Author Topic: Tibetan MP Ms. Juchen Konchok & cohorts opposing the Dalai Lama. How dare they?  (Read 5741 times)


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Why is MP Juchen Konchok and cohorts opposing the Dalai Lama’s middle way approach to Tibet’s issue. The Dalai Lama has spoken countless times he does not want independence but genuine autonomy for Tibet which is called the middle way approach. Yet you have MP Juchen Konchok and the conference people talking about full Rangzen or full independence.

They are breaking their spiritual samaya (damstik) with the Dalai lama by opposing his views directly. They are opposing the Dalai Lama. When you oppose the Dalai Lama whether politically or spiritually within the Tibetan diaspora, you are asking for problems including segregation, ostracization and perhaps losing your standing within the community.

People who continue with the Protector Dorje Shugden practice are treated with malice, hatred, segregation and violence because it is seen not as religious freedom but opposing the Dalai Lama. Now the Rangzen activists are said to be allegedly even more ‘dangerous’ within the spectrum of groups that conflict with the Dalai Lama’s views. Even Samdhong says so clearly:

I guess the Rangzen people will have to tolerate the label of opposing Dalai Lama when your views are different as the Dorje Shugden people have for decades. They will suffer the same verbal and perhaps physical attacks for having a view different than the Dalai Lama’s just like the Shugden people. Can see here clearly: They will be labelled the agents of the Chinese because within the Tibetan communities, this is the best way to brow-beat people into submission or to create segregation for a person or group. Whether you are an agent of China or not does not matter. That label is powerful as the CTA uses this on the groups that do not fall in line with their ‘democratic’ rule. This is how it works within the Tibetan communities under the CTA.

Continue to read this important development here and get the full details:

How can these people be ungrateful to Dalai Lama. Each person in the photos had something to say to oppose the Dalai Lama recently in Paris, France. It is unheard of till now. Find out more!


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I don't think the attention should only need to be directed to MP Ms. Juchen Konchok or other rangzen activists. Although they are dangerous because their intention for a free independent Tibet continues to build up the Chinese suspicion, at least they made their intention clear. I think the more dangerous one is someone like Lobsang Sangay. He goes around the world bearing the title of the CTA President and tell the world that he supports the Dalai Lama's middle way and yet he continues to talk badly about China.  This guy should be stopped or the CTA future will be doomed.


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Whether it is Rangzen or Umaylam, Tibetans have wasted 60 years of their life and time to get their country back.

The best time whereby China and CTA were negotiating was during the first Olympics games, that the Chinese held. Still the CTA botched it up and produce no results to speak of.

Lets see how the Tibetans is going to move ahead with their Rangzen, they also do not have help from a leader like the Dalai Lama, a very tricky road ahead for the Tibetans. 


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I think the opportunity to negotiate with China for the CTA is still there as long as they stop condemning and start building rapport with China. The problem is, the CTA is not willing to do that and continue to create causes of suspicion for China. It is very apparent that the CTA's main concern is their longevity and maintaining the image of relevance in the world so they can continue to fundraise for the Tibetan cause. The CTA does not care about the welfare of ordinary Tibetan refugees.

christine V

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I thought Tibetans are always fully following what the Dalai Lama said?

In the issues of Dorje Shugden, the CTA uses strong tactic to persecute the practitioners, how come when come to Free Tibet issues, it goes against the Dalai Lama Views?  Isn’t it showing clearly that the CTA was bullying Dalai Lama by using Dalai Lama name to do something to their favor? So when the middle way approach could not gave them any incoming donation, they have to change the way by opposing the Dalai Lama. So, all the while the CTA are just acting that they followed the Dalai Lama. 

Tenzin K

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This seems like a group of people that had lack of trust in HH the Dalai Lama. Wonder how they get the funding for such a luxury meeting.

Dorje Shugden practitioners have not harm anyone but have been unreasonably suppressed and discriminate by CTA with violence, harrasement, vulgarity and many more for the practice but how about this group of people that openly going against HH direction and show a division within the Tibetan?

What is CTA going to say and do?


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Just as Tenzin K asked, "What is CTA going to say and do?"

These people like MP Juchen Konchok and cohorts are calling for Rangzen. They are going against the Dalai Lama's wish for Umaylam. How shall I divide this pie?

There is the Dorje Shugden division, the Karmapa division, the Panchen Lama division and now this Rangzen Umaylam division is rearing its ugly head. Wonder what's next.

But, in all honesty, isn't the CTA just shooting themselves in the foot? Why can't they agree to disagree and all practice the middle way - meet in the middle and have mutual respect for unity and harmony.  Or, have they forgotten how to do that ?


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MP Kunchok and cohorts supporting Rangzen and opposing the Dalai Lama at the recent International Rangzen Conference in Paris, seem to be enjoying the support of the rest of the CTA, including Lobsang Sangye. There has been no word from the rest since this shocking explosion of opposition against the Dalai Lama. Their silence  is a show of tacit support.
Indeed with all this, the CTA is behaving in a most confusing and contradictory manner.They have been segregating, ostracising and acting violently against the Shugden practitioners for opposing the Dalai Lama. Now they themselves are opposing His Holiness! What do they have to say now? ?                              


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These people are a real piece of work, shamelessly indulge and pocket all the perks of being part of CTA and leveraging heavily on the influence of Dalai Lama whilst going against his wishes.

It is clear that Rangzen is at loggerheads with the Middle Way (which CTA time and time again said is the official position of CTA especially since CTA sides with the Dalai Lama), yet CTA indirectly allow and does not censure its MPs or its affiliates who lavishly partake in something which is contrary to the official position of CTA and also the Dalai Lama’s wishes.

To think that these are the very people who condemn and encourage ostracization of those perceived as going against Dalai Lama, such as Dorje Shugden practitioners, Lukar Jam etc. So, a case of it being ok for CTA to be against Dalai Lama but not for others?


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Rangzen way is supporting self immolation. They support people to sacrifice their bodies because they/ the CTA cannot do anything to get Tibet back, so people use their bodies as sacrifice. If they were effective in any way at all, then this method for Free Tibet would not need to happen at all.

They have had 4 Rangzen conferences, but there is no results from the conference. Dalai Lama said to use the Middle way, but these group of people choose to oppose Dalai Lama. I am sure they are against Shugden practitioners too, so why are they selective in listening to the Dalai Lama’s advice? Through their action, they are proving that the Dalai Lama is wrong and ineffective in other words. Where to they get the finances to fly everyone to one place to hold a conference? If they get from CTA, that means, the CTA is also opposing the Dalai Lama in this regard? Because some of the attendees are MPs of the CTA, it shows that some are against Dalai Lama.


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No wonder the Tibetans in exile could not secure a dialogue with China for an autonomy state.  There are still movements for a fully independent Tibet behind the Dalai Lama's Umaylam.  They just could not get their acts together and are more concern getting donations for their pockets than the countrymen's welfare.  Everything that they do to get a dialogue with China is bad mouthing and condemning China and carrying the flag of Tibet instead of China.  How is China to believe CTA and grant dialogue?  All their strategy in action is sabotaging Dalai Lama's advocate for Umaylam and a dialogue with the Chinese.