Author Topic: Lobsang Sangay: India should be more like China and out-Buddha China?  (Read 4127 times)

Ringo Starr

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Trust the Sikyong Sangay to be an instigator extraordinaire.

Addressing a reported 10,000 students at the annual Bharatya Chatra Sansad (also known as the Indian student parliament) 18th January 2017 forum titled "Repositioning India : A Global Perspective", he begins by fanning the already burning and controversial Hindu nationalist movement by challenging India to reclaim its "rightful" position as the no. 1 global super power.

How? “In such a scenario for India to reclaim its erstwhile global super power status, it should revisit its ancient civilisation with its rich history of Buddhist culture and knowledge,” he said.

Wait a minute Sikyong, you are instigating 10,000 young people to reclaim India's position as number 1 global super power by revisiting Buddhist culture and knowledge? What kind of leapfrog is that? How do you equate what Buddha taught with super powerness?

He says: “Buddhism was India’s greatest export as far as the world is concerned. If you look at the world particularly those in India’s neighborhood, Indian Buddhist culture had a significant impact on each of them,” he added. However, the sad irony now is that even though India has a rich Buddhist past, China currently has the upper hand in terms of using Buddhism as a global soft power,” he lamented.

Oh I see Sikyong, what you are really trying to tell the Hindus is to use Buddha to outdo China, to out-Buddha China. Very clever.

What you really did is to show how India-China tensions benefit your political platform, being Tibetans in exile and all. You also very clearly show your frequent and favorite pastime to mix religion, politics, and your instinct to instigate people into ethnic, religious and cross-border tensions. Shame on you.



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Re: Lobsang Sangay: India should be more like China and out-Buddha China?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2017, 10:48:32 AM »
The idiot wants to pack Buddhism as a miraculous product and to sell it to India, which would therefore naively employ disgruntled exiled Tibetans as heralds of Buddhism worldwide in order to achieve the promised super-power status, in a grand, newly-concocted patron-priest arrangement.

He desperately wants money, that's all. Already looking for a replacement to faltering Trump-era US support. And of course already planning to profit from the evil dalie's early demise with a convenient Indian-born replacement, which would enhance India's soft power and world supremacy.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay: India should be more like China and out-Buddha China?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2017, 07:39:29 PM »
Hmmm I think Sikyong Lobsang Sangay is showing his desperation and just throwing out whatever that comes to mind without much thought. To be a global super power, India needs to invests in not only their own economy but support the economy of other countries with good infrastructure, constructions, lifting the standards of living, etc. as what China had managed to do. China is welcomed in third world countries due to their friendly loan, sharing of technology innovation, helping these countries provide better social economy living within. The terms are generous and China portrays herself as a friend, not master nor dictator. India is certainly very much an up & coming country in trade but I think still a little way off the super power status, unless ownership of nuclear weapon is the meaning behind super power.

How is Sikyong going to market Buddhism as product when CTA under his leadership had created so much debacles of poor choices? One look at the controversial ban on Dorje Shugden and many would just think its too much trouble. With the numbers of Shugden practitioners way outnumbering the Anti-Shugdens, CTA should rethink their strategy by lifting the ban and working together to overcome their problems, statelessness being the chief of their problems. Buddha's teachings had always been linked to providing peace of mind and realisations so Sikyong Lobsang Sangay and his fellow CTA members should master that first, don't you think? Currently I just see the trail of problems left behind wherever they go.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay: India should be more like China and out-Buddha China?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2017, 08:17:33 PM »
Sikyong Lobsang is too pre-occupied with his new 'trainee' Ms. Dhardon Sharling. Did you see how 'close' they are and how Sikyong promotes her constantly. He needs her 'help' and she needs someone to boost her career in corruption in the Tibetan Exile govt of Dharamsala or CTA. She needs financial help for her family of course.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay: India should be more like China and out-Buddha China?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2017, 06:30:05 AM »
We all need help in samsara and we all need money in the secular world. But to profit from someone else's sorrow or suffering is not acceptable even in samsara and secular terms. So what if Ms Dhardon Sharling and her family needs money. Doesn't the world over?

But for the Sikyong Lobsang to peddle Buddhism for India to 'regain its superpower status is a bit rich. This is like 'snake-oil salesman' tactic. It will lose whatever credibility that the CTA has remaining with this. In this secular world, religion has to be separated from politics and it is, in very many countries around the world. The CTA can't do that and ti has a history of dividing their very own people. How then can they lead? By dividing an already divided people further?

As @Sabs mentioned, to be global superpower one needs more than being first in religious matters. There's the political and the economics side to ruling a country. All the CTA has done so far is spend other people's money. They get donations from the west and spend it on making videos on banning the practice of Dorje Shugden, furthering the discord sown between the claims for the two 17th Karmapas, the two 11th Panchen Lama and so on and so forth. They are living on charity. And have they really helped the Tibetan refugees with those funds? Are they independent financially after 50 years? Where will they be after the lease for the land granted the refugees expires? All these posturings by the Sikyong Lobsang is nothing shadow play.