Author Topic: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans  (Read 5903 times)


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China to spend 30 billion Yuan to improves the lives of people in the Tibetan autonomous region.

Tibet: autonomous area focuses on better lives

By: Palden Nyima and Da Qiong

The Tibetan Autonomous Region is embarking upon a big social spending campaign, which includes cash to help alleviate poverty, raise wages and improve welfare and education services.

he Tibet autonomous region plans to spend 30 billion yuan (£3.5 billion) improving people’s lives this year, according to the region’s financial department. The money will be used on 33 projects, including poverty alleviation, education, health and social welfare, Jiang Guojie, deputy head of the department, said at a recent meeting.

According to the financial department, 8.8 billion yuan will be used on poverty alleviation projects, including one that aims to relocate at least 160,000 people to more habitable locations, this year. By the end of the year, the region expects to lift about 130,000 residents out of poverty, and the per capita disposable income of people in poverty is expected to increase by 16 per cent, according to the region’s 2017 Government Work Report.

Another 6 billion yuan will be invested in the development of border areas of the autonomous region, and annual subsidies to residents in these border areas will be raised by 1,000 yuan to between 2,500 and 2,700 yuan, Mr Jiang said.

Hu Hong, head of Gyirong county, one of the border areas, said the county’s share of the fund would be “of great help” to its development. The county, which borders Nepal, is now gearing up infrastructure construction for Gyirong Port’s opening-up.
“The money will fund projects for water, electricity, roads, communications, greening and public facilities, among others. We are taking this great opportunity to speed up infrastructure construction in border townships,” Mr Hu said.

Apart from poverty alleviation and border area development, the 30 billion yuan will be used to raise the minimum living allowances for low-income urban and rural residents, and attract more educational and medical professionals to work in Tibet, Mr Jiang said. Starting this year, the minimum living allowance for rural residents has been raised from 2,550 yuan to 3,311 yuan a year, and that for urban residents has been raised from 640 yuan to 700 yuan a month.

Mr Jiang said the region has continuously worked to solve problems that people are most concerned about, boost economic development and improve people’s well-being. In the past four years, Tibet has earmarked 70 per cent of its financial resources on livelihood sectors, he said.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2017, 01:58:01 PM »
This is indeed good news, that China is treating its citizens well and looking after their livelihood. A good sign to show the world that Tibet is part of China and being well looked after. For last 30 years or so, many Chinese have risen out of poverty and it is now timely for the Tibetans to do so, as they are Chinese too. From the news it is not that China had not done anything for the Tibetans but rather wants to do more.

I wonder what CTA thinks of doing for the Tibetans in exile for whom CTA are representing as their Government and leaders. 

A worser scenario that CTA can do is to canonise the victims of self immolation to disturb the Chinese Tibetans. For the sake of loving compassion and loving kindness I hope that this will not happen.

May Tibetans in exile who are Dorje Shugden devotees should think of returning to China to practise their historical Protector in peace.


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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2017, 04:09:30 PM »
This is indeed a good news for the Tibetan. In fact, China has proven that they are taking care of their own people, even the Tibetan. Afterall, from what I see, it doesn't look so bad like what CTA said about China government. On the other hand, what they CTA has done for their own people? Since China now has promised what they are going to do to develop Tibet, I think it is time for Dalai Lama to ask to go back to China. Since the Dalai Lama once said "Whether the Chinese government admits it or not, there are problems in Tibet. You (China) have to solve these problems for our common interest." So, at least China now start looking at Tibet's problem. I start to wonder, will CTA close down if Dalai Lama really return to China? Let's hope that all the Tibetan in exile able to go back to their home land in Tibet. For Dorje Shugden practitioners, let's hope they are able to go back to Tibet to continue practice Dorje Shugden, where there no such thing as Dorje Shugden ban.

Belinda Mae

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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2017, 04:24:53 PM »
The Tibetans should be very happy about this news as China is trying to improve the situation in Tibet. Imagine the huge amount of money that China is contributing. What has the Tibetan got to say? Are they going to agree or are they going to reject the help from China. If by agreeing to China's help then Tibet will improve and grow and if they reject then they will be forever in that state until they can find some other countries to help. But Tibet is part of China. I wonder if they can reject this offer. What has the CTA got to say? I am really curious to know.


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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2017, 02:35:50 AM »
If the Tibetan leaderships do not have the funds like China have, to improve the living conditions and better household income for Tibetans in Dharamsala and in other settlements in India, it is quite understandable. But at least do more to build and provide instead of destroying the spirit of Tibetans. Unite people, not split them up. Just stop trying to find scapegoats to cover up what they failed with and their broken promises. Stop dreaming their demands of China will be met. Move on, admit their mistakes, hold their heads high and put all efforts to provide more for their people.

Brian Little

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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2017, 03:57:54 PM »
Should CTA reclaim Tibet which I think it will be highly unlikely, I don't think there will be massive development happening in the land of Tibet. China is one of the world's powerhouses now and Tibetans should be happy to hear this news of China's investment into Tibet. CTA won't be able to do that and eventhough there are a lot of money received from countries who sympathetic towards CTA and it's so called people currently taking refuge in India, what has CTA really done for the people? I think none.


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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2017, 06:34:10 PM »
This is a good news for those Tibetan who are still in Tibet. I wonder that how CTA explain to his people who is still in India. The current situation shown that peoples who are now living in Tibet has better life than  Tibetans in exile.  After 60 years, the Tibetan in exile still depend their fund from oversea sponsors to survive . My question is how effectively will it generate continued international support, and in the worst scenario, will the CTA able to survive as it is today?


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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2017, 10:18:13 AM »
It is indeed good news that China is improving the lives of the Tibetans. The Tibetans in Tibet are so much fortunate compared to the Tibetans-in-exile. Their lives will improve for the better in terms of poverty, education, health and social welfare and they even can practice Dorje Shugden without any fear of being discriminated, ostracized or abused.

I wonder what the CTA has to say about this great support from China to raise the living standards of the Tibetans. If the CTA can take over Tibet, which I doubt they can, will they be able to help their own citizen.  So far, with the amount of funds they received from overseas, what have they done to help their own people?


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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2017, 07:29:25 AM »
Oh wow! Obviously China is caring for Tibetans as part of China. Spending so much on improving the Tibetans' livelihood and what more, China allows religious freedom. Isn't it great that the Tibetans now have a stable future to look forward to unlike the feudal system where they served as slaves to the few privileged.

On the other hand, what has CTA done for their people? Especially those in exile and with millions in kindly donations by sponsors? What have the monies been spent on and how has the exiles' lives improved? The only freedom I have read about is the freedom by CTA to absorb the monies into their luxurious living. And incredulously unjustifiable expenditure on propaganda against China and Dorje Shugden, a 400 year old authentic protector practise validated by the numerous Dalai Lamas (including the great 5th) and highly attained Lamas (including Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, etc.) throughout the years. In contrary to the Dalai Lama's wishes, CTA keeps throwing accusations against China and inviting her ire rather than making overtures for dialogue towards autonomy. It shows how much respect they have for the Dalai Lama and his holy mind of wisdom. Probably that is why when the Dalai Lama pronounced that all can practice Dorje Shugden and his life will not be harmed by this protector practice, CTA just can't be bothered to correct and lift the ban on Dorje Shugden practice. CTA acts as they like to save face and totally disregard the Dalai Lama, only to use His Holiness as their pawn when it suits them.

Personally, CTA with Sikyong Lobsang Sangay should really open up their eyes to realise the direction of the world is heading towards. And that is towards China. China in her powers are generous towards their friends, not dictatorial like their western counterparts in their generosity and boy, can they be generous. I sincerely hope that CTA will not be too late in their overtures and they need to immediately lift the ban on Dorje Shugden, restore the rights of their people and to stop propaganda against China, to inspire confidence for China to agree to the dialogue. Surprise us CTA!!! Practice the law of karma. Be kind and reap suchness.


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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2017, 07:39:54 AM »
It is truly heartening news that the Chinese government is looking in earnest to improve the welfare of the Tibetans living in the Tibetan Autonomous Region.

The financial department has announced that it is planning to spend a whopping 30 billion yuan in improving the lives of the people in this region. This amount will be spent on 33 projects that include poverty alleviation, education, health and social welfare. Poverty alleviation will also include relocation of at least 160,000 people to more habitable locations.

The target is to lift about 130,000 people OUT OF POVERTY and to increase per capita disposable income by 16%. Infrastructure will be improved. The fund will be used for improvement of infrastructure and will also be spent on basic needs like water, electricity, roads, communications, greening and public facilities.

All told,it can be clearly seen that these are very significant projects with substantial targets. A thought to ponder over -as China is looking into the welfare of the people in the Tibetan Autonomous region, in comparison, what have the CTA done so far for the Tibetans in exile, who have looked with faith and trust towards them to alleviate their lives too.

So many years of distracting these Tibetans in exile from the harsh realities of their living in states of misery and poverty, by the ban on Shugden.

Geraldine Sarie

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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2017, 03:30:53 PM »
This is a good news for the Tibetan as well as China for showing concerned and contribution help to Tibet financially and economically. China even have sum up plans for the Tibetan people in improving their economic development and well being. Where on earth, will find such kind and generous country who could fully give such contribution especially from such strong and rich country like China?
This is the new generation, the past had gone. CTA shouldn’t arouse stories of the past. Acceptance of the mistakes, apologized, befriend and cooperate with China.


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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2017, 05:18:32 PM »
I wonder how the 160,000 Tibetans who will be relocated take this news. though they are poor and live in inhospitable places, it is what they know and they may not take too kindly to the relocation even if it is for their economic good. They may be very much in their comfort one there.

Subsidies, border development, attracting the medical professionals and educators will definitely go long way to better the economic and health future of the Tibetans. The Chinese government is slowly but surely moving away from their mistakes of the past and becoming more progressive.

Wonder if the CTA is doing anything similar for the Tibetans in exile in India.


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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2017, 11:28:02 AM »
The times were Tibet was far from the world and not much comfort and development is over. This did not happen because the Tibetan Government made the effort to put the necessary things into place but because of China.

China has improved the economy and living standard in Tibet whereas the Tibetan Government has still no long-term plans as it seems.
The CTA does not demonstrate a great future for the Tibetans as they still discriminate millions of Tibetans only because they practice Dorje Shugden.

Instead of going against China, why does the CTA not unite all the Tibetans and find a way to give the Tibetans a future in Tibet, China? After 60 years in exile, such a long time after leaving Tibet in 1959, in my humble opinion, the CTA should make peace for a better future for Tibet and the Tibetans!


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Re: China to invest 30 billion Yuan to improve the lives of Tibetans
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2017, 05:16:24 PM »
Instead of going against China, why does the CTA not unite all the Tibetans and find a way to give the Tibetans a future in Tibet, China?

They cannot do this, because this would mean that they would lose their very reason to exist, and they would not anymore receive their CIA allowances. What for would the CIA need a bunch of honest, sincere, and patriotic people? The CIA needs monsters, traitors, from South American tyrants, to Saudi Arabian terrorists, to Tibetan CTA-style disgruntled feudal lords.

Therefore, the question which remains is why honest, sincere, patriotic Tibetans still accept the authority of the evil dalie and his fake “CTA”, to which the answer is just their blind, anti-Buddhistic faith in an evil spirit and cult leader, the monstrous dalie.