Author Topic: The most fitting objects of Refuge(and Protection) are the Three Jewels  (Read 6155 times)


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The most fitting objects of Refuge(and protection) are the Three Jewels. Here's why, as Pabongka Rinpoche explains it in the Lamrim(p.357). The four reasons, according to Pabongka Rinpoche, are the 4 unequalled qualities of the jewel of Buddha.

The first reason is that the Buddha is beyond all danger. He has freed himself from all danger as he has no more negative karma or imprints of such karma to be exhausted. Hence, no matter how Devadatta(his cousin and 'sworn enemy') tried to harm or kill him, he was always unsuccessful. Since the Buddha has freed himself from all danger, he is in the best position to help free all sentient beings from danger, directly and indirectly.

The second reason is that "he is skilled in the means to free others from danger". Proof of this is in his ability to subdue Angulimala (who had been consumed by great hostility and had killed 999 people ) and free him from the potential danger of going to the Hell Realm.

The third reason is that the Buddha "reacts compassionately to all, without feelings of intimacy or distance". Hence, by the strength of this virtue, he was able to free Devadatta from illness by swearing that he loved Devadatta(his 'sworn enemy' ) and Rahula, his only son, equally.

The fourth reason is that the Buddha "works for the sake of all others, whether they have helped him or not". Hence he once nursed and cleaned up a sick monk(whom he happened to encounter on a visit to a monastery), who had been left to wallow in his own faeces and urine.

Thus the Buddha loves all beings equally, like a father loves his only child, and works for the sake of all beings, whether they have helped him or not. How then can anyone not have full faith and trust in the protection of the Buddha and the Three Jewels, and take refuge in them?


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Re: The most fitting objects of Refuge(and Protection) are the Three Jewels
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2014, 08:55:25 PM »
My favorite representation of the 3 Jewels is in the form of Dorje SHugden:). 


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Re: The most fitting objects of Refuge(and Protection) are the Three Jewels
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2014, 03:35:17 PM »

Thank you for this beautiful link on incense offering to Dorje Shugden and clear explanation.


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Re: The most fitting objects of Refuge(and Protection) are the Three Jewels
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2014, 06:32:47 PM »
Dorje Shugden and the thirty-two Deities of his mandala are the same nature as the thirty-two Deities of the body mandala of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang, who is in essence Je Tsongkhapa.  Manjushri gave this name "Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang" to Je Tsongkhapa indicating that Je tsongkhapa is the embodiment of both conqueror Vajradhara and Buddha Shakyamuni.  Losang Dragpa is Je Tsongkhapa's ordained name, Tubwang is an epithet of Buddha Shakyamuni, and Dorjechang is Tibetan for Vajradhara.  Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang is an enlightened being and the principal Field For Accumulating Merit in the Guru Yoga of Offering to the Spiritual Guide or Lama Chopa.  Guru Yoga of Lama Chopa comes from Manjushri's Emanation Scripture which includes special instructions on Mahamudra. Guru Yoga of Lama Chopa is one of the most blessed practices within Je Tsongkhapa's tradition, being the essential preliminary practice for vajrayana mahamudra.

Of the Deities of the five lineages of Dorje Shugden, the principal Deity is Duldzin Dorje Shugden.  He is a manifestation of the aggregate of consciousness of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang.  Vairochana Shugden is a manifestation of the form aggregate of Lama Losang Tubwang Dorjechang, Ratna Shugden is a manifestation of his aggregate of feeling, Pama Shugden is a manifestation of his aggregate of discrimination, and Karma Shugden is a manifestation of his aggregate of compositional factors.

Many sadhanas of Dorje Shugden state that Dorje Shugden is the embodiment of the Guru, Yidam and Protector.  Guru refers specifically to Lama Tsongkhapa. Hence when we practise the sadhana of Dorje Shugden we are indirectly practising the Guru Yoga of Je Tsongkhapa, as well as the practices of Yamantaka and kalarupa.

In conclusion, we need to recognise that all the Buddha's wisdom appears in the aspect of Manjushri, that he in turn appears in the aspect of Je Tsongkhapa, and that he in turn appears as Dorje Shugden. Keeping this recognition in mind we should develop and maintain unchangeable faith in Dorje Shugden as the most fitting object of our refuge and protection in this kaliyuga age because Dorje Shugden is the embodiment of the Guru, Yidam and Protector.


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Re: The most fitting objects of Refuge(and Protection) are the Three Jewels
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2014, 11:55:43 PM »
This reminds me the power of faith. There was a story of a busy trader whose mother requested him to bring back Buddha's for her when he returned home from his business. He has forgotten about it many times and finally picked up a tooth from the road, wrapped it in brocade and presented it to his mother. His mother put to tooth on the altar and worship it. Not too long later when the trader returned home he saw many people outside. He went into the house saw people prostrating to a radiant relic on the altar. He asked his mother where she got the relic and she told it was from him. Immediately he prostrated to the relic.

The event is an evidence that the power faith on Buddha, or the power of truth, can transform external object what is more to say about what is inside us.


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Re: The most fitting objects of Refuge(and Protection) are the Three Jewels
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2014, 06:43:17 AM »
The most precious gift is to take refuge in the Three Jewels and in the form of Dorje Shugden.


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Re: The most fitting objects of Refuge(and Protection) are the Three Jewels
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2014, 05:06:37 AM »
The most important essential instruction of the Ganden Oral Lineage to remember is that the Guru is the supreme object of refuge.

Dorje Shugden is none other than your own Guru appearing as a Protector. If we don't immediately feel we are in the presence of our living Guru when we encounter Dorje Shugden, our practice is incomplete. If we both apprehend and conceive the Three Jewels and our Guru to be separate things, our practice of refuge is incomplete. If when contemplating the various descriptions of good qualities of each of the Three Jewels we do not automatically feel we are contemplating the good qualities of our Guru, our practice of refuge is incomplete.


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Re: The most fitting objects of Refuge(and Protection) are the Three Jewels
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2014, 08:00:06 AM »
The real refuge in the Dharma. The Dharma word instructions spoken by the Buddha and the Sangha are the supportive refuge that help us practice the Dharma. And the Guru, in our tradition encapsulates all three. He is the doctor, he prescribe the instructions in the form or the Dharma (if fact any spoken words from him is the Dharma) and his entourage in his mandala is the Sangha.
Hence, by relying on the Guru, we automatically rely of the 3 Jewels and if the Guru is alive, we have the blessings of seeing, hearing and contacting Him. That is the most meritorious for any practitioners; to have a living Guru.

Hence, we must practice the instructions of the Guru and that is the best refuge.