Author Topic: Opinion: The Dalai Lama’s Commencement Speech Is Problematic for UC San Diego  (Read 4461 times)

Ringo Starr

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His Holiness Dalai Lama will be speaking at UC San Diego's commencement soon.

Students from China who attend UCSD have protested the choice of commencement speaker but the ignorant and narrow Americans have called them all sorts of things and have even asked them to go back to China!

Here is a recent opinion piece in the Times of San Diego written by a Chinese that is facing the same ignorant ridicule from Americans (and fanned by Tibetans) who have a starry-eyed view of His Holiness and refuse to accept any other opinion.

Please use the comments section to help introduce the Dorje Shugden controversy to the American public, the people of San Diego in particular. It is a good opportunity before His Holiness visits the city soon.

Can you imagine such ignorance in the 21st century? And no I am not a Chinese citizen and neither am I funded by the Chinese. I would just like ignorance be fought with information. Thank you for the support.


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Hollywood is partly to blame for panting a glowing glossy picture of Tibet without the harsh realities of life in the roof of the world. Serfdom is glossed and feudal system is brushed off. China has gone through all that and more. It would be good for more information and knowledge of the old Tibet to be made known to the world.

After all, the Dalai Lama has been propounding democracy for years now. Hopefully the CTA will make it a reality and not use that to merely pay lip-service and score brownie points.

Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth -
Serfdom in Tibet controversy - Wikipedia -


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The western country in many cases want to force their view and ways onto other countries, without really understand the issues at hand. Specifically, they like the world to follow their system of Democracy because they think it is the best system.

But do they really understand people in Tibetan In Exile are too "naive" to understand democracy? Look at India who practices democracy, is it better than China who uses a "modified" version of Communist? I am not saying democracy doesn't work, but it definitely doesn't work if the people/citizens are not mature enough to handle voting rights. When you are so hungry and poor, would you vote for a person who feeds you food? Or would you vote for a person with ideology?

Tibetan in Exile is following the democracy to win the money of the westerns, so that westerners will continue to fund their country. But are they following democracy? They can't even implement religious freedom!!

Westerners need to read up more about other countries before they made comments based on what is shown on bigscreens.


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The western country in many cases want to force their view and ways onto other countries, without really understand the issues at hand. Specifically, they like the world to follow their system of Democracy because they think it is the best system.

But do they really understand people in Tibetan In Exile are too "naive" to understand democracy? Look at India who practices democracy, is it better than China who uses a "modified" version of Communist? I am not saying democracy doesn't work, but it definitely doesn't work if the people/citizens are not mature enough to handle voting rights. When you are so hungry and poor, would you vote for a person who feeds you food? Or would you vote for a person with ideology?

Tibetan in Exile is following the democracy to win the money of the westerns, so that westerners will continue to fund their country. But are they following democracy? They can't even implement religious freedom!!

Westerners need to read up more about other countries before they made comments based on what is shown on bigscreens.

I think that many Tibetans are not naive or immature and can understand very well the benefits of a democracy. But they are not shown that democracy is followed by their officials. They are not educated by their government to be democratic and show what it means to be democratic.   

Dorje Shugden practitioners are persecuted and not allowed to live a normal life. So how can the CTA base the help they request on human rights and democracy? They are not following human rights themselves.

I agree Hollywood and prominent stars are adding to the confusion.

But in the end it is simple:

Tread all Tibetans equal, no matter what religion they follow!

Find peace with China and move on to create a better life for all Tibetans!