Author Topic: Dalai Lama meeting with Obama for religion Freedom ?!  (Read 3249 times)

christine V

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Dalai Lama meeting with Obama for religion Freedom ?!
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:48:16 PM »
Well, this is ironic isn't ?

President Obama spoke out on the importance of religion Freedom in India. India are known to be one of the largest democratic country in the world.

I wonder what are the contains Dalai Lama going to talk to Obama.  Telling Obama the importance on the ban?
OR no human rights when come to religion?

Read for more:


Prostests Against Dalai Lama During his DC Appearance with Obama calling on him to "End Religious Intolerance in the Tibetan Community"

Hundreds of protestors from the International Shugden Community, including many Tibetan Americans, will demonstrate against the Dalai Lama outside his public appearance with Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast this Thursday. They are claiming that the Dalai Lama is responsible for a campaign of religious intolerance and persecution, and are particularly affronted that he is meeting with the President after Obama spoke out in India last week on the importance of freedom of religion.

Washington, DC (PRWEB) February 04, 2015

Demonstration: Thursday Feb 5th, 7.30am - 12 noon
At the Washington Hilton Hotel, 1919 Connecticut Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC

The protesters claim the Dalai Lama forcefully banned people from making prayers to the popular Buddhist Deity Dorje Shugden. They state he is responsible for a campaign of religious persecution affecting millions of people worldwide and resulting in suffering and human rights abuses, including segregation practices. For example, signs refusing entry and services to people of Shugden faith, and those who associate with them, have gone up in shop windows, restaurants, medical facilities and even his own palace gate in India. This was documented by Al Jazeera in 2009, and the protestors say that this persecution remains firmly in place today (1).

In an October 2014 interview with Public Radio International, Prof. Robert Barnett, Director of the Modern Tibet Studies Program at Columbia University, confirmed the existence of an official prohibition of Shugden prayers by the Dalai Lama himself. Barnett told PRI “that Shugden practitioners in the Tibetan exile community have faced persecution. And [Barnett] says the Dalai Lama’s administration hasn’t dealt with that very well” (2).

The ISC claim that people of Shugden faith account for over four million people worldwide and included at least sixty percent of Tibetans before the Dalai Lama’s campaign of persecution began. The Dalai Lama himself was a practitioner for over forty years before he decided to change.

Spokesperson for the ISC, Nicholas Pitts said, “The Dalai Lama needs to bring an end to the suffering caused by his sectarianism and religious intolerance. Religious freedom should apply to all traditions whether he likes them or not. As a powerful leader he must implement a policy of religious freedom and non-discrimination for all. We ask the Obama Administration and Western media to please investigate this situation and reveal him for the fraud and hypocrite he actually is.”

Sonam Lama, a Tibetan American from Massachusetts attending the demonstration, said, "The Dalai Lama is used to being a religious dictator and ruling without dissent or dialogue. People in the West think that the Dalai Lama stands for peace and tolerance, but we Tibetans know better. He pretends to be one way -- kind and [compassionate] -- but in reality he is not kind. He has no compassion for anyone who disagrees with him."

The ISC state that they are not funded by nor have any links with China, and that this is a cheap accusation used by the Dalai Lama’s people to distract attention from the important issues of intolerance and persecution.

In addition, the Dalai Lama and CTA say that Shugden people are sectarian and that the Dalai Lama’s ban is in fact simply “advice”, aimed at protecting Tibetan Buddhism from what they claim is the sectarian influence of this Deity’s practice. Mr. Pitts says, “Millions of Shugden people lived happily with other Buddhists and practitioners of other faiths for centuries until the Dalai Lama’s ban, so it is complete nonsense to say that they are sectarian. This is just another smokescreen and another reason we say ‘Dalai Lama, stop lying’. All we are asking for is the freedom to practice our religion in peace.”

Al Jazeera, ‘The Devil Within’, Apr 13, 2009,
Al Jazeera: The Dalai Lama, The Devil Within
. (script).
Bell, Matthew. PRI’s The World, ‘Breakaway Buddhists take aim at the Dalai Lama.’ Oct 31, 2014,

christine V

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Re: Dalai Lama meeting with Obama for religion Freedom ?!
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2015, 01:55:09 PM »
Meantime, in The webpage on International Campaign for Tibet,
The CTA have continued to say there is no ban!

Now,  they have new idea. Pushing the Freedom of Tibet from China to the Dorje Shugden's practitioner, trying to put the failure of CTA ( can't get Tibet free from China) to  Dorje Shugden's demonstrators.


The International Campaign for Tibet’s statement on the Shugden demonstration in Washington D.C.
International Campaign for Tibet on February 4, 2015

The International Campaign for Tibet deplores the planned demonstration in Washington D.C. by some fundamentalist Buddhists belonging to the International Shugden Community that aims at undermining the work of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

The demonstrators are attempting to confuse the general public by using terms like religious freedom, human rights, etc. to define their issue. The issue is complex and people need a deeper understanding. The Dalai Lama’s website (, as also that of the Central Tibetan Administration (, and the Tibet Houses ( cover the historical development of this controversy.

While we leave it to the learned scholars of Buddhism to comment on the validity of the issues raised by the demonstrators, the way group has been denigrating the Dalai Lama is an affront to the Tibetan people and is causing great damage to the broader Tibetan issue. The people of Tibet continue to suffer under a ruthless and brutal Chinese regime. On account of this, they are even sacrificing their lives calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and freedom for Tibet.

If the Shugden demonstrators are genuinely concerned about religious intolerance and persecution of the Tibetan people, they will serve the cause better by working to alleviate the plight of the Tibetans in Tibet, rather than focusing on their parochial interest. To date, the Shugden demonstrators have not done anything about the internationally acknowledged Chinese Government’s denial of human rights and religious freedom to the Tibetan people.

The Chinese Government has been attempting to undermine the efforts of the Dalai Lama for a peaceful resolution to the Tibetan problem. The Shugden demonstrators are thus contributing to the fulfilment of the Chinese Communist Government’s agenda.

By their own admission, they are spending much energy and resources for the sole purpose of slandering His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Right now the time is for all those concerned with the survival of Tibetan religion and culture to look at the real cause for the suffering of the Tibetan people.
- See more at:

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Dalai Lama meeting with Obama for religion Freedom ?!
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2015, 02:20:17 PM »
Thank you Christine V for this latest post of the politics of CTA.  It had been and obvious that the CTA had always blame Shugdenpas for any failure that they have.  This one is classic new twist to blame Shugdenpas for confusing their request for religious freedom to that of Tibet from China.

Does CTA think the world is stupid? Let the Real Great Lamas arise and may the Ban be lifted.  Not by another confusing statement that there is no ban. Just lift the Ban.