Author Topic: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA  (Read 11136 times)


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2014, 03:07:39 PM »
This is what makes this site THE foremost of all sites providing correct and detailed information pertaining to the truth of the ban against the practice of Dorje Shugden. The anti Shugden camp headed by the CTA just listen to the Dalai Lama who decided to impose the ban after claiming he did some checks and concluded that Dorje Shugden is a spirit. Worse still, the morons in CTA decided to take actions into their own hands and started to incite the anti Shugden people to use foul and offensive words against their own kind who wanted to continue with their practice and who wanted to be left in peace. Since harsh and foul words were not enough they decided to use verbal and written threats, and physical violence. And now they are writing letters threatening non Tibetans who are Dorje Shugden practitioners. What will CTA do next? I shudder to guess.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2014, 11:41:13 PM »
The name server are used by many websites. I don't think we can link them together. However the name and physical phone number do point to the fact that the same person is involved in both organization.

I thank the author for finding the facts and linking the "missing piece" between GTVT and CTA. IMHO, all these information are just too coincidental. If we say they are not linked, it is difficult to believe.

However, from the standard behavior of CTA, I think they don't really care about it. There are just so many links of violence to CTA, but do they care? Even HH Dalai Lama "praise" the monastery for chasing out the Dorje Shugden practitioners. The CTA website has a "hit list" and openly incite violence. There are so many videos of the monks and lay people inciting hatred and violence against Dorje Shugden practitioners. But does it even affect CTA a bit? I don't think they even bother to hide their involvement in all the violence. To me, this is the sign of pure arrogance, because they know nobody can "touch" them.

Well, there is a way to "touch" them, and that is to stop the funds from going to CTA. CTA has many sponsor, and most sponsor because of their peace front. If the world finds out about their evilness, the sponsors will stop their funding, THEN the CTA will "behave"...

I agreed that CTA doesn't bother to cover what they're doing but it could also mean they have no control for certain kind of information such as videos recording that have leaked out due to the effort of those who helped to spread the truth.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2014, 08:57:24 AM »
Thanks Manisha Kudo for the evidence. For me personally, this is a confirmation of what I instinctively suspected when the mails first came up. it doesn't have to come from the same servers, domains, ip addresses. The links to me is by association, and that is good enough "evidence" for me.

The CTA and these DS hate mails does note project a good image of Tibet and the Tibetan culture of being spiritual. It is a monkey show in reality and it does affect real people and make real people suffer. It is such a shame to let Tibetan spirituality, the culture of compassion the the HHDL represents and common sense down this way. It is totally opposite of the Dharma.

It is something of a bad example of what not to do. That is the only good thing that come out of this.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2014, 09:04:25 AM »
These hate Mails is dangerous to the CTA themselves and to leave a trail of evidence so easy to detect is really stupid. I shudder to think how the CTA can be an effective government for Tibetans if they can commit such basic mistakes. But then again no wonder they cannot make any head way for the Tibetan cause for the last 55 years.

They really look like bungling and corrupt politicians of backward third world countries who sounds and look stupid in everything they do. They murder, torture, impede basic human rights  and practice nepotism/cronyism and expect the world to take their side. How ignorant?!!


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2014, 04:31:09 PM »
By far this is the closest we had got to uncover the mastermind behind all the recent unethical & brutality act towards Shugden practitioner around the world. With all these solid evidences pointing towards the CTA presence in these activities, the CTA will be very careful from now on in all their activities fearing that their true identity may be exposed.

Instilling fear & misguiding their own people against “evil” Shugden worshippers will only create disharmony & further delay the progress to free Tibet. It is very disheartening to discover that the capability & integrity of the government who was formed with the sole intention to free Tibet, to unite & protect all Tibetan People is link to such acts.

I hope that the CTA & the pro-Dalai Lama people will seriously consider how close they are being expose here & to quickly put a stop to all these unjust, pointless & childish acts towards the peace loving Shugden worshippers who wants nothing more than just to practise the pure Gelug Teachings.

Thank you for such important finding which may eventually help to lift the ban on Shugden practices.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2014, 09:01:55 AM »
We need more facts and concrete evidence like this in order to reveal the very truth who is behind all these unnecessary disharmony and conflict among the Tibetan from the day the ban had been imposed. Using unethical ways and misleading the general public with their lies. Luckily, the younger generation of the Tibetan people will not take or follow blindly of what the CTA been feeding the public with their stories. These younger group will read and analyse which i think contradict of what CTA claimed Dorje Shugden practitioners to be an "evil" worshippers.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2014, 10:05:52 AM »
What  are the motivations behind the CTA  , creating  violences, hatred, lies   which eventually lead to disharmony amongst the Tibetan nations and in worse scenario, Tibet will probably ended up being split into two due to the CTA irresponsible actions. Even with solid evidences proving their disrespectful  actions but sad to see that eventually the CTA do not really realize the cause and effect of their action. CTA,  please stop all your  dirty tricks and movements. As the proverb goes “Curses like chickens come home to roost”. Lift the ban and allow the freedom of religion to all Tibetans.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2014, 03:36:50 PM »
This is a thorough investigation and good information. It is solid evidence and I would like to thank Manisha Kudo and for doing a good job to expose and proved that the CTA is involved in these hate mails.  Needless to say, the CTA felt threatened as they are being watched by the whole world for creating so much disharmony and violence amongst the Tibetans and the DS practitioners. I wonder what move the CTA will do next. Why can’t the CTA be more civilized instead of acting like cowards and create so much trouble and hatred for the DS practitioners? It is not necessarily to resort in such barbaric manner, just have a peaceful dialogue to discuss the matter. Religious freedom is the basic right of every human being and there should be no suppression or threats!


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2014, 11:59:41 AM »
I believe that the CTA should not mix politics and spirituality.
I'll make it more clear: I believe that the CTA should not be involved in spirituality.
I'll make it even more clear: I believe the CTA should not even be involved in politics all together.
I believe the CTA would be more helpful to care for the Tibetans in exile, and not to interfere with the Tibetans in China, nor with politics at all, nor with spiritual affairs.
I think that caring for an exiled community that claims cultural roots in Tibet should be their only job and withdraw from claims over the Chinese region of Tibet nor over whatever is political or spiritual.
I see the CTA can be a cultural association or a NGO, just like an association that would cater for the people claiming Armenian cultural roots and that live outside of the Armenian region (just to make an example), without any hidden political agenda nor spiritual bias.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #24 on: August 09, 2014, 01:09:42 PM »
Baring the CTA’s clandestine activities, the world especially religious Americans and EU, ought to exercise due diligence when deciding to cast their support for Tibet.  What is NOT acceptable is that we support Tibet blindly no matter what CTA does in wilfully distorting the truth that Dorje Shugden is an"evil spirit" and because it is the Dalai Lama, the world spiritual leader, who proclaims the ban thereby creating human rights abuses and violations and causing suffering of million Shugden Buddhists.  People ought to support righteousness, not nations. If a nation does right, then support it. If, however, it does evil, withdraw your support.

For me, China enjoys a slight advantage over the CTA for my support. One foundational reason is the Tibetan leadership decree that they intend to "destroy the most beneficial practice of Buddha Dorje Shugden to mankind from the face of the earth." To me that qualifies as unrighteous.  CTA have shown themselves in many ways and cases to be violent, willing to oppress those who do not agree with them or who have made peaceful protest for restricting their freedom to religion. That too qualifies as unrighteous.

China on the other hand, have shown support and encourage the growth of Buddhism and Dorje Shugden practice to spread and flourish on earth for the benefit of all beings.  That is righteousness.  So any decision to support a nation ought to be based on Buddhist ethics, not blind allegiance based on some dicey interpretation of one person who has a celebrity status to a complete blatant lie.

Let our support for any nation be according to truth, not blind allegiance.  Support comes in many forms and hence we ought to be mindful.


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Re: Evidence of Anti- DS Hate Mails Linking to CTA
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2014, 03:57:19 PM »
It is acts like these that are responsible for creating disunity amongst Tibetans thereby weakening the Tibetan cause". What cause??? CTA must be still in dream land to think that they still have a cause in freeing Tibet. It is a lost cause. Which government/nation would support an administration whose primary objective is to divide her own people and hide behind religion? Declaring Dorje Shugden to be an evil spirit with no basis and trying to distort history is how weak administration hide behind religion in making sweeping statements. I think those countries can see through the hypocrisy and weakness of CTA and are just being diplomatic to them.