To be honest, despite this topic "Shouldn't Dorje Shugden people be allowed to redeem themselves?", i find that the ban is really ridiculous. Those people including CTA who execute the ban are even more ridiculous. I think they don't have Guru. Dalai Lama claimed practicing Dorje Shugden will shorten his life, claimed practicing Dorje Shugden will go to the lower realm, excuse me, who said? Dalai Lama said. Hello?

?? Am I in Buddhism??? Buddhism, all the Buddha's teaching are about truth, logical, traceable, yes, the key word is "traceable", able to trace, the truth, some even can be explained by science nowadays. It's just because of Dalai Lama said so, not logic at all, so they execute the ban??? And expect everybody abandon their Guru and give up Dorje Shugden practice??? What other words than ridiculous can I use to say this? Dalai Lama and CTA are really out of their mind. And who is Dalai Lama? Chenrezig? Who said so? Since Dalai Lama said his Guru is wrong, then who said Dalai Lama is Chenrezig is correct? What if Donald Trump said this Dalai Lama is fake??? Come on, The President of United State said Dalai Lama is fake! Wouldn't it be more appealing than what Dalai Lama said?
Ok, back to the topic. Yes, Dorje Shugden people should be allowed to redeem themselves from the religion point of view. They should be rescued, since they said practicing Dorje Shugden is worshiping devil. But, there's no such thing under the governance of Tibetan Leadership. No such thing is rescue, no such thing is redeem. They (the Tibetan Leadership) do things blindly, bluntly, selfishly, do you think they care about redeeming oneself?
Lastly, to be honest, will you listen to someone who can loudly say his Guru is wrong? Will you listen to someone who doesn't have Guru devotion? If all his Guru, all the high Lama were wrong, then who is he? Even the high Lama who claim Dalai Lama is Chenrezig could be wrong. So, who is right?