Author Topic: Tibet is Better Off under China  (Read 5273 times)


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Tibet is Better Off under China
« on: August 15, 2017, 04:46:00 PM »
Another evidence that Tibet is better off under China.


Hundreds of thousands freed from poverty in Tibet in 2016

LHASA, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- Some 150,000 rural residents in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region escaped poverty last year, according to the Tibet Poverty Alleviation Office.
"The autonomous region has invested 4 billion yuan (around 600 million U.S. dollars) to promote industries with local features in poor areas, and relocated 77,000 poor people last year," said Lu Huadong, deputy director with the office.
Statistics showed that Tibet had around 590,000 rural poor by the end of 2015. It plans to help at least 130,000 rural people cast off poverty and relocate 163,000 residents in 2017.
"This year is a key period for Tibet's war against poverty. We will continue mapping out policies and plans in accordance with varying situations and causes of poverty and increasing funds," said Lu.
In China, there were still 43 million people in rural areas living in poverty at the end of 2016. The country aims to help all of them out of poverty by 2020.

Big Uncle

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Re: Tibet is Better Off under China
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2017, 06:20:05 PM »
Yes, it is typical of the West to portray China as a xenophobic bully and hellbent on segregating and destroying Tibetan culture and so forth. However, that is just one side of the story and the truth of the matter is really not as bad because the Chinese do much to develop the Tibetan areas, building infrastructure,schools and bringing tourists to the area while developing the local economy and as a result, bringing much needed jobs.

It must be noted that the Tibetans are a minority and in a bid to secure themselves in the region, the central Chinese government had brought in a huge migration of Han Chinese to the area. Competition from the Chinese masses had inadvertently sidelined the Tibetans. This does not necessary mean that they are deliberately left out.


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Re: Tibet is Better Off under China
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2017, 01:14:23 AM »
Yes, it is typical of the West to portray China as a xenophobic bully and hellbent on segregating and destroying Tibetan culture and so forth.

Which is particularly ridiculous considering the wholesale segregation and destruction imposed on native American and aboriginal Australian cultures and peoples, among others, by barbaric, Jewish-Christian Western colonialists.

“From the colonial period of the early 1500s through the twentieth century, the indigenous peoples of the Americas have experienced massacres, torture, terror, sexual abuse, systematic military occupations, removals of Indigenous peoples from their ancestral territories, forced removal of Native American children to military-like boarding schools, allotment, and a policy of termination.”

“Thornton describes as genocide the direct impact of warfare, violence and massacres, many of which had the effect of wiping out entire ethnic groups.”

“By 1900 the indigenous population in the Americas declined by more than 80%, and by as much as 98% in some areas. The effects of diseases such as smallpox, measles and cholera during the first century of colonialism contributed greatly to the death toll, while violence, displacement and warfare by colonizers against the Indians contributed to the death toll in subsequent centuries”.

Therefore, Tibetans are lucky that they were not colonialized by barbaric, Jewish-Christian Western predators, but rather that they have been brotherly included in and protected by the great Chinese country and civilization, together with many other ethnic groups, thus being able to protect their own cultural and religious traditions.

owever, that is just one side of the story and the truth of the matter is really not as bad because the Chinese do much to develop the Tibetan areas, building infrastructure,schools and bringing tourists to the area while developing the local economy and as a result, bringing much needed jobs.

The benefits of being included in the great Chinese culture and civilization are not only economic, as described by you, but also religious and cultural, as the many ethnic groups within China enjoy the freedom to develop their own cultural and religious ancestral traditions, free from the interference of both Christian missionaries with their forced and maliciously induced conversions, and the egotistical, individualistic, privatizing, capitalist ideologies which characterizes Western, Jewish-Christian colonization.

It must be noted that the Tibetans are a minority and in a bid to secure themselves in the region, the central Chinese government had brought in a huge migration of Han Chinese to the area. Competition from the Chinese masses had inadvertently sidelined the Tibetans. This does not necessary mean that they are deliberately left out.

Right, which could not be said about the native American or aboriginal Australian populations, for instance, deliberately left out by the huge migration of Jewish-Christian, European invaders into the formers' ancestral lands.

Bottom line, what you called the typical way of the West to portray China as a “xenophobic bully” is just a propagandistic myth aimed at covering the Western, Jewish-Christian, own brutal, ruthless, genocidal attitude towards foreign cultures, religions, and peoples.


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Re: Tibet is Better Off under China
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2017, 02:29:42 PM »
Yes, it is typical of the West to portray China as a xenophobic bully and hellbent on segregating and destroying Tibetan culture and so forth. However, that is just one side of the story and the truth of the matter is really not as bad because the Chinese do much to develop the Tibetan areas, building infrastructure,schools and bringing tourists to the area while developing the local economy and as a result, bringing much needed jobs.

It must be noted that the Tibetans are a minority and in a bid to secure themselves in the region, the central Chinese government had brought in a huge migration of Han Chinese to the area. Competition from the Chinese masses had inadvertently sidelined the Tibetans. This does not necessary mean that they are deliberately left out.

The West is just using the Tibet-Dalai Lama card to press China because it is very simple... they are jealous and they feel threatened by China. Well too bad, China has way surpassed them and now everyone wants to make friends with China especially the bankrupt EU countries. This goes to show how the Chinese will never say die and will always work hard and push through no matter what the difficulties. Yes China may not be great with human rights, but so is America and British and Europe... just look at history. I don't think anyone can point the finger, they have equally taken, slaughtered, raped, murdered, robbed and killed the natives of other lands. And look at where America is today... looks at the situation at Charlottesville now! So appalling...  if America wants or dares to point the finger... I say 3 more pointing back... better clean up your own mess at home first. Looks like democracy is dying there and hate and racism and bigotry has arisen. They look far worst than China now. So I was Tibetan/Tibet/Tibet leaders, I would not count on getting support from America anytime soon. Their only hope for things to improve is China. Maybe I sound like a paid Chinese spy hahaha... that is what silly Tibetans always label us but truth is truth and it is up to you to be smart so that the future of Tibetans and Tibetan culture is preserved.


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Re: Tibet is Better Off under China
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2017, 06:04:23 PM »
Yes China may not be great with human rights, but so is America and British and Europe... just look at history.

How unfair it s to put on the same level China and barbaric, Jewish-Christian Western countries, specially when it comes to human rights and religious freedom!

Where are, for instance, the human rights and the religious freedom of millions of mostly Buddhist Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian people nuked and carpet-bombed by US?

Where are the human rights of millions of Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans, Yemenis and so forth, mass murdered, maimed, and displaced by US and their accomplices with the most horrific weapons?

Let's not forget that the very doctrine of “shock an awe”, used by Jewish-Christian US in their war against humanity, from Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Iraq, is itself a biblical Jewish-Christian terroristic conception.

Bottom line, the whole talk of “human rights” is nothing but a brazen propagandistic tool used by Western Jewish-Christian barbaric countries in order to cover their own unthinkable, serial crimes against humanity.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Tibet is Better Off under China
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2017, 06:59:48 AM »
It is awesome how Matibhadra used comparison of historical facts whereby the US or western civilisation had acted on what they are now blaming China of.

Suppression of human rights was executed on native American (called Red Indians by the colonists) and the aborigines of Australia.  Till this day and age, the suppression and results of these groups of people being the "underdogs" are still very obvious.  Although special concession are granted them.  These concession will not uplift these groups but rather induction to remain unprogressive.  Any complaints about China on human rights suppression on Tibetans are but a reflection of their own guilt.  Any one visiting Tibetan today as compared to 50 years ago will notice the change that have occurred to both Tibet and Tibetans. Tibet is now a destination for spiritual seekers and pleasure tourists.  The accommodation for visitors are far more hospital.

The train along the snow land to Tibet also makes travel and trade much easier for Tibetans. 

As to religious rights, China permits freedom of religion including Dorje Shugden worship but not the CTA. 

For the west to call China suppressing religious freedom, is once again a myth.  As mentioned the West has killed more people of other religions like Buddhists and Muslims in their righteous call for democracy. 

By far, there can be no doubt that Tibetans in China are doing much better than the Tibetans in exile in China.


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Re: Tibet is Better Off under China
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2017, 06:49:17 PM »

It is strange that China and other western countries human rights issues are being mentioned here, but nobody mentioned the human rights transgression performed by the Tibetan government in exile. They have discriminated Dorje Shugden practitioners, put them on the hit list, denied them employment opportunities, and encourage other Tibetans in exile to also discriminate against Dorje Shugden practitioners. Nobody should forget about that.

It is undeniable that China has a history of human rights issue, but so everybody else including the CTA. The fact of the matter is Tibetans in Tibet are enjoying the economic benefit and prosperity under China's rule, something that the CTA would never be able to give.


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Re: Tibet is Better Off under China
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2017, 04:34:44 AM »
It is strange that China and other western countries human rights issues are being mentioned here, but nobody mentioned the human rights transgression performed by the Tibetan government in exile.

Actually this has already been said by your own original post, which states that “Tibet is Better Off under China”, thus implying that under the evil dalie's pro-Western theocratic puppet rule Tibet would be worse off.

Still, since Big Uncle remarked that “it is typical of the West to portray China as a xenophobic bully and hellbent on segregating and destroying Tibetan culture and so forth”, a discussion developed about Western countries' own human rights violations.

Therefore, just what is actually strange here is that you try to save the face of your depraved cult leader the evil dalie while trying to blame the “CTA” for his horrific crimes against humanity, which shows how politically motivated are your comments.


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Re: Tibet is Better Off under China
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2017, 10:39:59 PM »

I don't know where do you get the assumption that I am the student of a Dalai Lama. As a Dorje Shugden practitioner, I had felt the discrimination. It was the CTA who design and implemented the discrimination and holding back IC to Dorje Shugden practitioners. Now their karma is coming baci because they have discriminate dDorje Shugden practitioner in the past, more and more countries have rejected the Tibetans (e.g., China, Taiwan, Sweden, and Italy.)


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Re: Tibet is Better Off under China
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2017, 04:15:57 PM »
Change! Change! Change! Can see that for the past 10 years, China has changed a lot. From its old fashion Communist government to now at least open for foreign investors and foreign market. From its old fashion closed minded Communist government system to now I would say semi democracy government. Especially recently China invests a lot in other countries besides developing their own country, in order to help the economy growth globally. Now Tibet. So far, I see China has honored their words.
So now, since China is changing moving forward for a better country, why can't Tibetan Leadership move forward??? What can dwelling in the past give them? Tibet independent, Tibet independent, people have been hearing this for the past few decades. It is impossible that Tibet will independent. This Tibetan leadership just can't face the truth. Or maybe they are holding it for the sake of getting money from the Western countries.
No matter what game Tibetan leadership is playing, it is not appealing and convincing anymore. Nobody believes in their sympathy card anymore, it is because they didn't show any progress in anything! I think China is playing a good game now, by investing in other countries, and developing rural areas like Tibet. So, Tibetan Leadership, if u still dwell in your past and don't move on, good luck! You should know there's not many King and Queen card in your hand now.   


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Re: Tibet is Better Off under China
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2017, 07:56:29 PM »
There is no way Tibet is ever going to be FREE but there is still a chance Tibetan culture to be preserved and for the Dharma to grow and flourish. If CTA really wants to help the Dalai Lama return to Tibet and see his people, it would be wise to stop criticizing China and start making friends.

Once they are friendly then whatever they wish to discuss further would be easier as one foot is already in the door. So CTA better quickly wise up and change their ways before it is way too late and all doors as close for them. Then they will be stuck stateless, a refugee and this is mostly those who cannot afford to migrate abroad like Dr. Lobsang Sangay... who has a green card! And his very "good and close" friend Dhardong Sharling already has an Indian Passport! Seems like these CTA leaders are have all planned out for themselves but they continue to make their people feel guilty if they become an Indian citizen? What kind of leaders are these people? Time for a change!