the Ground Luminosity when it manifests. He or she may even remain in that state for a number of days. Some practitioners and masters die sitting upright in that state for a number of days. Some practitioners and masters die sitting upright in meditation posture, and others in the “posture of the sleeping lion.” Besides their perfect poise, there will be other signs that show they are resting in the state of the Ground Luminosity: There is still a certain color and glow in their face, the nose does not sink inward, the skin remains soft and flexible, the body does not become stiff, the eyes are said to keep a soft and compassionate glow, and there is still a warmth at the heart. Great care is taken that the master’s body is not touched, and silence is maintained until he or she has arisen from this state of meditation."


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Re: Death Meditation
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2014, 04:55:29 PM »

Death is inevitable right from the moment of birth.Life has a definite and inflexible limit. Death is always a breath away and is unexpected.
It is best to focus on spiritual path,so the inner positive qualities can enhance the mental development to prevent any negativity from entering the mind and thwart the quest for a better next life. only the spiritual and mental can be of help at death.
The nine round meditation are practiced along with meditation on the process of death to completely eliminate the fear of death.Focus on the truth of these statement and value life more,but need to understand why to focus on spiritual riches rather than worldly ones.

Tenzin K

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Re: Death Meditation
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2014, 08:38:34 PM »

While there are certainly more meditations out there that are harder to do, this one is one of the hardest to do well, even for experienced meditators. This meditation, in fact, is more or less insight focused, since it can't be developed very far by means of concentration or be much use for relaxation, but the scope of benefits are vast. Indeed what seems such a grim and depressing meditation has such a beautiful and enlivening aspect that a wise practitioner will examine.
Firstly consider the many ways this meditation can go astray. Just like many other meditations, this one seldom stays on target and the mind wanders about in a whole scope of ways. The problem is a complicated duality in the mind, part of the mind wants to look into the subject of death, another part wants not only deny it but to stay as far away from the subject as possible. Some examples of many to avoid thinking about are:
•   The death of yourself in terms of fantasy such as how you'd imagine your funeral, who you would see and what you would like to say to them.
•   How you will die as it provokes fear and anxiety.
•   How other people that you love will die, since it will make you sad or anxious.
•   How others will die that you don't like because it will make you feel glad for all the wrong reasons.
•   Where you and others will go after death. This often causes the most problems as the mind starts to become anxious, or is more likely to become prone to fantasy.
•   Falling into melancholia, or other emotions such as regret, fear, anger, worry etc. Crudely speaking, if the practitioner feels sad or angry (etc), it is a very clear sign they are not doing it right and so will need to start again.

Relax the tension and spend another few moments practicing awareness to become perfectly aware of what is going on in the mind. If it is still unsettled it is best to relax and focus on some aspect such as the breath a bit further, or to move to a different meditation practice, such as mindfulness. Once you feel that you are relaxed, stable and aware start to consider one of all of the following suggestions, keeping consistent awareness in check.

    Consider the event of death as having the appearance of an assassin. No matter when or where you are, you won't escape this appointment.
    Consider the indifference of the end of life. No matter how successful you are in your ventures, or how much you plan, beg or negotiate there is nothing that can prevent it.
Expand you scope and compare to all peoples. The famous and wealthy, those who do good things, those who are very strong mentally or physically, had perfect health (etc), those with power, technology (etc), were sages, saints, prophets or wise people. None could prevent death. It's not a matter of ability, or attainments or personal status.
•   Consider how the body is composite and an ecosystem. Your body is host to bacteria in the gut, viruses, parasites, skin flora etc. Likewise composite in the biological sense of blood, flesh etc. These things can keep you alive (in the normal sense) or make you fatally ill if any part becomes infected.
•   Observe the conditional nature of life. You need food & water, sleep, air, light, the right temperatures (etc), you need the organs and muscles to be able to breath, pump blood, digest food etc. You need the ability to get food and know safety and danger etc. Can you live without them?
•   Evaluate it can be natural or unnatural. Death may occur in our sleep, or we may be involved in an accident or other event. It can be at our choosing, or without our choosing.
•   Consider its unpredictability. We will never really know how long life is, when the time comes, how or where. There's no way to properly define how and when with 100% certainty.
•   Think about the shortness of life. A long life is 90 to 100 years, few live beyond that or even make it that far. Days soon become weeks, months, years etc.
•   Look at the shortness of the moment. We are only here now, the past is gone and the future isn't here yet. Tomorrow (technically) never comes, there's only the "now", which doesn't stop because people die.
•   Measure these against you own experiences of people you know that have died. Also expand to understanding that death happens constantly, everywhere on earth something or someone, somewhere is dying right now.
•   This section is about recognizing the that everyone experiences a struggle against death at some point or often in their lives either out of fear, despair, anger and other concerns. Nobody wants death when they live happy lives, but it is important to reflect there are many people who do not live happy lives and become either embittered by unhappiness, or experience so much pain they wish to end their lives. Regardless of our own levels of happiness and aspirations, it comes to us all. Regardless of who we are and what wonderful things we may attain, it too will come to us eventually. The fight against it, as well as the feelings about death and what comes afterwards causes so much distress, sorrow and anger in the world and ourselves. The practitioner should question the wisdom of extreme emotions when we may die in a few seconds, days, months, years or decades. The things we cannot predict may be just around the corner.
Start to develop ways of accepting the fact by measuring against your own experiences. Have there been times that death has caused you fear or stress? The important aspect to investigate is that did the wanting to know, wanting to prevent or change already occurred deaths (etc) cause you misery? Ultimately what leads us back every time to the four noble truths is the wanting of things to be, or not to be. The question for the practitioner then to investigate, is does the stress, fear, anger (etc) abate, when that desire is released?
Start now to practice ways of improving the well being of your life. While the facts of life may cause of sorrow and despair, it still doesn't need to be so. Some ways of many to improve your happiness and well being are listed as follows, but the practitioner should reflect again that without sincerity, it will be virtually impossible to come to terms and transcend the issues.
•   Practice virtue. The innocent really do have nothing to fear.
•   Practice investigative understanding. The wise likewise have nothing to fear as they know that we can hasten illness, unhappiness and injury by living carelessly.
•   Practice appreciation. When we are unhappy with what we have, by valuing the many things that touch our hearts we balance out the dissatisfaction and we can build appreciation to make it of greater value.
•   Practice goodwill or loving kindness. Not just to others but ourselves when we fell angry about how we cannot prevent death, or that there isn't someone we can turn to to do it for us.
•   Practice equanimity. This pulls us back into balance when we run off into fits of emotion. Equanimity is the great balancer.
•   Practice compassion. Compassion finally reminds us that all beings are in the same boat, bound to the same wheel of life. Only when we understand how we are bound to it will we ever be free of it.


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Re: Death Meditation
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2014, 09:48:40 AM »
Some other aspects of "TUKDAM" shown by great masters :-

1) Gen Ahzung,  for example was in tukdam for 19days. He was a simple monk with few belongings. He outwardly portrayed himself as a humble monk who only did very simple practices. His heart practice which lasted his entire life was the recitation of the Praises to the 21 Arya Taras. He also devoted his life to Dorje shugden. When Gen Ahzung’s cremated remains were examined, rinsel relics (usually only found in the cremated remains of high lamas) were found. Gen Ahzung was a working monk, always ready to help the monastery in whatever way he could. One would hardly see him doing retreats or sacred rituals. However, it is evident that due to the power of keeping his samaya clean with his Gurus, Yidams and Protector, Gen Ahzung had achieved the attainments necessary to take full control of his death and bless us with inspiration.

2) Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche was in tukdam for just over one day.  There are many different levels of tukdam. Some practitioners can remain in tukdam due to their training in mundane shamatha and vipashyana; some due to proficiency in the visualization practices of the development stage. The length the tukdam lasts also varies; some may last for a month, some for a few weeks, and others a couple of days. At the end of Rinpoche's tukdam there were  two types of bodhichitta liquid, both white and red, flowing out of his nostrils, something that is said not to happen to just anyone. Red drops, deep red like blood, appeared from the left nostril, and totally clear liquid, but unlike mucous, came out of the right one. The tantric root texts explain that the red and white bodhichitta will appear from the nostrils of great masters to mark the conclusion of the tukdam. Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche was not only extremely adept in Vajrayana but also especially accomplished in the essential practice of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection.

3)Khamtrul Rinpoche stayed in tukdam, the ‘clear light' of death, for some weeks after physiological death had occurred - his body not collapsing but remaining youthful-looking and pleasant-smelling. More surprising still, when the time came for his cremation the mourners noticed that his large and formerly bulky body had mysteriously shrunk to the size of an eight-year-old child's. The coffin that they had originally made for him was now redundant and another smaller one had to be hastily constructed. The shrinking of the body in this manner was not unknown among Tibetan high lamas. To those who looked on, it was proof that Khamtrul Rinpoche had indeed reached a high level of spiritual attainment, one only surpassed by the ultimate triumph of achieving the ‘rainbow body' whereby at death the whole body is de-materialized, leaving nothing behind but the nails and hair. Such things could well be dismissed as spiritual science fiction were it not for the plethora of eye-witnesses and factual documentation to back them up.