Author Topic: Thailand Earthquake Beheads Buddha Statue  (Read 11505 times)


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Re: Thailand Earthquake Beheads Buddha Statue
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2014, 06:30:37 AM »
Buddha Shakyamuni expounded that every things that arise from cause and conditions are impermanent in nature. The creation of ours universe was also conditioned, the moment it was created and was destine to destruction and even his teachings (Dharma) itself be degenerated and lost in future. What more said about an images or statues of a Buddha which are created out of faith from Buddhist and which constructed from common materials?
Isn’t it the collective Karma of the peoples in the effected region that determine the inhabitant of the effected area to experience that event and individual karma that determined the magnitude of suffering?  The incident it self was neutral by nature, it is only us who perceive it as “catastrophical” when our interest are at stake.
The destruction of holy image now serves as the cause for others to collect merits by restoring it. ::)