Author Topic: Man Jailed for Creating Division  (Read 6243 times)


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Man Jailed for Creating Division
« on: September 04, 2016, 08:49:12 AM »
Man Jailed for Creating Division

It's getting a bit tiring to read about the antics of CTA and Dharamsala. Accusing others of unfair practices when they themselves are so guilty of it.

If someone creates schism and division, be it elderly or young, the karma is the same, the punishment by the secular government is the same. Karma does not take sides or gives quarters due to age, neither does the secular government  of a country.


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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2016, 10:35:08 AM »
I so totally agree with you Grandmapele. I don't blame China for wanting peace and harmony for her citizens and since Tibet falls under China's governance, then she has a right to stop schism that could potentially be harmful. China promotes religious freedom and as such accepts the practice of Dorje Shugden as the legal right of the people. The illegal policy of CTA to ban Dorje Shugden has divided the Chinese Tibetans and definitely reduced their strength in two, the Shugden practitioners and Anti-Shugdens.

The Dalai Lama and CTA obviously does not care much for their people other than their own agenda. CTA encourages schism and segregation within their community in India as they impose their own rules but when the Tibetans live in outside of their jurisdiction then the local law applies. So being in China Tibet, the people there are subject to the Chinese laws. If the Dalai Lama and CTA had cared about their people under the laws of other countries, then they should issue some advices to not practice anything against the law which may land them in court or jail. And if the Dalai Lama and CTA say that they have no control over their people's actions, well that is just a blatant lie. If they have not control, then there won't be any Anti-Shugdens right?? If they have no control, then there won't be ousting of monks from their rightful monasteries, etc. In fact, they have so much control that families, friends, associates and strangers could pit against each other due to the ban and their edict. The Anti-Shugdens could inflict harm and damage to the Shugden practitioners...that is how powerful the Dalai Lama and CTA's control. No Ban....another blantant lie.


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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2016, 01:09:54 PM »
Although China’s official stance on religion is based on Marxist-Leninist-Maoist atheism (i.e. that religion will die out when social conditions develops sufficiently), China recognises that religion could have both positive and negative social functions. Thus, it has relaxed its grip on religion and especially in recent times, has allowed much religious freedom.
But if there is one thing that China will not tolerate, it is any incitement of unrest. Hence, such harsh treatment of the elderly Tibetan which is unfortunate but logical and necessary to China to ensure political and social stability.
All this stems from the illogical Dorje Shugden ban. If there is no ban, then this wouldn’t have been an issue. 

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2016, 02:13:53 PM »
This incident shows that the Chinese government is real serious in promoting harmony among its citizens and would not hesitate to punish anyone who flaunt this ruling. Hopefully this will serve as a powerful reminder to those Tibetans who is taking matters in their own hands to create hatred and division amongst themselves because of the Dorje Shugden worshipping issue.

It is also about time the Tibetans should stop to blindly follow the instructions given by the CTA. Have they not realize that there have been no progress at all in the cause to regain Tibet? As they are now living in China and under the Chinese rule, they must also realize that whatever the CTA says does not apply to those living in China.


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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2016, 01:48:45 PM »
The Tibetan leadership used the news to portray the Chinese government as being oppressive. Propaganda has always been the CTA's expertise.

The fact of the matter is, thousands of people over the world are incarcerated daily for inciting violence by abusing racial and religious issues. Every government has a duty to protect its citizen's rights. Except for the CTA of course.

A more interesting question is whether there is any truth in the rumors that the Tibetan leadership sponsors campaigns that inflames religious disharmony within the Tibet Autonomous Region. Even if it is not actively doing that, the presence of the Shugden ban itself is a prominent dividing force.


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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2016, 05:12:02 AM »
We should not create separation and discrimination.


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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2016, 01:47:52 PM »
@vajratruth, there is no need to find evidence of CTA sponsoring campaigns that inflames religious disharmony within the Tibet Autonomous Region. By implementing the ban by segregation is creating divide and disharmony.

By claiming that those who practices Dorje Shugden are Chinese spies and paid by communist Chinese and therefore is against Tibet, is creating a divide.

Change starts with us as individuals. If one individual becomes more compassionate it will influence others and so we will change the world. -

So, why can't the followers of the Xdalai Lama heed his words and be more compassionate? Why can't they change as individuals to be less violent?


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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2016, 02:44:40 PM »
In order to create peace and harmony in the country, any government who truly cares for their citizens will be strict on those who use religion to cause schism and division. I applaud China's decision to implement the policy of respecting all religion including Dorje Shugden practice. It is sad that Jamyang Tsering has to be jailed but at least China is putting effort to create religious harmony.

What has the CTA done? All these years, they have incited hatred, violence and division amongst their own people and condemning Dorje Shugden. It has caused so much hardship and sufferings. If there is no ban, than this issue would not have happened and this old man would be free instead of in jail. 


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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2016, 05:04:03 AM »
China is making everything very straight forward. If the action or speech is divisive, then it is jail, unlike the CTA.

The CTA is banning the practice but is not coming out to say it directly. it is creating division and schism. They are twisting and turning to segregate the Tibetans and yet not wanting to come out and say there is a ban. They want their cake and eat it too. Children!!

Geraldine Sarie

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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2017, 01:40:53 PM »
There won’t be much improvement if the CTA continue power crazy to compel their people religious choice and accusing, blaming China for their failure in leadership. Even CTA are not taking any responsibility into protecting their people in Dharamsala. The Tibetan in Dharamsala were being assaulted, killed and harassed. :'(


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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2017, 06:38:09 PM »
China is making everything very straight forward. If the action or speech is divisive, then it is jail, unlike the CTA.

Disgruntled Tibetan feudal theocrats, as represented by the evil dalie and the CTA clowns, know that in progressive China's Tibet they would be nicely placed where they belong, that is behind the bars, in the garbage bin of history, whence their understandable China-phobia.


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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2017, 08:55:20 PM »
Although China’s official stance on religion is based on Marxist-Leninist-Maoist atheism (i.e. that religion will die out when social conditions develops sufficiently)

The idea that religion is neglected when social conditions are advanced enough is actually very old, as the Buddhist Abhidharma describes the Northern Continent's inhabitants as prosperous and long living, but indifferent to religion.

Still according to the Abhidharma, affluent desire realm gods are mainly indifferent to religion too, as they spend most of their time enjoying sensual pleasures from party to party.

This idea might explain why theocratic regimes from European Catholic middle ages to old, feudal Tibet seemed to be so happy with mass poverty and serfdom.

It might explain as well the growing popularity of Islam and of manifold Christian churches among the impoverished masses in underdeveloped countries.

Therefore, China's official attitude towards religion, beyond mere Marxist dogma, may have a basis on factual observation as much, as confirmed by the Abhidharma.

Therefore, wisely aiming at reducing the political leverage of religion, Chinese rulers make a conscious effort to bring development and well-being to the masses.

Conversely, religious fanatics poisoned by the evil dalie's propaganda, such as the imprisoned old Tibetan man, are just playing in the hands of disgruntled, exiled ex-landlords eager to revive old feudal theocratic Tibet, with the usual help of Western neo-colonialist-imperialists, whence the Western-sponsored Radio Free Asia's article trying to portray the perverted old man as a “victim” of Chinese “oppression”.

Belinda Mae

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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2017, 04:33:01 PM »
I really support what the China is doing. We should all promote peace and harmony and not segregation and division amongst the people. What the CTA is doing to the people is totally wrong and is not bringing peace at all. Everyone has their own rights of whatever practices they want to follow and nobody has the rights to stop them. I really pity the 77 year old elderly man for being put in the jail but why in the first place he want to create division? People who has been practising Dorje Shugden should they themselves check and contemplate whether the practise is doing them harm or not.


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Re: Man Jailed for Creating Division
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2017, 04:48:57 PM »
No matter what country, religious freedom is a must. No one should be segregated nor harmed because of what they practice. The government must also ensure that no hate groups can incite hatred in any way. There must be strict laws against those haters.

In this case, China was right to do so. No matter what age nor race, punishment is a must. As a government, they are there to ensure peace, harmony and unity. How do you think they manage the amount of people in China if they are not doing their job?Once one person start, others will follow and things will definitely be blown out of proportion so it was wise of the government to stop it before it did.

The Dalai Lama should stop asking His own people to create disunity because of Dorje Shugden. Everyone should have the right to practice what they want. Looking at this and the cases of immolation, its really sad. What does He hope to achieve in doing this??