Author Topic: Dalai Lama Visit Leaves Mongolia In Dire Straits  (Read 5009 times)


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Dalai Lama Visit Leaves Mongolia In Dire Straits
« on: December 07, 2016, 05:56:25 PM »
Mongolia was already facing serious economic problems even before the Dalai Lama's visit Despite year's of growth one-third of Mongolians live in poverty. The country was in the midst of negotiating a $4.2 Billion loan from China to revive its economy and so it came as a surprise that they would proceed to host the Dalai Lama against China's wishes.

After the Dalai Lama's visit, it seems the wheels have completely come off what was a already rickety wagon. And now Mongolia is desperately seeking aid from India as China impose sanctions on her.


“India should come out with clear support against the difficulties that have been imposed on Mongolia by China, which is an overreaction to the religious visit by His Holiness Dalai Lama. We have not changed our ‘One China’ policy, so Beijing’s response to Mongolia hosting the spiritual leader is really not justifiable,” said Ambassador Gonchig Ganbold.

He said Mongolian vehicles were being arbitrarily charged for over-land transit and China’s province of Inner Mongolia had begun to charge trucks carrying minerals a provincial tariff.

“With winter temperature already around minus-20 degrees, transport obstruction by China is likely to create a humanitarian crisis in Mongolia as these measures will hurt the flow of essential commodities,” he said. The Ministry of External Affairs had been briefed about the bilateral difficulties with China that erupted following Dalai Lama’s visit.



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Re: Dalai Lama Visit Leaves Mongolia In Dire Straits
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2016, 10:53:20 AM »
The difficulties that Mongolia has to face have even been increased after the visit of the Dalai Lama. Already having a crisis before the visit, the reaction of China leaves Mongolia without a much needed emergency loan and many other ongoing projects like meetings and obstructions of transport. (See China cancels Mongolia talks indefinitely after Dalai Lama visit

The seasonal problems along with the financial crises is likely to produce a humanitarian critical situation for Mongolia. So sad to see Mongolia being in such trouble now for the winter.

Let's hope the Dalai Lama remembers the Mongolian people and helps them as he was the cause for China's reaction.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Dalai Lama Visit Leaves Mongolia In Dire Straits
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2016, 01:50:40 PM »
The fight to see who comes out the greater of two sides between the Chinese government and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The losers here are the poor Mongolians who have to suffer after being blessed by the visit of HHDL. Financial loan for reviving its economy from China have been halted and many obstacles have been brought forth after Mongolia went ahead to host the Dalai Lama against China's objections. Hopefully help from some other nations would pour in, else the world witness more people living in hardships due to the need of leaders wanting to be more in control over others.


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Re: Dalai Lama Visit Leaves Mongolia In Dire Straits
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2016, 02:59:45 PM »
I find it interesting that ordinary Mongolians who may not have faith in the Dalai Lama has to suffer the consequences of his visit to Mongolia. If we look at Nepal who has been successful in building rapport with China, China is rewarding them big time. Recently, China launches a new cargo service to link Tibet with Nepal. The economy between these two region will soon improve due to ease of trade.

Interesting to note that the CTA and the Dalai Lama's followers who have been praising Mongolia for allowing the Dalai Lama to visit, are now disappearing and not even providing any sort of help and support to their 'friend' Mongolia. The CTA only think of themselves.


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Re: Dalai Lama Visit Leaves Mongolia In Dire Straits
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2016, 02:00:57 AM »
The Tibetans in exile have no means to help themselves, much less any country as big as Mongolia. They were hoping to ride on their coat tails but unfortunately have only managed to create more problems for the people of Mongolia.

It's politics and the CTA in their hard stance and negative rhetoric to have their own way, have isolated themselves and play the politics of the big boys when they themselves are reliant on handouts. Makes wonder whether the Sikyong has any real experience in world politics. They have total disregard for the lives of many in their pursuit to drain the funds for themselves instead of helping the Tibetans.

Again, I can only shake my hand with my face in my palms in despair.


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Re: Dalai Lama Visit Leaves Mongolia In Dire Straits
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2016, 02:10:50 PM »
Even prior to the Dalai Lama's visit, it was already crystal clear that Mongolia was already going through troubled times. The Dalai lama's visit only further added to the problems by causing China to take the visit as a bad thing. Due to this visit by the Dalai Lama, the people of Mongolia, especially the poor have to bear the consequences and suffer as much needed financial loans meant to help them are canceled.

it is really sad to see that the Mongolians, no matter whether they have faith in the Dalai Lama or not have to be put through such a situation. May their problems soon be solved.


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Re: Dalai Lama Visit Leaves Mongolia In Dire Straits
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2016, 03:04:30 PM »
The Dalai Lama's visits, blessings or bane? It is really sad that it has boiled down to this. CTA's delay in taking up the Dalai Lama's advise to reach out to China for the dialogue on Autonomy rule has severely reduce their leverage. As more powerful allies turn towards China for trade and political agreements, CTA is loosing their supports. What's left are countries who are either not interested, ie. the islamic countries, or are not in position to help at all. Mongolia falls in the later category. Being heavy in debt, Mongolia very much needed the bail out from China and yet CTA either naive in politics or totally selfish in their desperation, jeopardised the pending loan agreement between Mongolia and China with the Dalai Lama's visit. Mongolia being Buddhist majority may have been happy for the blessings from the Dalai Lama's visit and thought that with his 'famous' connections, they may not face any repercussions. However, they thought wrong. Now with the wrath of China bearing down on them, the Mongolians faced difficulties with no help from CTA nor India who had supported the visit. Left alone, Mongolia now prohibit future visits by the Dalai Lama to pacify China. This shame has been reported and broadcasted worldwide which could have been avoided if CTA had been kind or conscientious of Mongolia's dire situation.

It is really time that CTA start to revamp their strategies and change the direction of their pandering. China is the one that they should be making overtures to as China is the only one who is in the position to say "yes" to their return home. The reality is "Tibet is a province in China" and this is an accepted fact by the International Heads of States. As "refugees", CTA is very much dependant on sponsorships with America being the biggest sponsor. Maybe CTA is very much afraid of loosing this ludicrous easy monies but they are really selling out the Dalai Lama and reducing him to just being a pawn of the West and not the exalted emanation of Buddha Avalokiteshvara that he is. CTA needs to heed the Dalai Lama's advice to get the dialogue with China as their future to return home is in China's hands. And China is more than capable of being generous as seen in their revival projects in Tibet. China being Buddhist orientated shares long history of association with Tibet and Emperors had received Dharma from prominent Tibetan Lamas. If CTA could let go of their pride, lift the ban on Dorje Shugden to strengthen the unity of Tibetans and to stop all forms of attacks against China, then it is highly probable that they may get the much needed dialogue. China with the possibility of being seen as "bighearted" may be kinder in their negotiations. So CTA, be wise and don't wait until you reach the dead end and become really 'stateless' or absorbed when India takes back their land after 99 years ends.


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Re: Dalai Lama Visit Leaves Mongolia In Dire Straits
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2016, 03:24:08 PM »
After getting Mongolia in shitty situation, where is CTA now? Did CTA voice their support for Mongolia at all? Did CTA offer help to Mongolia to get them out of their trouble for upsetting China? No. There is not a word from CTA.

CTA is very famous of taking from others, but have seldom or never contributed. When there was a fire which destroyed business, they asked for money from other countries, but when India or Nepal has disasters, they seldom or nearly never helped.

CTA really need to be more responsible. If more and more countries stop dealing with CTA because of their selfish nature, the only one suffering is CTA and Tibetans. So beware.


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Re: Dalai Lama Visit Leaves Mongolia In Dire Straits
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2016, 07:03:32 AM »
Mongolia is already facing a crisis even before the Dalai Lama’s visit and now with China imposing sanctions on them and not supporting them with the much needed loan to revive their economy, they are facing bigger crisis during the winter months.   

I hope other nations will come forth to help them and may their problems be solved soon.


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Re: Dalai Lama Visit Leaves Mongolia In Dire Straits
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2016, 12:06:43 PM »
Mongolia is in dire straits indeed. So much so that they have decided not to allow the Dalai Lama to visit Mongolia again in the future. Please follow the link top read the full article by ABC news on December 21, 2016 : -

Mongolia Says Dalai Lama Will Not Be Allowed Future Visits

Mongolian Foreign Minister Tsend Munkh-Orgil was quoted as saying "that both sides were working to normalize relations and resume talks and that Mongolian lawmakers were able to visit China last week."


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Re: Dalai Lama Visit Leaves Mongolia In Dire Straits
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2017, 04:31:19 PM »
It quite sad actually to read about Mongolia’s hard stance of no longer welcoming the Dalai Lama considering that historically, Mongolia has deep ancient ties to Tibetan Buddhism and to the history of the Dalai Lamas. In fact, Mongolian rulers had played significant role in establishing the Dalai Lama centuries ago.

However, such approach is hardly surprising taking into account Mongolia’s financial problems which worsen after allowing Dalai Lama’s visit. In reaction to such visit, China postponed diplomatic meetings with Mongolian officials and imposed new commodity shipping fees. Mongolia’s economy, which is currently in recession, is dependent on China, and the countries had been negotiating a possible $4.2 billion loan. Those negotiations were put on hold after the Dalai Lama's visit.

Thus, to many political analysts, the surprising move was actually Mongolia’s clumsy handling of the situation pertaining to the Dalai Lama’s visit whilst trying to convince China for a large loan. It is no secret that China has long pressured countries, including Western ones, to ban visits from the Dalai Lama, as the Chinese leadership consider him to be a dangerous separatist and political trouble maker. It is also not uncommon for China to leverage on its significant economic influence to bend things in line with its views.

Unfortunately, what we are seeing a shining example of the negative consequences of mixing religion with politics. Not only did it resulted in a religious visit being construed negatively, it triggered political reaction which caused more suffering to people and even the rectification actions would still penalise/compromise the religious beliefs of a large number Mongolians.

Considering this issue has developed to this state, it is hoped that with such drastic gesture by Mongolia, the damage is really reversible with China so that it counts and the poor Mongolians would at least have some economical reliefs.