Author Topic: CTA is losing support around the world  (Read 4650 times)


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CTA is losing support around the world
« on: March 31, 2017, 06:06:57 PM »
CTA’s effort to gain support from Japan, the United States and some European countries seem not to produce any substantial results. Other than meeting parliament members in some of these countries, the decision of the executive government of these countries remained firm – to support One China Policy.

After the huge setback earlier this year where the Switzerland government issued a policy for Tibetan refugees in Switzerland as Chinese citizens, now the Trump administration will become friendly with China. Even the United States Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, issued a supportive statement toward the improvement of the US-China relation:

"To the surprise of many observers, Tillerson referred to a mutual U.S.-China understanding of 'non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation.”

Just several months ago, Sikyong Lobsang Sangay, congratulated the appointment of Rex Tillerson and believing he would be championing the Tibetan cause. ( and )

I think in the near future, we will see more and more government showing their support openly toward China, and CTA will be left with no choice but to be civil and bend to China’s will.


Chinese President Xi Jinping To Meet With President Trump In Florida

Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet with President Trump next week, a senior State Department official said Tuesday.
This visit will be the first in-person meeting between Trump and Xi, after Trump's sharp criticisms of China during the presidential campaign.

Trump and Xi are likely to get together at Trump's Mar-A-Lago resort, though the White House hasn't officially announced the visit. Likely topics for discussion are Trump's threats to counter China's trade policies, which he has called unfair.

As Hong Kong's South China Morning Post reports, an informal meeting of the two leaders – in Florida rather than at the White House – may be intended to reduce pressure for any concrete results, which could be difficult to achieve at the moment. The meeting echoes Xi's 2013 visit with President Obama at the Sunnylands estate in California, where Xi and Obama were photographed strolling along a lake in their shirtsleeves. The Post says:

"Truly impressed, the official mainland media then hailed the Sunnylands encounter as a new style of diplomacy known as 'Manor Diplomacy', praising Xi's confidence and maturity regarding bilateral ties.

"It is interesting to note that while US officials proposed Sunnylands in 2013, it was China that reportedly pushed for an invitation to Trump's private resort. Xi would be the second foreign leader to visit the resort, following Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe."

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who met with Xi earlier this month, will also be in attendance, according to the senior State Department official. As NPR's Anthony Kuhn reported at the time of Tillerson's Asia tour:
"To the surprise of many observers, Tillerson referred to a mutual U.S.-China understanding of 'non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation.'

"This was a near-verbatim repetition of the Chinese government's framework for relations with the U.S. Beijing refers to it as a 'New Type of Great Power Relations.' At its core, it implies that the U.S. and China are not only both great powers, but co-equals. ...
"Tillerson's use of Beijing's formula may leave the Trump administration open to criticism that either Tillerson bent over too far backwards to placate his Chinese hosts, or he failed to articulate the U.S. vision of the relationship, perhaps because it has yet to come up with a coherent policy towards China and Asia. Or both."

The Palm Beach Post reports that Xi will be in Palm Beach on April 6 and 7, and will not stay at Mar-A-Lago.
The Government Accountability Office announced Tuesday that it will be examining the costs and security issues associated with Trump's frequent visits to Mar-A-Lago. Senate Democrats introduced a bill last week that would call on the president to release logs of visitors to the White House and Trump's private properties, including Mar-a-Lago — information that isn't currently available.
It was Richard Nixon's visits to his home on Florida that prompted Congress to create the Presidential Protection Assistance Act to cap spending on Secret Service protection of presidents with multiple residences, according to NPR member station WLRN:

"Nixon owned a 1950s, concrete-block ranch home at 500 Bay Lane in Key Biscayne. It became known as the 'Winter White House.' When the Watergate scandal unfolded, Nixon spent a lot of time there.
"In 1969, Nixon bought the 'Western White House,' a home in San Clemente, California.

"The combined cost of securing both homes — more than $1 million, according to a General Accounting Office report — prompted Congress to limit this kind of spending."

The act was signed into law by President Gerald Ford in 1976.
Trump has spent half of his weekends since taking office at Mar-A-Lago. Based on a GAO estimate of a weekend trip by President Obama, the estimated price tag for taxpayers is $3.6 million per trip.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2017, 06:54:24 PM by vajratruth »


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Re: CTA is loosing support around the world
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2017, 06:09:34 PM »
Another blow for the CTA from the Trump administration. The trend that Donald Trump administration will be supporting One China Policy is becoming stronger.


By denying Tibetan women's football team US visas, Donald Trump govt proves it's anti-China rhetoric is hollow

A Tibetan women’s football team has been denied American visas to take part in a tournament in Texas. The decision to deny visas by the recently elected Donald Trump administration comes despite Trump’s searing rhetoric on Beijing’s One-China Policy. According to a report published in the BBC, most of the members of the Tibetan football team hold Indian identity papers, and two of them even hold Indian passports.

A US official was quoted by the Associated Press as saying that America still considered Tibet as part of China. America’s position on Tibet hasn’t changed, AP reported the US official as saying. The official also said that the US embassy didn’t comment on individual cases.

The BBC noted in its article that neither India nor China featured on the list of seven countries whose citizens had been banned from entering the US by the Trump administration. The American coach of the Tibetan team, Cassie Childers, said she was “shamed” over the American embassy decision, telling the BBC that the team had been planning the trip for months.

“I am disappointed because we had planned the trip for months. It was a big moment in every player’s life when they were told about the trip. It was their opportunity to tell the world that Tibetan women are capable of achieving anything,” Childers said.

The American coach had been training her Tibetan team in India, and most of the soccer players had applied for visa in India, the BBC reported.

What does the decision to deny Tibetans the visas tell about Donald Trump?

In the lead up to assuming American presidency, Trump had been critical of Beijing’s One-China rule. In December, Trump rattled nerves in Beijing by taking a telephone call from Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-Wen. Trump later doubled down on his stand in the wake of criticism by Beijing, saying that his administration wouldn’t be bound by One-China policy.

“I fully understand the One China policy, but I don’t know why we have to be bound by a One China policy unless we make a deal with China having to do with other things, including trade,” Trump had said back then.
Trump questioning the One China Policy,


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Re: CTA is loosing support around the world
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2017, 04:42:23 AM »
The Tibetan leadership focuses on Japan is not going to bring them anywhere. When will they see their tricks do not work? When would they accept the fact that all politicians are interested only in economic benefits. Tibetans-in-exile has nothing to offer. Although Tibet as a country has a lot of minerals but geographically, it is not convenient for any trades to be done directly. It would be different if they have a port like Singapore or HongKong etc. The Tibetan leadership in exile should really look into all realities and stop pretending everything is fine, which is obviously not, and their time is running out!

Tenzin K

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Re: CTA is loosing support around the world
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2017, 08:10:37 AM »
It’s sad that CTA still unable to realise the political interest of the individual country. The giant growing China is standing up strong in the eye of the world and many countries would want to be friend with him for economic benefits. This will goes same to the west like USA. It’s already a big slap to CTA with Switzerland government policy and there are more to come from other countries that will tell CTA that there is not worth to be Chinese enemy.

The meeting between China and USA is definitely a big hot news to CTA. Both giant countries are so influential for world economic and I personally will not see any negative result from the meeting if both are looking for the positive side of individual economic growth.

All countries in the world are looking into how to gain benefit for their country in making friends with China. CTA at the other side are looking for support to go against China. How ridiculous it is and what make it worst is CTA continue to separate their own people and using ridiculous spiritual reasoning by banning Dorje Shugden practices to cause  more suffering to their people. CTA is not getting support from out side and will not get support from the inside too. How far do you think CTA can last?

Time is not on CTA side anymore and they will fade in the eye of the world if CTA still don’t realise what to do to benefit their people and stop their selfish and greedy mind.


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Re: CTA is losing support around the world
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2017, 07:52:30 PM »
President Donal Trump after meeting China's Xi Jin Ping said, "We have developed a friendship, I can see that and long term, we are going to have a great relationship and I look forward very much to it". After all the posturing that statesmen do, it would seem like Trump is going to take a conciliatory approach towards China. A "great relationship" with China is the swan song for US support for the Dalai Lama, not that the US ever did much apart from rattle a few empty cages.

The Tibetan leadership courted Trump early after he won the US elections but so far there is no indication that President Trump will take a stance on the Tibetan issue that will benefit the Tibetans-in-exile in any real terms.
Times have changed and circumstances are turning the Tibet issue out of fashion. It has been happening for a while but the Central Tibetan Administration were too caught up in their old ways to evolve. After half a century of lost opportunities, it looks like its curtains for the CTA.

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« Last Edit: April 08, 2017, 07:58:51 PM by vajratruth »


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Re: CTA is losing support around the world
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2017, 04:21:50 PM »
I would say with China current economy power, nobody would want to make enemy with China. Even previously Trump made some nasty statement about China, but from the video, and this meeting between Xi Jin Ping with Trump, it doesn't seem to be that bad. I think Trump wouldn't be that not wise to be against with China. In order to win the world's support, he need to follow the world's pace. And this CTA is really not wise enough, they thought other countries will continue supporting them without any reason. After sometime, people will start asking. "Since you have your own government and you are part of China, why do I need to continue supporting you?" And, I think after Mongolia's case, i think no other countries dare to make any move that make China think they are against them. Only CTA is so naive to think that other countries will continue supporting them which independent and "free Tibet" seems to be impossible. Wake up CTA, don't think that you are smart, but actually you are the whole world laughing stock and parasite.