Author Topic: Stop Violating Human Rights Dalai Lama!  (Read 5456 times)


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Stop Violating Human Rights Dalai Lama!
« on: August 14, 2014, 01:45:07 AM »
Millions of Dorje Shugden practitioners have been experiencing religious discrimination and human rights abuses for nearly 20 years because of the Dalai Lama's ban on Dorje Shugden.

The Dalai Lama travels all around the world preaching religious tolerance and universal human rights but continues to abuse the rights of Shugden followers. He doesn't practice what he preaches, his words are just empty words without any substance.

The Dalai Lama accuses the Chinese of abusing the human rights of Tibetans, yet he is abusing the human rights of Dorje Shugden practitioners.  Isn't he a Hypocrite?


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Re: Stop Violating Human Rights Dalai Lama!
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2014, 02:07:01 AM »
The Dalai Lama is a major hypocrite.  He bothers to say, have peace and tolerance over there you guys but then won't apply the same to his own life.  It is so very easy to preach anything, but to live it is really the 2nd half of the teaching, otherwise how will anyone have faith to try what you are saying?
  So, he says Buddhists to remember teaching of Buddha in Myanmar (which is good advice, but then look at him....).  So it doesn't work to be a hypocrite and in fact turns people against religion more than anything else....
  I know a lot of Christians who don't want to go to church because they say the place is full of hypocrites... so maybe the Dalai Lama didn't realize that in a modern world with video and also since a lot more people can read now, that he wouldn't get completely away with lying.... but will just be turning off everyone from Buddhism.... which is a very heinous act.... but since he is so busy destroying Buddhism in every way possible maybe he didn't have time to worry about it....


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Re: Stop Violating Human Rights Dalai Lama!
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2014, 08:06:54 AM »
The image the Dalai Lama projects out to the world differs from the image he shows his own people. On one hand, he is promoting peace and compassion to the world. He visits all religious centres wherever he travels to promote harmony. But there isn't any harmony in the Tibetan community.

I am sure he is very well informed on the Dorje Shugden ban but he and his people keep on denying that there is such a ban. All he needs to do is to allow the practice of Dorje Shugden across the board. He may not want to practice but others may want to. This is called the freedom of choice, the basic human rights.

All the CTA could do is to accuse the Chinese government for paying the protestors to demonstrate wherever the Dalai Lama wants. Why would any protestors protest if there is no suppression?


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Re: Stop Violating Human Rights Dalai Lama!
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2014, 09:32:12 AM »
Yeah, I know that the protestors are supposed to be getting paid, I think I am supposed to be getting paid for saying the prayers, going to a Shugden temple, writing on the forum.  Then I want to know why I am so broke:).... anyway, I would never take money for doing a practice because that would be very mixed and worldly motive, but it's not like anyone has offered to pay me for chanting prayers....  ::)


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Re: Stop Violating Human Rights Dalai Lama!
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2014, 02:44:15 PM »
Since the ban, Dorje Shugden monks and nuns have been subjected to sign oaths to abandon their faith in Dorje Shugden or be expelled from their monasteries. They are also denied entry to shops, restaurants, hospitals and other public services. Incitements of hatred have also led to violence towards DS practitioners. All these deprivation is due to the ban which was created by the Dalai Lama, and he alone is in the position to rectify this yet he chose not to. As a Buddhist leader who always promotes peace and compassion, this ban is contrary to what he preached!!!


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Re: Stop Violating Human Rights Dalai Lama!
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2014, 07:38:51 PM »
The banning of Dorje Shugden is definitely a violation of human rights. Just like how China "attacked" (or whatever you want to call it) Tibet and wiping out Tibet's culture & heritage, it is a violation of human rights. While HH Dalai Lama and CTA yelled that China is violating human rights, they are doing the same s**t in their own backyard.

Hey CTA, your constitution stated clearly that your citizens have freedom to practice religions. It is time you  honour your words already!!


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Re: Stop Violating Human Rights Dalai Lama!
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2014, 02:53:01 AM »
Yes, His Holiness Dalai Lama is very kind and speak out against caste based discrimination when he visited Zanskar ( ). However, on the other hand he is asking Tibetans not to enroll their children to Shugden Monasteries. ( ) Not logical at all.

Even the Tibetan youth are questioning why their friend who are shudgen practitioners are discriminated? (

CTA, please do what you are supposed to do as a government. Treat all equally and do not discriminate the Shugden practitioners from their social, education, medical rights! Lift the ban!


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Re: Stop Violating Human Rights Dalai Lama!
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2014, 04:04:05 AM »
The banning of Dorje Shugden is definitely a violation of human rights. Just like how China "attacked" (or whatever you want to call it) Tibet and wiping out Tibet's culture & heritage, it is a violation of human rights. While HH Dalai Lama and CTA yelled that China is violating human rights, they are doing the same s**t in their own backyard.

Hey CTA, your constitution stated clearly that your citizens have freedom to practice religions. It is time you  honour your words already!!

People that know what is going on really can see this is a violation of human rights.  Oh wait-- people who know what is going on AND understand human rights can see that there is a ban and it's a violation of human rights.  I often think how the Dalai Lama is supposed to have said that China took over Tibet because like you know the Tibetans had bad karma (which I am pretty sure we all share since probably most of us have lived in Buddhist Tibet in past lives).  So anyway, I always think, you know the Tibetans and Buddhists have bad karma because the Dalai Lama leads them in such bad directions.  Like it seems like the tendency similar to the cause that he is treating Shugdens badly, dividing lineages, lying non-stop about it to the west, etc..  I mean, the issue is that people don't understand Buddhism, so they follow him, which is really very sad, or in some cases they are just not wanting to get killed by his dictatorial government/crazier followers which is very sad.  I really do see the Dalai Lama as one of our kind mothers; please may we pray that he lift the ban, study about human rights from a UN book, etc..  I often ask Vajrasattva to purify all of our karma about this ban, and always pray that the Dalai Lama will see the error of his ways.


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Re: Stop Violating Human Rights Dalai Lama!
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2014, 04:28:33 AM »
Matthew 7:3

"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

One leader that installed a regime of apartheid has no credit to speak of freedom and tolerance.
The political regime that puts such apartheid in action has no credit as a political organization.


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Re: Stop Violating Human Rights Dalai Lama!
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2014, 11:52:31 PM »
The Tibetans must stand up together and speak up for their rights of religious freedom and tolerance for their fellow Tibetans. Continue silence doesn't change anything and the situation is going to become worst with CTA becoming more aggressive in their act to silence anyone who are in support of Dorje Shugden. This is totally ridiculous. Why would a government has a say in your religious beliefs?