Thubten Wangchen, the monk on the extreme left in the picture had in May this year sparkled a row between China and Spain over a legal lawsuit of human rights in international waters. The result had been an utter failure on the part of Spain to begin legal proceeding on China. As China whose economical power is now second to none (has recently surpassed USA) had threaten Spain on bilateral and trade relations made Spain bow out to China on human rights issues in Tibet.
The Catalonia Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee can express whatever human rights concern they had on Tibet but they are not going to bang their heads onto the Great Wall. I feel it is just a publicity stunt and a game to humour the Tibetan Sikyong.
On the issue of the 132 self-immolations in Tibet, I feel if it had not been CTA encouraging them and glorifying these self-immolators as martyrs, self-immolations would not be on the rise. The self-immolators had immolated in vain when clearly the whole Tibetan political scene had already been decided by CTA, that is CTA have accepted and made a declaration to come under the Communist rule. Why do CTA keep deceiving her own people at the expense of their lives to gather sympathy of other nations?