Author Topic: The leader of the Tibetan government in exile has called for Japan’s assistance  (Read 5769 times)


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Tibetan prime minister: Tibetans face harsh suppression under Xi

The leader of the Tibetan government in exile has called for Japan’s assistance to help his people achieve autonomy, saying that China’s suppression has worsened under the administration of President Xi Jinping.

Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay said at a news conference in Tokyo on Jan. 9 that Beijing’s monitoring of Tibetans has further intensified over the past two years.

Sangay called on Tokyo to encourage Beijing to behave appropriately since China needs to resolve its human rights issues at home to become a trusted member of the international community.

Sangay, 47, assumed the prime minister's office in August 2011.

He has effectively served as the leader of Tibet’s government in exile after the 14th Dalai Lama retired from politics.


The staff writer should research more into the Tibetan issues, that CTA and Libsang Sangay is oppressing its own people the Dorje Shudgen people, not only that they are starting to oppress the Tibetan people who are pro Independence too. So the question beckons why would people who oppress others deserves freedom and freedom from oppression ?  From a Karmic standpoint it makes sense why CTA and the tibetan people continue to live in exile, they have been doing the same thing to their brethren. So effect must be similar to the cause, otherwise  Buddha would not be telling the truth. 

Dondrup Shugden

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What I think is even more interesting is that Lobsang Sangay is now appealing to an "Eastern" power to help.  Is it because the west now knows more about the Ban of Dorje Shugden and the violation of religious freedom and as such find it futile to support the CTA cause. That there is really no help in supporting CTA as their focus is not truly to find a solution with China.

Is CTA also trying to create provocative reaction from China by seeking help from Japan which still have a fairly tense relationship with China since world war 2 until now.

Interesting how CTA operates.


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Looks like CTA is not determined. They are not giving up. They want to gain the support from foreign powers who are not familiar with Tibetan issues.

Why ask for help when you always blame foreigners not knowing Tibetan politics? Don't get involved.


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Its funny how Lobsang Sangay had the audacity to accuse China of suppression and monitoring the Tibetans living in Tibet. His government CTA, himself being the Prime Minster, is just guilty of the very same accusation. Suppressing the Shugden practitioners even though there is "NO BAN" on Dorje Shugden and posting pictures of vocal Shugden practitioners on their website as a Wanted-list. Tut! Tut! Forgot to bring his mirror to check the reflection of his accusations?

Besides, Lobsang Sangay is barking up the wrong tree for help as with the current state of China's trade and political clout, Japan is not going to antagonise its neighbour. Just as India, the host of the large Tibetan-In-Exile community, is leaning towards China for trade and political partnership, China offers Japan huge potential partnership. Sorry to say this but "Wake up! Wake up! Mr. P.M. Its now the dawn of the rising Dragon".

Harold Musetescu

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CTA's Department of Security
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2016, 09:07:30 PM »
Why does the CTA have a "Department of Security"? To monitor and suppress Tibetan people in India.


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They want to gain the support from foreign powers who are not familiar with Tibetan issues.

There is hardly any power more familiar with Tibetan issues than Japan.

The similarity between the Tibetan flag and the Imperial Japanese Army flag is not mere coincidence. Indeed, the 13th evil dalie's incipient Tibetan army was trained by the Imperial Japanese Army. The link between evil dalies and Japan is therefore old.

Before and during WWII, Imperial Japan, at war with China between 1937 and 1945, invaded and occupied huge chunks of China, including the financial metropolis Shangai and the capital Nanking, plus Manchuria and Taiwan, as well as the French Indochina (current Vietnam and Cambodja), Laos, Thailand, and Burma, thus effectively encircling the remaining of China.

Of course Japan attached great importance to, and was well informed about, Tibet, as it was about Eastern Turkestan (Xinjiang) and Mongolia. The 1939 Japanese expedition to Tibet is well known.

Therefore, the current evil dalie requesting Japan, the former invader, dismemberer, and occupier of much of China, to “help” with Tibetan “autonomy” is a bad taste joke, and an obvious provocation against China.

Such provocation is done because the evil dalie is a sad US-salaried puppet, as the 13th evil dalie was a sad Britain-salaried puppet, and the US wants to increase and exploit the ongoing rift between China and Japan in order to foster its own hegemonic, destructive interests n Asia.

This is the current evil dalie's “big picture”: to be used as a tool by a chaos-spreading nation (US) hell bent on creating division and war among Asian countries, while promoting his own petty local interests.

Ringo Starr

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I don't see what the objective may be in trying to further divide an already tediously frosty relationship between China and Japan. Do you think either country will entertain this extremely lightweight, some say corrupt and self-serving "government"?

Unless of course it is because the CTA has run out of ideas of where to shop for support, given that the other superpower, the United States, has been directing the CTA/HHDL in no uncertain terms to go and speak with China.

In the mean time, independence or autonomy for Tibet remains a mere mirage in the horizon just like it has for decades.

Wake up Tibetans, the world has changed but have you?


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The CTA is still trying to con the world. Do they think these political leaders will be that easy a target? They will do better by cleaning up their own act first. They do have to be seen to be democratic and modern and progressive. They do have to provide basic amenities and facilities to the Tibetans in exile, like hospitals and schools for all Tibetans and not just some who toe the line. They have to provide education and medical amenities to ALL Tibetans.

Are the CTA so desperate that they are willing to try this ploy? - a ploy that will deepen a divide between China and Japan? As Ringo Starr pointed out the US under President Obama has directed the Dalai Lama to talk to China.

Hopefully this will wake the Tibetans up and maybe the next election will not be such a farce.


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Futile effort, and kind of pitiful and selfish that the CTA would even think of approaching Japan for assistance.

Sino-Japan relations is very important for the stability of Asia Pacific. With Beijing stating bluntly for foreign countries not to meddle with their internal affairs, even the USA does not dare make comments on Tibet, much less Japan... a country that have been into cold-politics with China since the WW2 is going to be even more careful.

The CTA should stop running around to different countries to ask for assistance. The only way they can ever set foot back to Tibet is by growing up to be real politicians and talk face to face with China. Going around complaining about China's 'ill treatment' to Tibetans in Tibet is not helpful for Tibetans nor is it helpful for their cause of gaining greater autonomy. After all, why on earth would China want to give autonomy to a party that talks shit about them at every given chance.

christine V

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Runs to Japan? To me CTA obviously not aware of the political changes in today's world. China and Japan although have bad relationship, but, with the rise of China Economic;Japan will handle the relationship more carefully.
CTA is the Tibetan Government in Exile - will have no benefit to Japan if Japan support them. Further, as a Buddhist country like Japan, they will also aware on the issues of Dorje Shugden. By running to Japan, it is a hint that US government no longer support the CTA?