Author Topic: UNESCO declares Chinese plateau a World Heritage Site  (Read 3670 times)


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UNESCO declares Chinese plateau a World Heritage Site
« on: July 19, 2017, 06:16:26 PM »
Unlike the CTA who always promoted their existence as the body responsible for preserving the Tibetan culture, China has been doing that in an effective manner, and keep showing positive results after results. If this continues, the CTA will become irrelevant.


UNESCO declares Chinese plateau a World Heritage Site

Tibetan activists fear World Heritage Site status for Hoh Xil may lead to displacement of Tibetan population.

UNESCO has declared China’s Hoh Xil plateau a World Heritage Site.

Hoh Xil, located in Qinghai province bordering the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR), is home to a large Tibetan population.

It is the world’s largest and highest plateau at a height of more than 4,500km above sea level and maintains sub-zero temperatures year round.

Tibetan activists, including Tibetan scholar Tenzin Choekyi, have warned the UN cultural body that the decision will give the Chinese government an opportunity to displace more Tibetan nomads from the area, as well as threaten the unique biodiversity of the region.

The Chinese foreign ministry told Reuters that local herders will not be displaced and their lifestyle would be respected after activists expressed concerns regarding rights of Tibetan nomads.

Traditionally, Tibet consisted of three main areas: U-Tsang, Amdo and Kham. In 1965, the Chinese government formed the TAR, making it the only official Tibetan space, and incorporated parts of Kham and Amdo into Chinese provinces.


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Re: UNESCO declares Chinese plateau a World Heritage Site
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2017, 08:32:01 PM »
Tibetan activists, including Tibetan scholar Tenzin Choekyi, have warned the UN cultural body that the decision will give the Chinese government an opportunity to displace more Tibetan nomads from the area, as well as threaten the unique biodiversity of the region.

China is known for the respectful way it deals with its traditional nomadic peoples, including Tibetans, and wth its biodiversity, and therefore I hardly needs the advice of the mercenary Tibetan anti-China propagandist.

Still, according to the mentioned propagandist, Tibet and Tibetans would surely be much better off as a US colony or puppet state, no matter how much the nature and the native peoples' traditional lifestyles would be destroyed, as they have been for centuries, and right now for instance with the infamous Dakota Access Pipeline destroying traditional places and lifestyles across the US.

The fact is, US and its puppets are ruled by the Jewish ideology of self-profit, and of disrespectfully seeing nature as source of profit in the service of and to be exploited by greedy humans, while China enjoys the deeply ingrained inheritance from Buddhism and other ancient traditions (suppressed in the West as “pagan”) which sees harmony and protection of life and nature as a supreme value.

Bravo China for one more great achievement!


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Re: UNESCO declares Chinese plateau a World Heritage Site
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2017, 03:04:03 PM »
Unlike the CTA who always promoted their existence as the body responsible for preserving the Tibetan culture, China has been doing that in an effective manner, and keep showing positive results after results. If this continues, the CTA will become irrelevant.

LOL I think they already are. They are just hanging and cashing in as much in as possible from those who feel sorry for them. I do believe that China will be more careful than before, and what they say they will carry out and the local herders will not be displaced and their lifestyle would be respected... because the world has been on their backs with human rights issues. BUt I guess this is just another day's exciting news for the rangzen to tweet out, otherwise what else can they do? 


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Re: UNESCO declares Chinese plateau a World Heritage Site
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2017, 10:45:04 PM »
I do believe that looking at the current circumstances; it is better for Tibetans to be under Chinese rules. There are so much more opportunities to advance economically and spiritually. The Chinese government has been restoring many monasteries that were destroyed during the cultural revolution and is quite generous with their funding to preserve the Tibetan culture.

On the other hand, the CTA gives almost nothing to the people under their charge. Instead, the CTA has been using the Tibetans in exile as a pawn to collect and attract more financial aid. In addition, they are creating schism and division between Dorje Shugden practitioners and non-Dorje Shugden practitioners. At the rate that they are going, the CTA is diminishing all their leverages and going toward their doom.

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Re: UNESCO declares Chinese plateau a World Heritage Site
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2017, 12:35:31 AM »
I am sorry but Tibetans in generally are already displaced in the Tibetan plateau because there are significant pockets of Tibetans that continually fight the Chinese leadership. Unfortunately for the Tibetans, China is at its strongest right now with tremendous economic and military might that can just swoop down and obliterate any problem, self-immolation or protest from the Tibetan minority.

Therefore, these pockets of Tibetans should be easily embolden by the US and actually try to engage peacefully with the Chinese leaders and understand their wants and needs. If the Tibetans especially those in exile in India, it may help them come to terms with reality and hold better negotiations with the Chinese for self-autonomy. Otherwise, the existence of Central Tibetan Administration is a farce and ineffective.