Author Topic: Dzongsar Kyentse performs ceremony of people marrying in monk robes  (Read 10255 times)


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Anti Dorje Shugden people will find any reason to criticize people who are practicing Dorje Shugden. Any excuse they can. But for everything else they keep their eyes closed. Very double standard.

They are all high and mighty about Dzongsar Kyentse building a temple with Shakyamuni as the main object of refuge. That is great and beautiful, but what is he doing in front of the Shakyamuni.

But why does Dzongsar Kyentse approve of monks marrying women and in their robes. Why does he himself conduct the ceremony. How will that confuse the whole Buddhist world? We support and donate to monks as they are engaging in the practice of letting go of desire, hatred and ignorance. How does getting married help in this practice of a monk? If all monks do this what will become of the sangha as we know it.  Why get married as a monk? With monk robes on. Dzongsar Kyentse participating in this is contributing to the destruction of Buddhism. I think this is more serious.


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Re: Dzongsar Kyentse performs ceremony of people marrying in monk robes
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2015, 10:40:12 AM »
Monks marrying in monk robes certainly contradicts the monk's vow of celibacy.  In this case the monk is not a monk any more but strangely he still adorns the robes.  And it is most unbelievable Dzongsar Kyentse Rinpoche performed the marriage ceremony, meaning he approves and encourages the monk to break his vows! Looks like these monks have gone topsy turvy and Buddhism has degenerated so quickly.  It most saddening to see that it is the sanghas who are destroying Buddhism and bring its disrepute.

I wonder why is the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) remaining so quiet on this matter.  Do CTA condone to this transgression and allow Buddhism to degrade to a new level low.  Isn't it their responsibility to uphold the teachings of the Buddha instead of implementing a ban that hurts many and caused disunity and disharmony.  Yet on another breath CTA said they are preserving Tibetan culture and literature. I am most baffled by their contradictory views and policies. 


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Re: Dzongsar Kyentse performs ceremony of people marrying in monk robes
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2015, 02:55:47 PM »
The monastic tradition is what keeps Buddhism alive in our world system. The action of showing a monk in robes to be joined together with a lady, its total opposites and I do think will contribute to the degeneration of Buddhism. CTA and the facebook WNTTAS group they are so self righteous why isn't there a single comment about this? Do they honestly think this will benefit Buddhism in the long run ?

christine V

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Re: Dzongsar Kyentse performs ceremony of people marrying in monk robes
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2015, 05:00:24 PM »
Very challenging and provocative action of Dzongsar Rinpoche. Did Rinpoche trying to challenge the Buddhist world or did he wanted to bring a message to the world? 

Is not for me to comment on His action. But surely, this got people to think of the what is the authentic Buddhism now. We are degenerating very fast and dharma fade fast.   In this degenerate age, Dorje Shugden is the most suitable protector to protect our mind. Hopes the ban lift fast before things getting too late.  The ban, no longer issues within CTA, Tibetan, its involved the survive on Dharma.  Dorje Shugden is the protector of Buddha higher teaching which Lama Tsongkhapa have taught, and, in this age, we need Dorje Shugden to protect our spiritual path eagerly.

Hope CTA see it fast


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Re: Dzongsar Kyentse performs ceremony of people marrying in monk robes
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2015, 08:00:52 PM »
The CTA will never talk about activities such as this as this does not serve their purpose.

They attack selectively not in order to safeguard Buddhism but for their own political ends. 95% of the CTA members are ordinary lay persons who have next to no knowledge of Buddhism. They are the wrong set of people to decide on spiritual affairs of the people. Yet they do so. There is so much confusion, separation and issues within Tibetan Buddhism all created and enforced by CTA.

Regarding WNTTAS group on FB, they are another group of people who barely understand, practice or live Buddhism. If you have time to waste and you read their postings, everything is negative, sarcastic and critical. What kind of bunch of 'Buddhist' practitioners are they? They have absolutely zero tolerance, acceptance or love headed by their founder and head moderator who obviously has many unresolved issues that has nothing to do with Geshe Kelsang or NKT. All her issues are in her mind but she needs to blame others. Of course it is a well known 'open secret' she is paid a small amount by the CTA to carry on her character defamation of Geshe Kelsang and any other Shugden practitioner her pathetic group has some scant knowledge of. They don't know of the hundred of masters, geshes, tulkus and senior sangha in Tibet/Nepal/India/Mongolia who carry on practicing Shugden and proliferating their practice among their hundreds of thousands of students. They don't talk about the majority of the Shugden lamas because they know nothing. They just pathetically target a few prominent lamas that they claim to know something of. Pathetic, pathetic and total boredom with their lives. People who are happy do not go around daily and write unhappy things about other people. These are a group of people who know very little dharma, dharma practice and don't even have teachers of their own. They just go on and on daily entertaining the ten or so in their group. Their active membership does not grow more than 20. Guess why? Because what they are talking about is pure cynical hypocrisy.

They and CTA will not pick up anything on Dzongsar Kyentse because IT DOES NOT SUIT THEIR PURPOSE. You see CTA has to pay people which they do to carry on their Nazi-KKK-witch hunt against Shugden people. Everyone on this planet deserves love/tolerance/interaction EXCEPT Shugden people. What type of nonsense is that? You think about it carefully.

The CTA is a horse with a broken leg and needs to be sent the glue factory -sorry for the un-Buddhist example. The CTA produces no doctors, scientists, actors, leaders, pharmacists, lawyers, writers or anyone that contribute to the benefit of this world. They do  not know how to lead a country, a nation a people. Behold, that is why they lost Tibet and never will get Tibet back. Why are the CTA such losers? Because they are corrupt, motivated by self agenda, uneducated, ignorant, unexposed and arrogant. They are even accused of alleged murder. Yes, they are a Buddhist government body. Surprising or not surprising. I leave it to you.

WNTTAS is a group of losers who had fall outs with their teachers and centres and instead of moving on, they need to get revenge and target. The 'head' of WNTTAS's purpose suits that of CTA and so combined, voila you get a loser's marriage. This marriage is not going to work. You know how when you attend some weddings and you just KNOW this couple is not going to last? Well this is ONE OF THOSE WEDDINGS.

Just let them rattle on and on. They have NOTHING ELSE IN THEIR LIVES. Look at the founder. What's her name? Look at the way she speaks on youtube, look at what she writes on their page, it's pure ignorance. She knows very little dharma. So you know when she was a 'nun' in NKT, she was probably loafing around watching tv, eating the tormas, sleeping at pujas, daydreaming in teachings and failed her tests. I wouldn't be surprised if she fell romantically head over heels over another member who rejected her perhaps and hence the spinster-angry-spiteful-hell-hath-no-fury-over-a-scorned-woman-syndrome. Of course these are all 'alleged' you see. But you can see clearly she wasted NKT's time and resource on her while she was there. Good riddance to the torma eater from NKT. She gives NKT a really bad run for the money. Why would sponsors sponsor torma eaters like her? When you offer torma to the deities you gain 'siddhis(?)' I am told, but when she eats the tormas you get zilch. The rest of the 'moderators' and participants save a one or two, know even less dharma and are totally vicious and just go on and on. You see they can criticize anyone they like because they are on the DALAI LAMA SIDE HENCE THEY CAN DO NO WRONG. But no one can criticize them BECAUSE THEY ARE ON THE DALAI LAMA'S SIDE AND HENCE INFALLIBLE. THE DALAI LAMA IS A GOD AND DOES NOT MAKE ANY MISTAKES AT ALL. Only the Dalai Lama has that privilege. Any other lamas/teachers and masters are all full of mistakes IF THEY PRACTICE SHUGDEN. Didn't make sense to me either.

I rather watch my toilet flush than to participate with WNTTAS group.  :-\


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Re: Dzongsar Kyentse performs ceremony of people marrying in monk robes
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2015, 08:02:17 PM »
What's the head of the WNTTAS group on FB again? Carol McLiar or something? Who cares?  :-\ :-\ :-\


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Re: Dzongsar Kyentse performs ceremony of people marrying in monk robes
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2015, 08:17:00 PM »
The CTA will never talk about activities such as Dzongsar Kyentse Rinpoche marrying monks with women in his temple in Bhutan. He can do as he likes because it does not serve their purpose. Do a quick google and you will see him marrying a Drubgyud Tenzin Rinpoche in full robes to a young woman. How do monks get married and in full robes? Disgraceful. Yet CTA will harp on how Shugden destroys Buddhism, when monks marrying do a much better job at destroying Buddhism.