Author Topic: News: Robert Thurman knowingly supporting religious discrimination & persecution  (Read 3791 times)

christine V

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This news was reported in PRWeb.

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Protests in New York City Accusing Robert Thurman, Columbia University Professor, of Supporting Persecution & Hypocrisy

This year’s annual New York City fundraiser for Tibet House U.S. will be met by protesters from the International Shugden Community accusing the organization’s co-founder, Robert Thurman, of knowingly supporting religious discrimination and persecution.

New York, New York (PRWEB) December 10, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, Christie’s at Rockefeller Plaza, 7pm - 10pm

In addition to being the co-founder of Tibet House, Robert Thurman is the Jey Tsong Khapa Professor of Indo-Buddhist studies at Columbia University in New York City. In 1997, TIME magazine named Thurman one of the 25 most influential Americans due to his close relationship with the Dalai Lama and his work in bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West (1).

The protesters claim that Thurman has used this influence and fame to support the Dalai Lama’s illegal ban against prayers to the Buddhist Deity, Dorje Shugden. According to the protesters, the Dalai Lama has instigated a campaign of persecution amongst Tibetans in exile around the world, including those living in New York City, whereby they are forced to abandon their generations old prayers to the Buddhist Deity Dorje Shugden or face serious discrimination and ostracism from within their own communities. This includes being refused entry to stores, restaurants and medical facilities, as well as being dismissed from their government jobs on account of their religious faith. This was exposed by Al Jazeera in 2009 (2). The protestors state that this systematic persecution is still in full force today and that the Dalai Lama and his key supporter Robert Thurman need to end this rather than encourage it.

In an October 2014 interview with PRI’s The World, Thurman’s Columbia University colleague, Modern Tibetan Studies program director Robert Barnett, confirmed the existence of an official prohibition of Shugden prayers by the Dalai Lama himself. Barnett told PRI, “that Shugden practitioners in the Tibetan exile community have faced persecution. And [Barnett] says the Dalai Lama’s administration hasn’t dealt with that very well” (3).

“We are asking Professor Thurman to stop condoning the Dalai Lama’s illegal and immoral ban of the Shugden faith,” said Colin Chase, a Manhattan businessman and the official spokesperson of the International Shugden Community (ISC), the group organizing the protests.

Chase went on to say, “If Professor Thurman were a true friend of the Dalai Lama, he would tell him to do something to stop the discrimination that’s taking place instead of encouraging it.” An irony of this, Chase said, and another instance of what the ISC is calling Thurman’s hypocrisy, is that the professor recently published a book entitled Love Your Enemies.

“Practice what you preach, professor,” said Chase. “Stand up for tolerance instead of hate.”



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This is very good news.

That colleague of Bob Thurman deserves a pat on the shoulder for saying what Bob Thurman and CTA has been hiding and denying all this while. As an intellectual and a recognised academic, and to be exposed by a fellow colleague of not acknowledging the truth about what is happening with the Dorje Shudgen is morally incorrect. It throws serious questions as to what exactly has been Bob Thurman looking into all these years of  life in academia.

christine V

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As a Professor who should be well-verse in Tibetan study, he should know the nature of Dorje Shugden, and not just condemn Protector blindly. 
As a professor who should have professionalism in academy should know how to maintain the professionalism in academy and not be bias.
Also, if he is truly professional, he should not allowed this kind of in-humane illegal ban happening, and, further now cause the H.H Dalai Lama's fame at risk. Why did he dance around political issues in this way.

I hope he know what he is doing


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The ban been imposed since 1998. Million of people been affected and suffered. Too sad that still many people are blindly follow Dalai Lama instruction without further investigation. People like Robert Thurman are so well educated should not support this kind of religious discrimination and persecution. He should help to request to remove the ban and not otherwise. His action really disappointed to all as no sense of humane and right of religious freedom.


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This is called into questions the credibility of Professor Robert Thurman and his expertise in Tibetan studies. His recent actions are too extreme for an academic and is not unbiased anymore. Professor Robert are you genuine into Tibetan studies to spread knowledge or is there an underlying agenda all along this while?


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Poor Mr. Robert Thurman, a very learned authority on Tibetan Buddhism in the west. He is only following his guru's instructions. He's showing such guru devotion, so how can we condemn him? If we espouse guru devotion, we must recognise his guru devotion and respect that.


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In the forty-three years that I have known the Great Fourteenth Dalai Lama, he has never failed to impress me with his sincerity, his compassion, and his commitment to purpose…..
….The Dalai Lama is a giant of spiritual development – a living exemplar of the best qualities of a Buddhist monk, an inspired practitioner and teacher of the ethical, religious and philosophical paths of the bodhisattva, a Sanskrit term suggesting a cross between a wise saint and a compassionate messiah. He is believed to be a conscious reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of universal compassion. (page 3  “Why the Dalai Lama matters” written by Robert Thurman)

From the abovementioned, I reckoned that Robert Thurman has full trust, respect and loyalty to his Guru, HH Dalai Lama and there should be reasons as to why Robert Thurman , a professor  and well learned on Tibetan Buddhism, has  special and  close affinity with Dalai Lama .
Therefore, due whatever circumstances we should never criticize or condemn others of his Guru and also hinder him from following the Guru whom we perceive is of no value as all of us have our own affinity towards a particular Guru due to the causes that we have created in previous life.


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From the abovementioned, I reckoned that Robert Thurman has full trust, respect and loyalty to his Guru, HH Dalai Lama

Which shows how wicked the criminal, rogue professor is.

Indeed, trusting, respecting and showing loyalty to the evil terrorist dalai puts his minion Thurman in the same category.

No wonder that he, the minion Thurman, encouraged criminal, even terrorist acts, such as hacking Shugden-related websites.

Do not forget that right now countries such as North-Korea are accused by US of cyber-terrorism for exactly the same type of action.

Therefore, due whatever circumstances we should never criticize or condemn others of his Guru and also hinder him from following the Guru

Then, according to you, one should never criticize or hinder the criminal activities of the follower of a so-called “guru” who happens to be a terrorist, in case, the evil dalai.

Congratulations for your support to terrorism. Already tried the Islamic State? You would be welcome there!