Clearly this is CTA's fault. 60 years have past, and they, the "government" did not do something, and anything at all to settle the refugees issue. They didn't go back to China, they didn't get independent, and recently when Indian government is kind enough to offer them Indian citizenship, CTA didn't even approve the Tibetan application at initial stage. CTA wants their people to remain as refugees, so that Lobsang Sangay can continue taking money from the west and go in to his own pocket.
Of course Lobsang Sangay won't hold Indian citizenship and won't stay in India. People like him, will only want to stay in western country. So that when anything happen in India or the Tibetan in India, he will fly to US. People like him doesn't deserve to be the Sikyong. He should come down, and CTA should cease operation. Tibetan should go back to their home coutnry, China! Stop dreaming Tibetan in exile! There's no independent!