I don't think I am shifting the blame from the Dalai Lama to CTA.
It would be surprising indeed if you would confess to your tortuous behavior.
Indeed, would you confess that your highest priority here is to protect the evil dalai, shifting the blame for his crimes to the ”CTA”, while keeping the facade of being a Dorje Shugden supporter, you would frustrate your own project.
Because your project is shameful, you must deny it, which is precisely what you have just done.
I actually think CTA should be held more responsible for the crimes of persecution because the Dalai Lama has retired from political office and that the political power in upholding the Dorje Shugden ban rests solely upon CTA.
Then, according to your logic, Al Capone should be acquitted for his crimes if only he would declare himself ”retired” from his mafia boss office.
The evil dalai, not the ”CTA” stooges, is the
de facto political power within exiled Tibetan community, and specifically behind the anti-Shugden ban.
The only reason why one would brandish the ridiculous argument that the perpetrator is ”innocent” because he ”has retired” is the politically motivated wish to protect the criminal.
According to your agenda, the evil dalai must,
by definition, be above and beyond any blame. Therefore, even if the evil dalai says with all the letters, as he does, that his witch-hunt against Dorje Shugden practitioners will be ”like the Cultural Revolution”, you will ignore what he says, and put all the blame only and strictly on your convenient scapegoat, the ”CTA”.
Thus, you blame the ”CTA” just as a method to divert attention from the actual criminal; that's what scapegoats exist for, to start with.
This means that, under the guise of supporting the religious freedom of Dorje Shugden practitioners, your actual priority is to protect and preserve the public image of the very criminal brutally violating such religious freedom.
Which means, behind your empty, sycophantic words of support to Dorje Shugden as a ”great protector” or whatever, merely aimed at gaining the sympathy of unsuspecting Shugden practitioners, you are in fact hell bent on destroying this very practice, through your staunch support to its most harmful, sworn enemy.
I don't see why they should get away scot-free.
Of course. If the intended scapegoat, the ”CTA”, gets away scot-free, then the actual criminal, the evil dalai, cannot get away scot-free. And since your life's task is to protect the criminal dalai, then you will persistently blame the available scapegoat, in case the ”CTA”, while keeping the facade of a Shugden supporter.
I actually think that there should be a strategy in bringing the ban down
The only possible strategy to bring down a ban is bringing down the perpetrator of such ban, in case, the evil dalai. As long as he enjoys
de facto power over Tibetans and Buddhists, he will enforce the ban and wreak havoc on them.
and that is to bring mounting pressure upon CTA to stop all forms of persecution against Shugden practitioners
The evil dalai's minions in the ”CTA” could not care less about your ”mounting pressure”. They serve the tyrant, the evil dalai, exactly as you do, and therefore they know that, no matter how much you and fifth-columnist pseudo-Shugdenists like you bark at them, nothing will happen at all, just because nothing is intended to happen to start with.
Indeed, your ”strategy” just aims at weakening and diverting the efforts towards the goal of ensuring religious freedom among Tibetans, which will be only achieved through placing the evil dalai where he belongs, the garbage bin of history.
and bring the Tibetan people together for a change.
Change? Evil dalai's lackays do not want any change.
I actually think that if we were to continue to demonize the Dalai Lama,
Then, according to you, not shifting the blame for the evil dalai's crimes to the ”CTA” means ”demonizing” the evil dalai, right?
Which means, you propose to protect the evil theocrat with some kind of papal ”infallibility” status, so that no matter how many heinous crimes he perpetrates, blaming him for such crimes would be tantamount to ”demonizing” him.
This shows again that you are just a lackay of the evil theocrat, transvestite as a Shugden supporter so as better to carry out your life's task of promoting the evil theocrat's absolutistic power.
it would only serve to rile up the Tibetans up more and enforce tougher measures against Tibetan Shugden practitioners. That's how I see it.
The ”tougher measures” against Shugden practitioners were clearly announced by your beloved theocrat; for instance when he, not the ”CTA”, announced that ”it will be like the Cultural Revolution”.
Therefore, what you propose is full submission to the evil theocrat, under the terroristic threat of even more duress from his side. But since such full submission is not feasible without destroying the practice of Dorje Shugden, this shows what is your actual purpose, no matter how much you may claim to be a ”Shugden supporter”.