Author Topic: Dalai Lama’s associate in money laundering scandal  (Read 6718 times)


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Dalai Lama’s associate in money laundering scandal
« on: August 21, 2016, 07:46:45 AM »
The video in this article, has so many incorrect information and lies in it. So many official documents have been leaked online that CTA gave directive for employee to give up the Dorje Shugden practice, and most of it is non verbal.

I wish that the Tibetans will wake up to the fact, that the CTA has been creating more troubles and difficulties for the Tibetan people. And the CTA is noting but just trying to further their self interest.


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Re: Dalai Lama’s associate in money laundering scandal
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2016, 08:01:39 AM »
Actually all the lamas who had spoken up in the video, its kind of silly actually.

Are they all so incapable of subduing a mere hungry ghost. Even going as far as saying they fear the a hungry ghost. A buddhist master steeped in learning, pujas and dharma with realisations of emptiness fear a lowly hungry ghost. Impossible and not representative of buddhist enlightened masters.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Dalai Lama’s associate in money laundering scandal
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2016, 07:03:42 AM »
I wish that the Tibetans will wake up to the fact, that the CTA has been creating more troubles and difficulties for the Tibetan people. And the CTA is noting but just trying to further their self interest.

Dear DharmaSpace,
Agreed with you that the CTA have done more harm than good to the Tibetans under their rule. After losing their country, the CTA seems to be trying very hard to incite hatred amongst the Tibetans causing splits among families, friends and monastic communities. By now, most Tibetans would have realized the fact that their government is not working towards an improved living conditions for them. Financial aid from other countries have been misused and with money being depleted as days goes by, the CTA have made the Dorje Shugden ban as a distraction from their poor management.
It is just too bad when the governing body is splitting up its citizens instead of uniting its people and working towards regaining their country.


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Re: Dalai Lama’s associate in money laundering scandal
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2016, 11:56:39 AM »
Just goes to show that there are not many thinking people, and if there is, they are so scared of the CTA that they cannot or will not see the blatant lies they are being fed.

If Dorje Shugden is a spirit, then the attained master, especially the Mindroling lamas would have been able to subdue Dorje Shugden long ago. And, the lamas, if they have been holding their vows purely have nothing to fear as their vows should be enough to protect them from spirits and ghosts and such. If they fear the ghosts, then they must have broken their vows and samaya.

The covert pressure on the Tibetans in exile to follow the instructions of the CTA can only mean that all these are caused to divert attention from other more worrisome secular going ons of the CTA. It's like a magic show where illusion is the order of the day.


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Re: Dalai Lama’s associate in money laundering scandal
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2016, 12:39:00 PM »
Just goes to show that there are not many thinking people, and if there is, they are so scared of the CTA that they cannot or will not see the blatant lies they are being fed.

If Dorje Shugden is a spirit, then the attained master, especially the Mindroling lamas would have been able to subdue Dorje Shugden long ago. And, the lamas, if they have been holding their vows purely have nothing to fear as their vows should be enough to protect them from spirits and ghosts and such. If they fear the ghosts, then they must have broken their vows and samaya.

The covert pressure on the Tibetans in exile to follow the instructions of the CTA can only mean that all these are caused to divert attention from other more worrisome secular going ons of the CTA. It's like a magic show where illusion is the order of the day.

I agree with you Gandmapele... in other words Dharamsala is saying that the Mindroling Lamas failed and have no effect. Their Pujas and all the Buddhas could not bind, tame, control Dorje Shugden. Wow... how powerful is this spirit, more powerful than the Buddhas. Amazing!

Every single time I hear this excuse, it makes me laugh and realise how silly those who actually buy into this story. Goes to show... they don't think very much or very deep at all. If fact, one would wonder do they think at all of is agreeing a much more easier road to take because truth is if it does not really affect them/their rice bowl, who cares right? Easier to just follow blindly and say the Dalai Lama or this and that person says so. A sign of degeneration of the mind, that is for sure.

It is really high time to wake and speak up and stand up against this ridiculous ban/discrimination on Dorje Shugden because it really holds no logic!


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Re: Dalai Lama’s associate in money laundering scandal
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2016, 05:48:38 PM »
Yes, dsnowlion, it is time for the people to grow a brain and find their real minds. But, for that they need real teachers, not politically right teachers who teach the real dharma and not propaganda. If enough people can get the proper knowledge, then there will be less fear. Then they are better able to stand up for their rights.

An example is the article on this website :-

The two articles are definitely worth a read.


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Re: Dalai Lama’s associate in money laundering scandal
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2016, 08:50:44 PM »
Yes, dsnowlion, it is time for the people to grow a brain and find their real minds. But, for that they need real teachers, not politically right teachers who teach the real dharma and not propaganda. If enough people can get the proper knowledge, then there will be less fear. Then they are better able to stand up for their rights.

I am quite sure that Tibetans have woken up to the fact that their leadership is corrupt and will never look after their interests. Reports such as this one regarding a Dalai Lama insider being linked to money laundering is not new. The entire Tibetan government in exile is a scam. However it is still very dangerous to speak against the Dalai Lama and CTA. In the recent Sikyong elections we Lukar Jam, a candidate who was certainly not afraid of calling out the CTA on their crimes and mistakes. Lukar Jam is a sure sign of change and that such change is not totally without support.

Support for the CTA is wearing thin and these days we rarely hear of the Tibetan leadership being a victim of oppression. For a time the CTA is being allowed to misbehave due to its usefulness as an irritant to China, but no one is fooled by who the Tibetan leadership really is anymore.


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Re: Dalai Lama’s associate in money laundering scandal
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2016, 09:03:24 PM »
With China growing in being the world power in trade and politics, most countries are looking to cooperate with China. As such, soon they will no longer need that irritant anymore. Sorry but somehow CTA makes me think of a flea...suck as much as you can then look for the next victim and in the process causing disease wherever they bite. Now with more exposure, maybe the fumigation process will begin. Only thing is are there enough collective effort to carry out the process?


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Re: Dalai Lama’s associate in money laundering scandal
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2016, 09:54:35 AM »
Vajratruth, Lukar Jam campaign and subsequent "disqualification" is a real scam. So, the powers that be are still in control. An individual cannot hope to fight the establishment, as I'm sure many political candidates around the world has found out. But, if there are more Lukar Jam around, and they can cooperate, then I'm sure the Tibetans can have some hope. That sure would be a breath of fresh air.

Well, as more become aware of what the Tibetan leadership has been up to, then there is hope yet for the Tibetans in exile and maybe that would be an indication that their karma is changing?


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Re: Dalai Lama’s associate in money laundering scandal
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2016, 06:06:44 PM »
As a third party looking in, it can be quite frustrating to see how the CTA has been getting away with ripping off Tibetans and hoodwinking the public at large. So much so that one is bewildered that the Tibetans can still allow CTA to be in power after being made aware of the CTA’ true agenda. Even if the Tibetans were initially unaware, after all this years of CTA failing to deliver what they said they would, it would not be farfetched to think many would have wisen up to CTA’s ploy. And if so, why on earth is CTA still able to garner support?

However, it is also precisely because one is a third party looking in that one might not truly see the difficulties and real threats faced by the Tibetans which deter them from speaking out against CTA. It is undeniably hard to think about standing up for the right cause when doing so definitely result in some form of harm to yourself and your family. After all we see that CTA comprises of not only shady and questionable characters, but some are downright ruthless and have no qualms of “getting rid” of those who opposes them. In addition, CTA has totally taken advantage of the people’s trust on the Dalai Lama and positioned themselves as be carrying out the Dalai Lama’s views/instructions which makes it even harder for people to confront CTA without being saddled with the stigma of going against the Dalai Lama.

The silver lining is that the law of karma is at play and it is just a matter of time before one has to face the repercussions of one’s actions. In fact, we are beginning to see more signs of the tides turning against the CTA with many speaking out and publicly confronting CTA of their wrong doings.