Author Topic: CTA’s Five-Fifty Vision is Hoping for the Best and Preparing for the Worst: CTA  (Read 6113 times)


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I thought this title is so funny.

Gosh, CTA has no confidence to solve the issue of Tibet and they are now having a forum to discuss, how to solve their own problems and get His Holiness back to China. 

Central Tibetan Administration

Five-Fifty Forum to Discuss the Shaping of Tibet’s Political Future
October 5, 2017    Posted in Flash Mobile, News Flash and Tagged CTA, Dr Lobsang Sangay, five-fifty
Published By Jamphel Shonu

President Dr Lobsang Sangay, DIIR Secretaries Sonam Norbu Dagpo and Dhardon Sharling at the press conference. Photo/ Tenzin Phende/ DIIR

DHARAMSHALA: The Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) is organising a three-day forum titled ‘Five-Fifty Forum: Shaping Tibet’s Political Future’ at Hotel Pavilion from 6 – 8 October 2017.

Addressing the press conference today, Dr Lobsang Sangay, President of the Central Tibetan Administration explained the five-fifty vision as as being premised on His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s advice to ‘hope for the best and prepare for the worst.’

Elucidating on the changes in the global political environment, Dr. Sangay voiced the importance of sustaining and advocating the Tibet cause, Tibetan identity and empowering the Tibetans through education and preserving the unity among Tibetans in Tibet and exile. This, he said, is what the Fifty Vision strives for: a strategy that would assist in carrying out the Five-year Vision focusing on the aspiration of Tibetans in Tibet and to ensure the return of His Holiness Dalai Lama to Tibet.

“Experts, scholars, strategists and old friends of Tibet will attend the three-day forum. They will deliberate on how best to amicably resolve the issue of Tibet based on the Middle way Approach within the next five years, while securing the future of the Tibetan people in the next 50 years,” he said.

Dr Sangay further said that “there have been numerous internal discussions on how best to resolve the Tibet issue. Sometimes, the problem with internal discussions is we tend to get stuck in tunnel vision. So to overcome this obstacle, we are holding this forum for some of out the box thinking on our future course of action,” he said.

Dr. Sangay released the promotional video of the Five-Fifty Vision at the press conference.

DIIR Secretary Sonam Norbu Dagpo briefed the press about the themes and agenda of the forum. He iterated that the forum would be held under the Chatham House Rule to facilitate free-flowing discussions and also to ensure confidentiality.

Dhardon Sharling, DIIR Secretary Equivalent explained the symbolism of the Fife-Fifty logo capturing the essence of the unity of the three provinces of Tibet and explained that the unbinding spirit of the Tibetan people will propel the Tibetan cause into greater heights and successes into the future.

She also explained that the forum will not invite non-CTA media and certain components of the forum will be covered by CTA media only

The Five-Fifty Forum: Shaping Tibet’s Political Future organized by the Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) of CTA will begin tomorrow and will conclude on 8 October 2017. Over 185 participants from 21 countries have converged in Dharamsala for the three-day forum.

Only Buddha and the enlightened protectors can tell, who they have invited to participate and whether it will yield any results at all. One thing Americans love is the use of Management Consultants to consult on their strategy, operations anything under the sun. This forum gives me that feel they are bringing in advisors and consultants, and its another trying to deflect that CTA has fallen absolutely flat in their engagement with the Chinese.

So lets project a 5 or 50 years to resolve the Tibetan issue, that means we will have Lobsang Sangay and Dhardon Sharling for the next 50 years so. What say you Tibetans more of the same NO RESULTS  for the next 50 years? 

All CTA needs to start with is, unite the Tibetan voices, without such unity, all their hot air remains Hot AIR. Sucking up to the Japanese will not sort out the Tibetan issue, which happens to be the country that is playing CTA against the Chinese, and Botswana remains the only country wanting to invite the Dalai Lama, maybe Botswana is asking the Chinese come and develop Botswana!


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This is the link to the Five-Fifty Vision article

Is it five or fifty years now, to resolve Tibetan issue?

Botswana was already developed by the Chinese, earlier.


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Lobsang Sangay and CTA holding a forum with aims and issues that are spelt out in such grand sounding terms, but hardly likely to be fulfilled. ”Empowering through Education” –if they hadn’t done this in the last 60 years, why start now? Isn’t far it too late? After over 150 self-immolations?

 ”Preserving unity of the Tibetans in exile.!” But why tear down the fabric of unity in the first place –creating schism between Dorje Shugden practitioners and other fellow Tibetans in Exile, with the ban and the accompanying segregation ,discrimination and ostracism of Shugden practitioners? Difficult to achieve unity once conflict and schism have been created.

Anyway, it’s way too late to hold such forums. Peaceful negotiations with China, which is the only avenue left to CTA to work out or shape a future for Tibetans, should have been resumed long before this. Most likely it’s too late. Right now, there is also increasing pressure from Indians on the Indian government , as they are unhappy with the perks, financial assistance and land given to Tibetan refugees who still remain refugees after 60 years!


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@Dharmaspace This is not funny, this is very sad!

It means that the CTA still does not address the problems of the Tibetans in China. They still accept self-immolations while the CTA is having a nice chat about what!?

There is no future for the Tibetans because they do not create Umaylam as requested by the Dalai Lama! Their fun-trips to Paris don't help the Tibetans one single bit!

Is this the job of a government? When do they start to care about their people?  :'( :'(


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From the looks of things, this is either (i) another (poor) show by CTA that they are doing something to further the Tibetan cause in view of the lack of progress since the last official negotiation in 2010 (to continue misleading people on for continued donation purposes); OR (ii) goes to show another of CTA’s incompetence as they are unable to figure things out and trying to capitalise on others to do what they have represented that they were doing all along. Obviously, either one reflect badly on CTA and people should really re-consider their support for CTA.


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Is this a joke or what? They need to start a Forum to discuss to stop irritating China and to get Dalai Lama back? No need just look at this forum is good enough Mr. Sangay. You really are trying to find work for Dhardon. Poor thing... nothing much to do I guess.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


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Such a powerful sentence used by CTA 'Empowering the Tibetans through education and preserving the unity among Tibetans in Tibet and exile'.
Then why CTA prohibits Dorje Shugden (DS) practitioners from entering a restaurant, school, hospital and etc?
Aren't DS practitioners are Tibetan?
So what are they talking about?  This is confusing!!!

If the CTA is keen to preserve unity among Tibetans, may I suggest that you immediately remove negativity statements about Lord DS and practice freedom in religion

christine V

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Just another “shows” to show the international donors that they are doing something to get back to China.  Instead having this kind of forum, why not invite the China government sincerely to talk?

Looking at how China treats their fellow Tibetan in China, I think China government could open up to talk to CTA, Or, the CTA afraid when back to Tibet, their money gone, political power gone. So they rather stayed in exile . Looks what have CTA done in India?   Look down on Indians,  having Dorje Shugden ban to create disharmony amongst their peoples, so that the peoples are consistent live in state of fear and no one could questions their failure and how much money they have put in their pocket.

By having this forum, are they trying to tell the India government that they need another 50 years to stay in India? I think that is the real reason they have the forum.  Have you seen any refugees having forum?

I strongly agreed with Dharma Space is , first thing the CTA should do is to unite their people and not cause constant fear in their people.