Author Topic: Support Letters From The Highest Authorities Of Our Tradition to website www.dor  (Read 3256 times)


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Dear TJ Jamyang, Welcome to the forum where we discuss anything to do with the Dharma protector Dorje Shugden.

Thanks for posting the letters. Yes, the letters to support this website are from the highest authorities. This says a lot about this website which is accurate and contributes greatly to our lineage and practice. We do not need to doubt the letters of support.

 :) :) :)


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The representative of Dalai Lama in France visited H.H. Gaden Trisur Rinpoche and requested him to pull his support/Appreciation letter for The support letter to this website showed the obvious support to Shugden which embarrassed the CTA who claims ALL HIGH GELUG LAMAS have abandoned Shugden which is not true. Gaden Trisur Rinpoche flatly told the representative of Dalai Lama “no” he will not withdraw his letter. CTA is getting more desperate and bold about it now. -Kunga

Tenzin K

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All the letters from the highest authorities and also from others are a form of unity from all the Lord Shugden lamas and practitioners that in one voice acknowledge the benefit of and these also shows that Lord Shugden practitioners are not minority. We are all over the world and this is how the practice of the enlightened being grow and the CTA should stop harm the practitioners and the Dalai Lama should quickly lift the ban as there is no point to separate the Buddha dharma practice which only causes harm to the practitioners.Those letters are from the erudite masters, are from the lineage masters that took rebirth to come back and continue their previous lives mission to keep benefiting others, the lineage holder and this is how strong their voice are.

I believe the letters is not to show disharmony but is more to show the righteous, the beneficial contribution from the website which keep showing the truth and pure lineage teaching of Lama Tsongkhapa teaching and Lord Shugden practice.