Author Topic: These Tibetans Say The Dalai Lama Suppresses Religious Freedom  (Read 3173 times)


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A group of Tibetans claiming that the Dalai Lama seeks to restrict religious freedom protested Thursday morning outside the national prayer breakfast hosted by President Obama. Members of the International Shugden Community gathered in the streets of Washington, D.C., and launched a correlated campaign on Twitter, attempting to highlight the Dalai Lama’s views on a Buddhist deity called Dorje Shugden.

The Dorje Shugden controversy is a minor but long-lived schism within Tibetan Buddhism. Many of these protesters are Tibetan-Americans who claim the Dalai Lama forcefully banned people from making prayers to Dorje Shugden. Protesters in D.C. held signs demanding the Dalai Lama uphold religious freedom.

Members of the International Shugden Community attempted to incite a tweetstorm using the hashtag #DalaiLamaStopLying. They managed to broadcast over 10,000 tweets in just two hours, a large portion of them coming from one user, a monk who teaches pro-Dorje Shugden Buddhism in Washington state. Inside the breakfast, Obama decried those people who sought to “hijack religion.”

There are also two vine videos attached to this article. One person cannot tweet 10,000 tweets.... In two hours than is impossible.

Still this is good that people are starting to pickup on the various online initiative to ask for our freedom.


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Re: These Tibetans Say The Dalai Lama Suppresses Religious Freedom
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2015, 11:31:21 PM »
Very unbalanced report that it is minor sect and a schism when it was practiced by the majority of the Gelug school until CTA forced everyone to give up with strong-arm tactics. Regardless whether it is major or minor we cannot simple force someone to give up his belief.

The protest is doing everyone good to raise awareness of respecting basic human rights of others.


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Re: These Tibetans Say The Dalai Lama Suppresses Religious Freedom
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2015, 05:30:37 AM »
So now in the “Land of the Free” demanding religious freedom is “hijacking religion”.

Or such is the opinion of the puppet in charge of the presidential office, Barack Obama.

However, such puppets never express their own ideas, which they lack anyway, but rather always those of their ventriloquist puppet-masters. Therefore, the reported Obama's comment is meaningful, as it confirms the otherwise obvious fact, that the evil dalie's anti-Dorje Shugden stance is officially sanctioned by US geostrategists.

This explains, by the way, the consistent negative assessment by Western war-propaganda machine (the self-styled “free press”) of Dorje Shugden practices and practitioners, together with the lavish praises consistently showered on the evil dalie by the same propaganda outlets, no matter how many, how gruesome, and how obvious are his crimes.

Therefore, welcome to reality: America is controlled by hateful, albeit undeclared, anti-Dorje Shugdenpas, ready to support their puppet the evil dalie's every move to suppress and annihilate the tradition of Dorje Shugden, all the while whining like starving hyenas about the “lack of religious freedom”... in China!