Author Topic: Dalai Lama's table drops during talk---------bad omen?  (Read 6742 times)


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Dalai Lama's table drops during talk---------bad omen?
« on: January 26, 2010, 05:47:32 PM »

When Dalai lama was in Taiwan giving a talk on September 3, 2009, suddenly his table bottom drops when lifted away. This is not considered a good omen by Tibetans.

Unfortunately it was played all over the east and in China again and again.

To see the actual video of the table breaking from the news, please click here:

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The video says that Dalai lama is a political tool and that Lamaism is not Buddhism.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 05:50:48 PM by tk »


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Re: Dalai Lama's table drops during talk---------bad omen?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2010, 06:41:48 PM »
"I noticed there were protesters outside of the event talking about Tantra or something, any idea what that is about?  This is something not to ignore especially in this case."

As tk has psoted that the video states that "Lamaism is not Buddhism," my guess is that the sign you mention is generally taking a shot at Tibetan Buddhism, not referring to any specific stlye of practice.

It looks like the sign says "Lamas who practice (Illegible) Tantra are not Buddhist (more illegible text)"


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Re: Dalai Lama's table drops during talk---------bad omen?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2010, 06:49:45 PM »
Dear Trinley Kalsang,

The Taiwan visit of Dalai Lama is  after the hurricane disaster in Taiwan. Dalai Lama went to pray and console ppl there.

1. The protests are regarding:

a) They are saying that Lamaism is not real Buddhism. The Dalai Lama is a just a political tool and he is not welcomed.

b) That they don't need the Dalai lama's prayers, they need money to rebuild. To give them practical help.

2. The protest was not about tantra in particular, just that Lamaism (Tibetan Buddhism) is not Buddhism at all. They wanted to let Dalai lama know, they don't accept his form of Buddhism.

3. As far as I know, the Dalai Lama does not endorse Gelugs to have a physical consort. There was one exception by the 13th Dalai lama though.

It goes like this:

Serkong Dorje Chang (Two incarnations ago. He is a tulku of Gaden Jangtze Monastery and he has a monastery in Swayambunath, Nepal also) was a enrolled in Gyurme tantric college. During prayers, he would see mini small females dancing in his tea bowls always. He reported this to 13th Dalai lama who advised him to give his robes back and take a consort. He had reached a level where the consort practice would not create desire in his mind, but elevate his practice as he is able to control the flow of 'bodhicitta' hence can experience uncontaminated great bliss and clear light directly.

The 13th Dalai Lama has never advised this to any other Gelug monk. 

Tsongkapa Himself did not take a consort, but left the last stage for the Bardo. Tsongkapa in order to keep his monk vows pure and set the correct example for thousands of disciples, entered clear light of death as a pure monk and attained enlightenment in bardo.

Serkong Dorje Chang did as advised by the 13th Dalai Lama. A consort was seen going inside his meditation cave. The consort gave birth to Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche (also a tulku of Gaden Jangtze Monastery). After the birth, the consort disappeared nowhere to be found. So Serkong Dorje Chang took care of Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche.

Serkong Dorje Chang was often invited to give teachings wearing a layman's chuba in Gaden Jangtze prayer hall attended by all the elites. While he was teaching, he would have the infant Serkong Tsenshab in his arms on the throne. That was a great exception.

Reminiscent of when Candragomin was invited to Nalanda and gave teachings although he was a layman. In order to not confuse the villagers that monks are putting high status on a layperson, they would invite a Manjushri statue and have Candragomin walk behind it. So when they blew conshells, burned incense and threw flowers, ppl thought it was for Manjushri. Otherwise why do sangha show so much respect to layman would have been on the villagers minds creating doubt.

Thank you.



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Re: Dalai Lama's table drops during talk---------bad omen?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2010, 06:54:04 PM »
Dear Trinley Kalsang,

After I answered your questions, your questions disappeared into emptiness.


Anyway, I hope it helps you.



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Re: Dalai Lama's table drops during talk---------bad omen?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2010, 07:28:46 PM »

Since Serkong Dorje Chang can control his flow of Bodhicitta, he can block it and he can also release it.

Since Serkong Tsenshab has strong connection with him, he could have released his bodhicitta to allow 'regular procreation' to let this being enter into his environment so he can train him up himself. 

A high lama able to procreate does not mean he is not attained. A high being releasing bodhicitta does not mean it is from desire necessarily.

Whether the 13th asked him to give his robes back or Tripa Ngawang Norbu, does not make a big difference. The situation is that there is a case of Gelug monk taking on a consort to further his practice. It is not widespread but existing. I have never heard of a Gelug monk taking on a consort to further his life. But to gain results in tantra yes.

A consort and a wife is different but also can be the same. If the wife is the level to be a consort.


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Re: Dalai Lama's table drops during talk---------bad omen?
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2010, 07:33:55 PM »
I find nothing controversial in consort practice. Many of the ancient Indian Mahasiddhas practiced gaining high results and Guru Rinpoche was one who propagated this in Tibet.

A gelug monk or any monk having a consort is not permissable according to vinaya. As you are consciously aware of the act you are about to engage, you enter, finish the act and rejoice, would constitute a break of one of the root monk vows which would make you disrobed. Disrobing in that manner is the controversy not the secret tantric practices.

Although I would not recommend this type of practice to anyone but I find it a path that had it's purpose until some people abused it.


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Re: Dalai Lama's table drops during talk---------bad omen?
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2010, 10:25:11 PM »

Dear Lhakpa Gyaltshen,

I totally agree with you that HH Trijang Rinpoche is a very accomplished being who has taken a consort that happens to be his wife also.

Trijang Rinpoche has full power over his rebirth and his actions. He has shown a direction of becoming a lay person that for many conservatives would find it difficult to accept. But it is no problem for me at all. Whether he is lay, or monk with wife or consort, I believe he is fully accomplished. If he has children or doesn't, I believe he has full control over his flow of Bodhicitta (excuse me to say this).

For ordinary beings like me, I don't speculate, wonder what happens in the bedroom with lamas and there is no mystery to me whatsoever. Trijang Rinpoche is Heruka and that is final for me. Trijang Rinpoche's line of incarnations date back to the time of Buddha and it is clear what type of being he is.

If Dagom Rinpoche comes back this time around, takes a wife/consort, it would never make me think he is not Yamantaka.