Author Topic: Yogi Lotsawa David Gonsalez Losang Tsering in Tukdam  (Read 3193 times)


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Yogi Lotsawa David Gonsalez Losang Tsering in Tukdam
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:30:37 PM »
Dear Friends and those who know of this great Yogi Lotsawa and his works at Dechen Ling Press,

It is both my honor and sadness to announce that the breathing and heart beat of Lotsawa Losang Tsering stopped several days ago, however, there are unmistaken clear signs he is still in tukdam - his final meditation - and has not left his body yet. I can say with 100% confidence from many years of close relations that he is an advanced completion stage meditator. Please include this Mahayogi in your dedications that he may successfully realize the Union of No More Learning.

I will share more later. Thank you.


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Re: Yogi Lotsawa David Gonsalez Losang Tsering in Tukdam
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2014, 09:29:45 PM »
Dear Friends,

This Jetsun Yogi Lotsawa Heruka Losang Tsering (David Gonsalez) Rinpoche, it should be known was previously the son of the human woman who became the Dharma Protector Jetsunma Palden Lhamo; that he was a quiet Tulku in this present life - definite close student of Trijang Dorjechang in his immediate previous life, and close disciple of other Heruka lineage Gurus such as Sonam Tsemo. Though stories of miraculous occurrences and such could be shared, it is principally his extensive work for living beings that shines very brightly, particularly his life work completing many profound translations of Tibetan texts available at Dechen Ling Press website, where several tributes to him can now be read.

You as a practitioner should know this in particular: he completed the 9 preliminaries, over 40 fully qualified retreats with subsequent fire pujas, 100's of auxiliary fire pujas, his daily practice lasted appx 6hrs and included without missing a single day for many many years such things as Lama Chopa, Heruka body mandala self-initiation, Palden Lhamo Kangso and many other things, with very special emphasis on bodhichitta. He was incredibly steadfast with his vows and commitments, was constantly studying many Dharma texts, and at the close of this training remained in his final meditation of Tukdam for 3 days after the heart and breathing ceased. His example should be a lesson to the lazy, the doubtful, and those who are diligent needing further inspiration, that with true devotion and diligence in genuine practice great things can be accomplished!

I bow most respectfully to this Lord of Yoga. The world will be worse off without your emanation, Great Yogi Lotsawa Losang Tsering Rinpoche!