Author Topic: Deepak Chopra Visits Albagnano  (Read 3453 times)


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Deepak Chopra Visits Albagnano
« on: May 31, 2014, 03:35:02 PM »
22 May 2014: Deepak Chopra, world-renowned healer and prominent advocate of alternative medicine paid a visit to H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche’s Albagnano Healing centre in Milano, Italy.

Internationally recognized as a healing Lama, H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche has attracted many like-minded people to come forward and share their views on alternative medicine. It is thus no surprise that this meeting of healing masters included the august presences of Lama Michel, Geshe Wangyel, H.E. Drupchen Rinpoche, the great Abbot Emeritus of Shar Gaden monastery, Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Pende and none other than H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche himself.

Deepak Chopra later mentioned in his Instagram feed that meeting with these healing masters was akin to radiating the light of healing together. A very happy and fulfilling occasion indeed!

I have mentioned previously that Dorje Shugden lamas are becoming world reknown and famous and hence are in a better position to help with Tibetan independence and the issue with China. The Dorje Shugden Lamas are the cream of the crop of the Tibetans. The cream of the crop that the Tibetan nation could ever hope for.

And now this is happening as we speak, more and more Dorje Shugden lamas are given the recognition for their work to society and community.  Dorje Shugden lamas and students and monks work very hard, because of the ban , it is that much harder to raise funds, get students, teach etc etc. Hence due to the Dorje Shudgen lamas always have to work that much harder to make up for the ban, they have become super lamas in spreading the dharma. Hence the Dorje Shudgen lamas have the capability and ability to succeed unlike the CTA who just parasite the Dalai Lama for their success and their livelihood. Thats why CTA will fail to get back their homeland it is written in the stars.

Yay for Deepak Chopra.



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Re: Deepak Chopra Visits Albagnano
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2014, 04:38:28 PM »
I agree 100% with you that CTA is a parasite. And for that very reason they can never function as a proper 'government' for the Tibetans, because they are highly reliant on HHDL, therefore they need to protect and at the same time make their 'cash cow' happy. I wouldn't see any other reason for the CTA to enforce the Shugden ban except to protect their relationship with Dalai Lama, such selfish reason.

I guess now Deepak Chopra wont be able to meet with the Dalai Lama anymore, since to the Tibetans, taking pictures with Shugden practitioners means you're a 'demon' too. Not only that, he may experience some economical boycott from these people and at the same time receive comments that why he affiliate himself with Shugden practitioners. LOL!

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: Deepak Chopra Visits Albagnano
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2014, 10:27:28 AM »
This is good to see that someone on the world stage such as Deepak Chopra, who's name is known by people all over the world, whether religiously inclined or not has meet this holy Shugden lamas. At least now he may be informed about the practice, though this is not clear in this particular post. Maybe if things progress well with this new found interaction, he could be of some help in bring the plight of Shugden practitioners to the world stages, or at least highlighting it's importance. 

Big Uncle

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Re: Deepak Chopra Visits Albagnano
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2014, 10:56:20 AM »
I dunno why CTA and the Tibetan lay govt would be so nasty as to implement a ban and then put them on a hit list. Of all people who understand the meaning of being a tulku and the signs of tulku? How could they do this to their own lamas? I am just glad many of the Shugden lamas are beyond the reach of CTA and are safely propagating the Dharma and performing their enlightened activity outside of India and Tibet.

It is of course interesting to see that these lamas have managed to set root amongst foreigners and that CTA are surely loosing out because of their incredible influence on the world stage like Gangchen Rinpoche. It's just too bad how the ban has turned friends and relatives have become enemies by virtue of the deity that they worship.


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Re: Deepak Chopra Visits Albagnano
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2014, 12:09:43 PM »
If there had been no ban on the Dorje Shugden practice, CTA stands a better chance of fighting for the independence of Tibet or its autonomy. With so many Dorje Shugden high lamas, lay practitioners being ostracized, CTA had lost a pool  resources to help in its administration. This is akin to a brain drain of knowledge workforce. How pathetic a situation CTA had put themselves into! Instead of working to build a formidable workforce for the betterment of Tibetans and their future, CTA wasted so much and unnecessary resources on Dorje Shugden issues.