Author Topic: Tibet marks progress against poverty China  (Read 4032 times)

christine V

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Tibet marks progress against poverty China
« on: November 05, 2017, 02:32:46 AM »
From creating job to improved the education level of Tibetan. We can clearly see the different between CTA and China government. Who is more sincere in thinking about peoples' welfare?

Yes, you can say China is using Tibetan to show the world that they are practicing Human Rights and care about their people's welfare. Look at CTA, all you hear is the leaders travel to luxury countries to have meeting, all you hear is how the CTA suppressed their people.  In an interviewed with the Tibetan students in Dharamshala he have highlighted that the CTA do not care about the education welfare of their peoples. Worst, they do not study about their history. They do not know much about their root!  And some have even said nothing have do much on Education as promised by Lobsang Sangay before he have been elected as leader.

While CTA working hard to keep their people in poverty, to show the world the need more money, China despite many critical from the world still find ways to helps the Tibetan to improve their life.

Tibet marks progress against poverty
China Daily/Asia News Network / 07:58 PM November 02, 2017

Five districts and counties of the Tibet autonomous region have been lifted successfully out of poverty, with the poverty rate falling below 3 percent, Norbu Dondrub, vice-chairman of the region, announced at a news conference on Wednesday.

The five districts and counties are Chengguan district, Dromo county, Nedong district, Dragyib district and Kharub district.

The five were on a list of 26 counties named on Wednesday by the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development as having risen above the official poverty line.

“Nearly 2,000 households?5,323 people?have shaken off poverty in Nedong,” said Zhang Wei, head of the district. “The average income per capita has increased by 104 percent from 2,300 yuan ($348) to more than 4,600.”

Zhang said the people in Nedong are encouraged to get involved in industries such as raising pigs or producing concrete?or take advantage of natural resources by bottling natural mineral water.

“We won our first battle against poverty thanks to government assistance,” said Norbu Dondrub. “The success we have achieved is the result of preferential policies released by the Party and the unprecedented efforts made by our people.”

Regarded as one of the areas of extreme poverty in China, Tibet has attracted great attention from the central government. More than 1,300 poverty alleviation projects have been launched. About 4.29 billion yuan granted by the central government and enterprises has been invested in the region over the past year.

Education is also a priority in Tibet’s poverty alleviation work, with 67,800 people having received vocational college courses during the year.

“We still have great challenges ahead. Tibet is an impoverished region with more than 400,000 poor people still in deep poverty,” said Norbu Dondrub. “There are 69 districts and counties in the region that have yet to be relieved.”

He said 147,000 residents in the region have been lifted out of poverty in 2016, and the region has been recognized as one of the top eight regional success stories in China.



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Re: Tibet marks progress against poverty China
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2017, 02:18:35 PM »
Regardless of China's real motive or level of sincerity, the point is that the suffering of Tibetans are somewhat addressed. It is definitely better than no progress or assistance for that matter. Agreed with Christine V's observation about CTA's spendings. So, when you actually look at CTA, they are more preoccupied with looking after their own interests at the expense of Tibetans. Yet, CTA will kick a fuss about China's assistance and efforts to improve the welfare of Tibetans simply because it makes CTA look bad.


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Re: Tibet marks progress against poverty China
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2017, 05:34:22 AM »
Tibet is moving on and to see the standard of living of the Tibetans improving is really good news.
Whatever the motives of China, improving the living standard helps the Tibetans to get a better life and be able to put priorities to their life.

This happened earlier in other countries, finally it happens in Tibet too!

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Tibet marks progress against poverty China
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2017, 06:20:11 AM »
No segregation, no separation, this is the way the Chinese government practise their rule of their citizens.  In the Chinese government way of helping all their citizens out of poverty, the Tibetans are inclusive in the program.  Hurray for the open and wide views of the Chinese Government who believes in the potential of her people and enhances that to benefit China.  It is well known throughout history that happy citizens result in a progressive and stable country. A perfect "win/win" situation.

If it is China's motivation to show the world that she is doing a good job by treating the Tibetans well, then the results are such that the world will see the progress of Tibetans in China.

60 years and yet the Tibetans who left China are still refugees, suppressed so that it is an advantage for CTA to collect donations.

DIVIDED: with the Dorje Shugden issue, the 2 Karmapa issue, the 2 Panchen Lama issue, CTA is sure ensuring the divisions to control Tibetans. 

If Tibetans are united, CTA will not be able to answer questions why their dream cannot be achieved. With schism created by CTA, Tibetans are too distracted to deal with their incompetence.


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Re: Tibet marks progress against poverty China
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2017, 12:20:36 AM »
Like I mentioned in the other similar post,  if it was under CTA, nothing like this would happen. China will continue to improve Tibet and the lives of Tibetans in China.

What is CTA doing for Tibetans in exile India? They segregate their people and cause disunity! What kind of government kills their own people? Shameful!


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Re: Tibet marks progress against poverty China
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2017, 03:14:54 PM »
Looking at the development at Tibet now, Tibetan in China is very much better than those in exile. Tibetan in China also have the freedom to religion. No matter what is China motivation in developing Tibet, at least Tibetan's welfare are in their agenda not like the CTA, after so many years in exile, what they have done for Tibetan in exile? Why are they still refugees and stateless?

May Tibet continue to develop for a better future and at the same time, their Tibetan Buddhism culture can be preserved.


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Re: Tibet marks progress against poverty China
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2017, 01:55:58 AM »
@dsnowlion, you are absolutely right. The CTA is killing their own Tibetans. But, have to give them credit that they can hoodwink these self same people in believing that it is for their own good.