Author Topic: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’  (Read 25923 times)


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2018, 05:51:00 PM »
It seems China is gearing itself to be a leader in Buddhism as well. Wonderful development in the Buddhist scene in China.


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2018, 03:47:53 PM »
Sooner or later, the Dalai Lama has to beg China to let him and his people back into Tibet. Because he is getting very old and it's been 60 years in exile and he has made no progress with getting Tibet back. Tibetans will get diluted in India over time and there is no way to preserve their culture. Tibetans around the world find their children are diluted within their host country's culture and losing their Tibetan culture as with all refugees.

Dalai Lama has made many wrong decisions and thought that the world will support him because he is morally correct but guess what? No one is supporting him anymore. He is alone and getting more and more alone.

China is too powerful and the prestige is growing.

More Tibetans and lamas going back to Tibet so they can preserve their culture in Tibet and meet their relatives and friends

The Fifth World Buddhist Forum

The Fifth World Buddhist Forum is held from Oct. 28 to 30 in the coastal city of Putian in east China's Fujian Province. About 800 people, including Chinese and overseas Buddhists, scholars and journalists are attending the event.

The forum emphasizes the positive roles of religious people in economic and social development, the Belt and Road Initiative and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. This year's event is covering ten subforums, covering topics such as Buddhism and marine silk road, Buddhism and environmental protection, Buddhism and a community with a share future for mankind. Jointly proposed by Buddhist communities in Chinese mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao in 2005, the World Buddhist Forum was established as a platform for Buddhists to communicate and cooperate.

Prominent Lamas like Panchen Lama, Gangchen Rinpoche are attending this event.

Pictures of Lamas and Dorje Shugden lamas gathering in China for Buddhist conference. In the video is Kundeling Rinpoche speaking at this conference where over 800 Buddhist teachers, students and thinkers from around the world attended in China.

They said China wants to wipe of Tibetan language and culture. Why am I seeing so many high Tibetan lamas attending Buddhist conference in China? If China is set out to wipe out Tibetan culture and tradition, isn't it the first thing they target will be Tibetan Buddhism? Tibetan Buddhism is the culture and tradition of Tibet already. It is their identity. Even the Tibetan language is invented for Buddhism.

It is funny how the Tibetans are saying " Ready to be China's part if Tibetan culture is preserved." As if they actually have a choice to go back to China whenever they want. What makes them think that China actually wanted them to go back? Tibet is fine now with its population and China is doing a good job promoting it and developing it.

The Tibetans in Exile is the one that really needs to think about their future of staying India. I think it is a good choice for them to return to Tibet because China is providing alot of good support to the locals there now. It will be fairly easier for them to kick start their life because there are aids and education available.


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2018, 06:51:17 PM »
It might be true that 60 years ago the life of the Tibetans in China was not as good as those in India. Religions were not allowed to be practiced and people were suppressed. But now, things have changed.

Since 1980s, the Chinese government has allowed the practice of religions again. As long the teaching of the religion does not deviate from the original teaching and does not impose a threat to the stability of national security, the Chinese government will allow the religion to be practiced. Due to historical and culturally reason, the Chinese government is quite inclined to Buddhism. They allocated a lot of funds to refurbish the monasteries and they give support to spread Buddhism in China.

The CTA, on the other hand, does not seem to preserve Buddhism so well. Just look at the sex scandals they have helped to hide, this will affect how people perceived Buddhism. It will put people off from learning Tibetan Buddhism.


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2019, 09:44:27 AM »
Tibetans have not lost their culture and religion under the ruling of the Chinese government. It is true that they have to learn Mandarin but they also are allowed to learn and speak Tibetans. The effort the Chinese government put in preserving Tibetan Buddhism and improve the standard of living of the Tibetans are more than what the CTA has done to the Tibetans. Billions have been spent in restoring Buddhist monasteries and sites in Tibet by the Chinese government since the 80's. The Dalai Lama wants to be part of China because the Chinese government can give a better future to the Tibetans.

Tenzin K

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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2019, 05:00:15 AM »
China is doing a lot to preserve the culture of Tibet. So, why is the CTA not making connections with China and fulfill the Dalai Lama's wish?

It is good that the Dalai Lama reconciles with China so that the Tibetans can move forward after such a long time as refugee. There is no hope for getting Tibet back so why don't they move on?

I wish the Dalai Lama can visit Tibet soon and bless the Tibetans who have suffered much but always kept the Dalai Lama in their heart.

CTA will not want to make a connection with China is because they don't want to return to Tibet. Once they returned they will not have the opportunity to milk money from sponsorship. Most of the top ranks in CTA is the citizenship of other countries. Once Tibetans return to Tibet they will just most away.

Looking at how CTA running the show, it would be better to let the Chinese manage as they have more capabilities in all areas to develop Tibet. Tibet should stop with all the corruption and seriously run the Tibet like a professional. There is no way CTA can manage and bring Tibet to the level that China can do.

I'm glad that Dalai Lama still remains with his stand to live under the Chinese and understand that his Changtso had already worked to talk to the Chinese for their return. This round seems like CTA is not involved and we hope without CTA participation we can see a good outcome. 


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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2019, 08:17:40 AM »
What kind of connection does the CTA wish to obtain?

Just what does Sangay/CTA hopes to achieve from this meeting with Chinese scholars who do not have must say in China, except to further anger China. This is the kind of action that the CTA makes that continues to erode their opportunity to have any dialogue with China. China does not even recognise Sangay as a "President" and CTA's authority in anything to do with Tibet. But Sangay seems to think meeting with activists from China who are against the CCP is going to bring them closer to having China meet their demands for autonomy, which is a very far away dream.

This is probably why the Dalai Lama has taken matters into his own hands and has probably drawn out other plans without Sangay/CTA being involved. Another all-expense-paid trip made by the Sikyong that will bring about no real resolution to preserve Tibetan culture nor Dalai Lama anywhere nearer to returning home.

Sikyong meets Chen Guangcheng, Wei Jinsheng and dozen other Chinese scholars, Taiwanese and Hong Kongers

Washington DC: The Office of Tibet, Washington DC organized a Chinese outreach event titled “2019 Capital area Sino-Tibet Night” on 20 November where the President of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), Dr Lobsang Sangay, met with Chinese scholars and activists at the office facility. Around 30 Chinese people joined this gathering along with prominent Chinese figures such as Mr Chen Guangcheng, Mr Wei Jingsheng, and Dr Yang Jianli. Participants also came to represent Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Chinese liaison officer, Tsultrim Gyatso, introduced the purpose of such an event and shared his experiences of his position and moderated the floor. Representative Ngodup Tsering, Office of Tibet, DC made his welcome remarks and extended the invitation of future cooperation in pursuing the common goal of freedom for Tibetans and other peoples living under China.

Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay, after numerous meetings with US Senators and Congressmen, made it to this gathering to deliver a speech as the main speaker.

Sikyong stated that he appreciated the participants and started introducing the situation of Tibetan and other ethnic groups under the current systematic controlled policy of the Chinese Communist Party.

Dr Lobsang Sangay emphasized such a situation is challenging, but it is also an opportunity for change. He also touched upon the issue of reincarnation—the Chinese government published Order Number Five, a document that regulates guidelines to select and recognize reincarnate lama. This will also open doors to Chinese systematic control on selecting religious leaders of religions other than Buddhism. He continued to express the irony in the fact that the CCP is trying to take control of reincarnation while they are destroying monasteries and cracking down on the religious practice.

Sikyong urged Chinese friends to stand with Tibet and restore freedom for all.

Prominent Chinese Human rights activist knowns as the “barefoot lawyer”, Mr Chen Guangcheng expressed that the CCP’s crackdown on Han ethnic people has also become a systematic form of repression. He said the Senate and House passing the Hong Kong Human Rights Act clearly signals a US stand, adding that “we should all urge the international community to stand strong”.

He believes the Middle Way policy introduced by His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a very wise solution and it should be compromised with Chinese people but not the CCP. The CCP has become the common enemy of people including Han Chinese, Mr Chen continued and urged everyone to stand together to fight for freedom instead of taking an isolated stance. At last, he mentioned Hong Kong as an example to emphasize the threat that the CCP brings to the world.

Prominent activist of the Chinese democracy movement, Mr Wei Jingsheng also joined the gathering and shared his opinion. He started by highlighting the current movement in Hong Kong and suggested that all the ethnic groups should stand together. Mr Wei thinks Hong Kong’s determination in the movement should be learned by everyone and he believes Hong Kong might win this battle with the CCP. He also shared his opinion on the reincarnation issue and emphasized the CCP’s strategy of destroying religious beliefs. Besides direct crackdown, the Chinese communist party appoint false religious leaders in this strategy. Interfering in Tibetan Buddhist reincarnation is part of the strategy to destroy religious beliefs, and Mr Wei urged the Chinese in the democratic movement with Tibetans in the freedom movement should find a method to contend the CCP’s strategy.

A youth representative of the Hong Kong movement also joined and shared his experience and feelings on the ongoing repression in Hong Kong. He started introducing the determination of the youth in Hong Kong and described how bravely they have been standing up for their rights under police brutality. While he was emotionally telling stories that he encountered, he also thanked the support of the Tibetan people. Former Economic professor of Beijing University Dr Xia Yeliang also shared his opinion. He thinks Tibetans pursuing independence is reasonable if the CCP is not opening its doors to dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai lama.

2019 DC area Sino-Tibet Night concluded with follow up interactions between CTA President Dr Lobsang Sangay and the participants.


Tenzin K

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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2019, 04:31:15 AM »
Sangay/CTA will never learn and they have been banging with the same method which proven not working but still keep using the unproductive way. Frankly speaking, what has Sangay achieved from this meeting? What is the result? How this meeting lead Sangay/CTA to achieve its promises to bring Dalai Lama and Tibetan back to Tibet? This meeting just ends up as another paid trip plus holiday for Sangay. It’s true that Dalai Lama needs to work on his own without Sangay/CTA involvement in order to see the result but this is also provided that Sangay/CTA doesn't continue to irk the Chinese. Sangay/CTA has a different goal from Dalai Lama, that's why their action is not in line with what Dalai Lama. This is the division that we can see.

What kind of connection does the CTA wish to obtain?

Just what does Sangay/CTA hopes to achieve from this meeting with Chinese scholars who do not have must say in China, except to further anger China. This is the kind of action that the CTA makes that continues to erode their opportunity to have any dialogue with China. China does not even recognise Sangay as a "President" and CTA's authority in anything to do with Tibet. But Sangay seems to think meeting with activists from China who are against the CCP is going to bring them closer to having China meet their demands for autonomy, which is a very far away dream.

This is probably why the Dalai Lama has taken matters into his own hands and has probably drawn out other plans without Sangay/CTA being involved. Another all-expense-paid trip made by the Sikyong that will bring about no real resolution to preserve Tibetan culture nor Dalai Lama anywhere nearer to returning home.

Sikyong meets Chen Guangcheng, Wei Jinsheng and dozen other Chinese scholars, Taiwanese and Hong Kongers

Washington DC: The Office of Tibet, Washington DC organized a Chinese outreach event titled “2019 Capital area Sino-Tibet Night” on 20 November where the President of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), Dr Lobsang Sangay, met with Chinese scholars and activists at the office facility. Around 30 Chinese people joined this gathering along with prominent Chinese figures such as Mr Chen Guangcheng, Mr Wei Jingsheng, and Dr Yang Jianli. Participants also came to represent Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Chinese liaison officer, Tsultrim Gyatso, introduced the purpose of such an event and shared his experiences of his position and moderated the floor. Representative Ngodup Tsering, Office of Tibet, DC made his welcome remarks and extended the invitation of future cooperation in pursuing the common goal of freedom for Tibetans and other peoples living under China.

Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay, after numerous meetings with US Senators and Congressmen, made it to this gathering to deliver a speech as the main speaker.

Sikyong stated that he appreciated the participants and started introducing the situation of Tibetan and other ethnic groups under the current systematic controlled policy of the Chinese Communist Party.

Dr Lobsang Sangay emphasized such a situation is challenging, but it is also an opportunity for change. He also touched upon the issue of reincarnation—the Chinese government published Order Number Five, a document that regulates guidelines to select and recognize reincarnate lama. This will also open doors to Chinese systematic control on selecting religious leaders of religions other than Buddhism. He continued to express the irony in the fact that the CCP is trying to take control of reincarnation while they are destroying monasteries and cracking down on the religious practice.

Sikyong urged Chinese friends to stand with Tibet and restore freedom for all.

Prominent Chinese Human rights activist knowns as the “barefoot lawyer”, Mr Chen Guangcheng expressed that the CCP’s crackdown on Han ethnic people has also become a systematic form of repression. He said the Senate and House passing the Hong Kong Human Rights Act clearly signals a US stand, adding that “we should all urge the international community to stand strong”.

He believes the Middle Way policy introduced by His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a very wise solution and it should be compromised with Chinese people but not the CCP. The CCP has become the common enemy of people including Han Chinese, Mr Chen continued and urged everyone to stand together to fight for freedom instead of taking an isolated stance. At last, he mentioned Hong Kong as an example to emphasize the threat that the CCP brings to the world.

Prominent activist of the Chinese democracy movement, Mr Wei Jingsheng also joined the gathering and shared his opinion. He started by highlighting the current movement in Hong Kong and suggested that all the ethnic groups should stand together. Mr Wei thinks Hong Kong’s determination in the movement should be learned by everyone and he believes Hong Kong might win this battle with the CCP. He also shared his opinion on the reincarnation issue and emphasized the CCP’s strategy of destroying religious beliefs. Besides direct crackdown, the Chinese communist party appoint false religious leaders in this strategy. Interfering in Tibetan Buddhist reincarnation is part of the strategy to destroy religious beliefs, and Mr Wei urged the Chinese in the democratic movement with Tibetans in the freedom movement should find a method to contend the CCP’s strategy.

A youth representative of the Hong Kong movement also joined and shared his experience and feelings on the ongoing repression in Hong Kong. He started introducing the determination of the youth in Hong Kong and described how bravely they have been standing up for their rights under police brutality. While he was emotionally telling stories that he encountered, he also thanked the support of the Tibetan people. Former Economic professor of Beijing University Dr Xia Yeliang also shared his opinion. He thinks Tibetans pursuing independence is reasonable if the CCP is not opening its doors to dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai lama.

2019 DC area Sino-Tibet Night concluded with follow up interactions between CTA President Dr Lobsang Sangay and the participants.


Tenzin K

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Re: ‘Ready to be China’s part if Tibet’s culture is preserved’
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2019, 07:19:23 AM »

Tibetan spiritual leader The Dalai Lama has asserted that Tibetans are not seeking Tibet’s independence but their emphasis is on preserving the Tibetan culture and language.

The Buddhist monk has in fact stated that if the Chinese government recognises the culture and tradition of Tibet, they will have no problem being its part.“Those area which (Chinese) constitution itself recognise as Tibetan area should have the same right for preservation of our own culture, our own language, then okay, we will remain within premises of the China,” he has said.

Dalai Lama, who delivered a lecture on the “Role of Ethics and Culture in Promoting Global Peace and Harmony” in New Delhi on 22 April, further said, “We are not seeking independence of Tibet. But if you see geographically Tibet is an independent country and it is independent linguistically.” The spiritual leader was on a four-day visit to the national capital, which concluded on Tuesday.

The 14th Dalai Lama felt positive about this initiative and expressed that it is a mutual benefit, where Tibetans will get benefit from Chinese economy.

On the same note, he jokingly added, “We remain part of beautiful China and create more trouble for India.”

Citing the European Union as his example of admiration, The Dalai Lama said, “I believe you can keep your own identity and be part of the Union.”

The history of China taking over Tibet goes back to 1950s when the People’s Republic of China incorporated Tibet in 1950. China has been accused of a “cultural genocide” against the Tibetan people — sometimes by the Dalai Lama himself — over its policy of Sinicisation of the region.

The Dalai Lama has also welcomed the informal summit between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping that was held on 27 and 28 April in China’s Wuhan city.

Dalai Lama had expressed his willingness to stay under the Chinese but unfortunately, there is still no agreement for Dalai Lama to return to Tibet. CTA will not fulfill Dalai Lama wishes to go back Tibet because if Dalai Lama and the Tibetans returned, CTA will have no reason to ask for funding anymore and CTA will not work under the Chinese because they are no transparent with the money and will easily be caught for corruption and scandals. Dalai Lama has to work on his own for returning to Tibet. Sad to see this but it's the fact to acknowledge.