Author Topic: Dharling - One day speaking Human Rights, next time banning religious practice  (Read 3561 times)

Ringo Starr

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Is Dhardon Sharling Pro-Human Rights or Gestapo?

Ringo Starr

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Wrong picture, this one...


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It's any which way to suit the moment. Any which way to get what they want. They fall into too may categories, all unsavoury. She talk with forked tongue. On the one hand, proclaiming democracy and Human rights, on the other, suppressing religious freedom.


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The Tibetan government in exile though small, can make much headlines, on one hand they persecute their own people on Dorje Shudgen, two Karmapas issue, Jonangpas entry into Tibetan government and on the other hand they tout human rights as if it is their god given rights.

Having so many issues, for CTA to dream of engaging the Chinese, is ludicrous and does not make any sense whatsoever. The strength of the Tibetan people in exile, lies in them being harmonious and working together to achieve some kind settlement to the Tibetan issue.

Else CTA, is building a house of cards. They are not being realistic in trying to chase after any kind of negotiation with the Chinese. I am sure the first thing any Chinese Negotiator thinks when engaging with the Tibetans is to think, am I actually speaking to the right people in power, with the Tibetans being so split is China actually negotiating with people who are representing the majority view of the Tibetans. Remember that kangaroo election that sidelined Lukar Jam.

I would not want to negotiate with any party, that may not represent the true view of the majority.


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It is exactly this kind of constant inconsistencies in what is said and the actions taken that is prevalent from top to bottom in CTA that hinders the negotiation with China. Seriously, how would CTA expect to be able to gain trust about negotiating in good faith when CTA keeps backstabbing China at every opportunity?

It is so typical of CTA to say one thing and do exactly the opposite, from claiming there is religious freedom for Dorje Shugden practitioners yet putting in so much efforts and resources to enforce the Dorje Shugden ban; to claiming that Tibetans in exile are free to opt for Indian citizenship yet actively stigmatising and creating obstacles for them to proceed with their application etc.

Then again, CTA’s focus is to enrich themselves at the expense of Tibetans, so in that sense, it makes perfect sense for CTA to always say one thing and do another.


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Yes,what the CTA say and do are riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions. One moment , they talk about unity of Tibetans and the next moment, they are segregating and ostracising Dorje Shugden practitioners.  Again, one day they are labelling Shugden practitioners as spies and  condemning them for being "funded by the Chinese" and the next day, Dhardon Sharling is announcing a workshop to train Tibetans on how to befriend the Chinese!

They bewilder and confuse others until we don't know what their direction is. This is being grossly irresponsible. Charged with the task of negotiating with the Chinese government for Tibet 's autonomy , there has been no sign of any effort made by them to resume negotiations! Again how are they going to do this while still showing nothing but hostility towards the Chinese?


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CTA is so used to confusing the issues that they twisted themselves into a quandary. After all, their standard trick is to convolute the matter. Hence, the contradicting statements and actions especially relating to the fight for Tibetan cause. What is really amazing is how CTA has managed for so long to continue deceiving people. In order to stop CTA from continuing to get away with such unacceptable behaviour, people need to demand and make CTA be accountable for their actions.


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Saw this comment by a Jamyang dude... what he says makes!

I have Question to Tibetan exile government, Central Tibetan Administration – CTA: Hey this Geshe Dorje interprets Nechung’s prophecy saying the Dalai Lama will go back to Tibet five years ago, and that people are just “gonna die” from seeing His Holiness return, ???? but… well, Dalai Lama is still stuck in India and no where near going back at the rate CTA is irritating China. Just Watch…

Not only that, there is still NO sign of even creating a good relationship for a chance to go back! So we Tibetans are all basically stuck and still nowhere near going back to Tibet. Yet the CTA does not like us to become Indian citizens but it is okay for Lobsang Sangay and his eh hmm darling Dhardon to have foreign passports?!?! How low can one get in cheating your own people, using them for your own benefit, using them to gain funds in the name of “refugee” and “Tibet Freedom”… how despicably low can one get… I guess CTA showing us how.

And why on earth are we still listening to this spirit Nechung who is often not accurate, always makes mistakes and give wrong prophecies, make problems and divided Tibetans???

Nechung even killed the 13th Dalai Lama by giving him the wrong medicine. So WHY are we still listening to him? Why are high lamas and Buddhist following what a spirit says? If we can follow Nechung spirit so why even condemn Dogyal? This is all so twisted, illogical and obviously political and weird and wrong!

Something sure is smelly about CTA