Author Topic: His Holiness talks about preserving culture and promoting peace in today’s world  (Read 3102 times)

Positive Change

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I found yet another interesting write up on just posted today on HHDL website:

Extract from the posting which I found interesting:

1. The moderator then requested His Holiness to explain if there was any relation between his concept of a universal responsibility and the discussion they were having. His Holiness said that universal responsibility was at a different level, at the level of humanity. He said it meant developing a sense of oneness of humanity, without letting the difference in nationality, color, race, religion, etc., divide the people.

He said that he found this spirit of oneness among scientists irrespective of their background. Similarly, it was also present in the religious tradition, too. His Holiness felt that if people only thought of the “small we” then problem would arise. Instead they should think about the “big we” that that is global, he said.

What I gather from this - Sounds like HHDL talking about the importance of the BIG picture and having unity!

He said the environmental aspect of the Tibetan issue that needed to be paid close attention recalling that some Chinese scientists have termed Tibet as a Third Pole.

2. His Holiness, therefore, suggested that he referred to those who supported the Tibetan issue as not being “pro-Tibet” but being “pro-justice.” He talked about the difference between the power of truth and power of gun. He said the power of gun was only short term and limited whereas the power of truth was always there and for the long run.

He talked about increasing interest in Tibet among Chinese people many of who were interested in the Tibetan Buddhist culture. He said that historically Tibetans have our own language, script and geographically separate and racially different (from the Chinese). Tibet was materially backward and all Tibetans want modernism.

Therefore, he felt that the Chinese authorities should look at the example of India where diverse linguistic and cultural communities exists in different parts of the country without any risk of separation. His Holiness however blamed the narrow-minded Chinese leftist policies that were the cause for the continued problem in Tibet.

Interesting to note that HHDL did not mention a separate state but rather co-exiting as one, with individual identities intact... hhmmm

With the issue of the ban and all, this beautiful talk by HHDL confuses me because I am still stuck on the "suffering" that the ban creates amongst many in the lay and sangha community... however, if I really look deeper into what HHDL is trying to do, I can assertain that HHDL's stance has not changed but has remained constant. It is me that project what HHDL says according to my perceptions!