Author Topic: Tibet doesn’t want freedom, but autonomy, says Dalai Lama  (Read 4649 times)


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Tibet doesn’t want freedom, but autonomy, says Dalai Lama
« on: December 15, 2017, 09:07:41 AM »

The spiritual leader added, "Tibet is materialistically backward but spiritually highly advanced. We want to develop materialistically by remaining with China and it should also feel the same way for mutual benefit."

'Former Tibetan government head visited China recently' -

The Sikyong (head) of the elected Central Tibetan Administration, Dr Lobsang Sangay, in New Delhi confirmed that his predecessor Prof Samdhang Rimpoche did visit China recently. He, however, warned, “Don’t read too much into it. At most it’s a private visit and it’s too early to say anything.”

Yes, it is always too early to say anything until the deed is done. Even a child knows that.

So, in view of one after the other, from the 2 articles in April 2017 and December 2017, the CTA should watch their mouth and fingers. Stop mouthing bad words against those Umaylam proponents  and point fingers at Shugdenpas as Chinese spies. If they want to point fingers, point at Samdhong Rinpoche and Dalai Lama. Look who's going to China quietly.


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Re: Tibet doesn’t want freedom, but autonomy, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2017, 10:16:22 AM »
The Dalai Lama has again reiterated that he wants a meaningful autonomy for Tibet from China. As he plans a private visit to China, a most historic thing to happen,  let all parties including the Tibetan Leadership hold their breath and wait for Dalai Lama to speak . There should be a stop to and withdrawal of all negative rhetoric (such as Shugden practitioners being paid China spies)that will create further schism and maybe jeopardise the chance of any peaceful negotiations with China, something which may be in Dalai Lama's plans.


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Re: Tibet doesn’t want freedom, but autonomy, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2018, 01:58:14 PM »
Rangzen people can justify all they want on how they are not against the Dalai Lama although it is obvious that the cause they are fighting for an objective that is directly opposite of the Dalai Lama's umaylam

look at what professor Samdhong Rinpoche said - rangzen people are very dangerous.

Please watch this video


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Re: Tibet doesn’t want freedom, but autonomy, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2018, 10:27:15 AM »
Dalai Lama asking for autonomy is nothing new and really, how many times must he repeat himself before people are clear about his stance. In fact, it is as recent as Nov 2017 that Dalai Lama was reported in mainstream news to have unequivocally reiterated that he wants to be a part of China.

Yet funnily, the majority Rangzen people who (self-righteously) condemn Dorje Shugden practitioners for going against the Dalai Lama’s wishes are actually guilty of the same thing. Yet they shamelessly continue in their hypocritical ways.

But can’t be worse that those in CTA who outright persecute Dorje Shugden practitioners in the name of Dalai Lama yet do not hesitate to do things against the wishes of Dalai Lama when it suits their purpose. A blatant example on point:

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Tibet doesn’t want freedom, but autonomy, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2018, 01:58:55 PM »

"The spiritual leader added, "Tibet is materialistically backward but spiritually highly advanced. "

What a lie.

Someone show the DL some youtube videos about how materially advanced Tibet is.

China has poured in 10's of billions of dollars into Tibet.

Every time he opens his mouth he shows how ignorant he really is.

He knows China has won and that they will never allow him to visit.


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Re: Tibet doesn’t want freedom, but autonomy, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2018, 05:38:30 PM »
If the Tibetans are highly advanced in spiritually, the CTA would have governed its people with love, kindness, and equality, there shouldn't be a discrimination against Dorje Shugden people. Dorje Shugden people shouldn't be ostracised from the Tibetan community and denied their basic rights. The CTA has been treating the Dorje Shugden people inhumanely to the extent to have constitutions written to ban Dorje Shugden people from the world. If this is the actions of highly advanced spiritual people, people do not need to practise spirituality because it is worse than people who are not spiritual but behave like a decent human being.


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Re: Tibet doesn’t want freedom, but autonomy, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2018, 02:32:32 AM »
I wonder if the CTA does understand this as it obviously seems they don't!! Or have you seen Sangay and his acolytes helping the Dalai Lama to start a friendly dialogue with the Chinese authorities?

I wonder what is the CTA up to as they don't seem to represent the Tibetan people who stands fully behind the Dalai Lama!!

May the Dalai Lama's wishes come true as it has been much too long - 60 years - and there is no result for the Tibetan Cause.


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Re: Tibet doesn’t want freedom, but autonomy, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2018, 01:50:37 AM »
@Pema8  Based on Lobsang Sangay’s shady actions, it is more likely that he and CTA would only act to serve their own interests.  It is clear that Dalai Lama urges all Tibetans should work towards umaylam, not rangzen and even mentioned that if people do not support umaylam, there is no reason for him to live to 113 years old. So by that logic, it would mean that by keeping the fight for rangzen alive, the rangzen group are shortening the Dalai Lama’s life too, by directly opposing the Dalai Lama’s wishes.

Then why is it that CTA has actively persecuted Dorje Shugden practitioners on the (unsubstantiated) basis that such practice shortens the Dalai Lama’s life yet doesn’t take any actions against Rangzen people who are also shortening’s Dalai Lama’s life? Why doesn’t the CTA come down hard on Rangzen people as strong as Dorje Shugden people to safeguard the Dalai Lama’s long life by banning the practice, if CTA was truly all about protecting the Dalai Lama's long life?

Not only did CTA kept silent when Rangzen supporters organized a conference in Paris, France against the Dalai Lama’s explicit statement that umaylam is the best for all Tibetans, but also allowed its people to attend and support such event.


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Re: Tibet doesn’t want freedom, but autonomy, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2018, 01:52:10 AM »
@Pema8  Based on Lobsang Sangay’s shady actions, it is more likely that he and CTA would only act to serve their own interests.  It is clear that Dalai Lama urges all Tibetans should work towards umaylam, not rangzen and even mentioned that if people do not support umaylam, there is no reason for him to live to 113 years old. So by that logic, it would mean that by keeping the fight for rangzen alive, the rangzen group are shortening the Dalai Lama’s life too, by directly opposing the Dalai Lama’s wishes.

Then why is it that CTA has actively persecuted Dorje Shugden practitioners on the (unsubstantiated) basis that such practice shortens the Dalai Lama’s life yet doesn’t take any actions against Rangzen people who are also shortening’s Dalai Lama’s life? Why doesn’t the CTA come down hard on Rangzen people as strong as Dorje Shugden people to safeguard the Dalai Lama’s long life by banning the practice, if CTA was truly all about protecting the Dalai Lama's long life?

Not only did CTA kept silent when Rangzen supporters organized a conference in Paris, France against the Dalai Lama’s explicit statement that umaylam is the best for all Tibetans, but also allowed its people to attend and support such event.

To elaborate further, such double standard goes to show CTA will only act to its advantage. CTA needed to cover/explain its decades of failure and so Dorje Shugden is conveniently being used as scapegoat by CTA. Why else would CTA refuse a dialogue with Dorje Shugden people? Because CTA has no real solid justification for the Dorje Shugden ban.

Further, it is in the interest of CTA to keep Tibetans as refugees/poor so that CTA can manipulate the financial aids thus CTA allows for the perpetuation of things which can jeopardise any furtherance of the Tibetan cause, such as CTA’s deliberate silence about the disruptions caused by rangzen, self-immolations and even CTA’s intentional antagonization of China despite half-hearted effort to engage China for negotiations etc.