Author Topic: Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China  (Read 18538 times)


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Re: Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2018, 05:07:47 PM »
Can you believe this?! Look at what the Dalai Lama is saying now. How hypocritical of him. I just cannot believe my ears. Does this mean all those who self-immolated, did it all in vain and for nothing? They died for nothing? CTA encouraged their people to take their lives for nothing? Oh my goodness. How will the families of these deceased Tibetans feel?

And I guess now we can call Dalai Lama a CCP paid agent too, since that is what he is encouraging Tibetans to also accept! No more blaming and pointing the finger, accusing Shugden people! What does this all mean now to the Tibetans especially those fighting for Rangzen/Free Tibet? What a huge blow in their face I would say.

If you want to know what the Tibetan leadership will do next, just follow the money.

The 'Tibetan Cause' has been an extremely lucrative business for the Tibetan leadership and their cronies. For close to 60 years, they collect money from the generous and well-meaning public, they get aid from the USA companies and they receive US government grants to be a nuisance to China. All tax free and without the need for accountability. On top of that, there's all the fees from speaking engagements, and royalties from books and all these without having to actually manage a country. Not that there is a country to manage.

Now that the gravy train is slowing down and knowing that one day it will come to a complete halt, the Dalai Lama is now telling the Tibetan people to hop on to a new gravy train known as China.

Clearly, the biggest fools are those who have allowed themselves to believe that there is actually an authentic struggle for Tibet's independence. The Dalai Lama gave that up the fight for Tibetan independence 1988 at Strasbourg and yet most Tibet houses and organisations in the world continue to collect aid supposedly for the Tibetan people's fight for complete independence. Its just a scam.

Watch the video and you will hear the Dalai Lama saying that it will take a miracle for the Tibetan Cause to succeed. Not much for Tibetan refugees to look forward to. I also note the author's observation of the Dalai Lama acknowledgement that even if the Tibetan people were to somehow regain their country, it would be difficult for them to stand on their own feet and will have to rely on China.

The Tibetan Cause is a lost cause. Now it is just dependent on the generosity of China to allow them back into Tibet. But I really don't see the possibility of China accepting CTA as they are dispensible and of no value after all those propaganda of allegations thrown at China. The regular Tibetans may be welcomed but by the rate of China's development in Tibet, the newcomers will have to train to fit in. China has the capacity to empower them with training in living skills which is good incentive to return to Tibet. Listen to the Dalai Lama. He is Buddha Chenrezig.


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Re: Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2019, 07:58:32 AM »
The Dalai Lama also sees that China has managed Tibet very well, Tibetans are having a much better living condition now. They have the same opportunity as other Chinese citizens for educations and for work. There are many famous Tibetan entertainers, artists, sports person, scholar, etc.

If we look at the CTA, how much talent have they produced? Not much actually. They are running their government like in the old days. Opportunities are given to the elites but not the normal Tibetans. If you are related to somebody in the government, you can get a job in the government agency even though you do not have the qualification.

Under the ruling of the CTA, the Tibetans have no future. The Dalai Lama also sees that. That is why he is now asking the Tibetans to go back to China. It seems like he is indirectly giving up on the free Tibet movement and also the Middle Way approach.


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Re: Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2019, 09:56:47 AM »
His Holiness the Dalai Lama can see that Tibet is much better now under the governance of the Chinese government. The Chinese had invested so much into Tibet include infrastructure such as airport and highways that the Tibetan government can never afford. They also launched a campaign to batter poverty in Tibet and it is estimated that they will be able to eliminate poverty totally in a few years time.

Even the Tibetans in Tibet right now realize what they have and what is waiting for them in the Tibetan refugee camps in India if they chose to flee Tibet. Last year, there are a total of 80 Tibetans that came from Tibet to India. It shows that the condition in Tibet is improving and Tibetans are willing to stay there.

That is also why His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been saying that he wishes that he will be able to go back to Lhasa which means he is willing to go back to the Chinese government. When His Holiness says things like this, he probably would have thought it over and also the situation of the Tibetans if they go back to Tibet. I guess Tibet is be a better place for Tibetans in exile for their future now compared to Refugee camps in India.


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Re: Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2019, 06:12:09 PM »
Can the Dalai Lama do something to bring the Tibetans back to China instead of relying on the CTA? Lobsang Sangay has shown his true colour, he does not respect and will not align with the Dalai Lama, he will not work to fulfill the Dalai Lama's wishes. Since the Dalai Lama still has some loyal people with him such as Samdhong Rinpoche, he should continue to work on his own to bring the Tibetans back to Tibet.

If the Dalai Lama is not looking at free Tibet anymore, just go and negotiate with China with the Middle Way approach. China has proven herself her capability to manage Tibet. Tibet has progressed so much and the living conditions of the Tibetans have improved tremendously. The Chinese government does not suppress the practice of religion as long as it poses no threat to national security and stability.

The Dalai Lama still has value to the Chinese government. If the Dalai Lama works with the Chinese government, the Chinese government will have one less problem. They can focus on the economic development of Tibet and bring more benefits to the Tibetans. It has more advantages to work with China than disadvantages.


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Re: Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2019, 08:38:47 PM »
Tibet is a better place to live now. It is very modern and convenient, the tourism industry is very developed and people have better career opportunities in Tibet. Not only that, many old Buddhist monasteries and holy sites in Tibet are also under restoration projects undertaken by the Chinese government.

The Chinese government gives equal right to everyone. They can choose the belief they want to follow as long as the belief does not create disharmony in the society. For example, there is no ban or discrimination of Dorje Shugden practice in China, the Chinese government gives people the freedom to practice it because Dorje Shugden followers are spiritual practitioners, they are not involved in politics.

If we look at the Tibetan community in India, the living condition is bad. Tibetans are still refugees, nobody knows what is laying ahead of them. Many of them are living in poverty as the CTA does not have any plan to help them to become more competitive. There is no religious freedom, just look at how the CTA discriminate against and segregate Dorje Shugden followers. Hence, it is better to go back to China!


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Re: Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2019, 03:24:29 AM »
The Tibetans should follow the Dalai Lama's advice for at least two reasons:

- From spiritual point of view, the Dalai Lama is their true leader and most Tibetans believe that he is the emanation of Chenrezig. So if their devotion for the Dalai Lama is for real, then they should follow his advice to return to China

- From secular point of view, there is no future for the Tibetans in exile. They would have to assimilate with the local culture. If they want to remain Tibetans, the only country in the world that have invested the most money to preserve the Tibetan culture is China. So returning to China seems to be the most viable option now. 


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Re: Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2019, 03:39:36 AM »
Even the Dalai Lama agrees that China has managed Tibet well and the Chinese government has successfully improved the lives of the Tibetans. 60 years is long enough for someone to prove their ability. Therefore, it is fair to say that CTA is a failure, they are a bad government and they will continue to be a bad government because they have never thought of improving themselves. The Dalai Lama has also given up his hope in the CTA. The best thing for the Dalai Lama to give to the Tibetans now is to ask them to go back to Tibet for a better future.


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Re: Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2019, 03:57:19 AM »
If the Tibetans claim they love their Dalai Lama and that he is the flawless Buddha of Compassion, Chenrezig then they should listen to him all they way. Why don't they? Unless it is fake loyalty and fake devotion.

Why do they listen to only selected things that they like and are comfortable with and if it is not what they like to hear, they blatantly ignore and do the opposite to a point of jeopardising Dalai Lama's hope to return to Tibet? I see a nation crumbling and self-destructing. Sad indeed. Only the Tibetan lamas that are spreading Buddhism all over the world and especially those in China who will be able to penetrate billions and from there it can trickle down to the world. Buddhism will be revived from China. Watch and see...


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Re: Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2019, 04:53:19 AM »
This write-up further shows how China is pushing for Tibet’s development. Another proof of why Tibetans are returning to Tibet willingly. It is surely better off staying in Tibet as CTA has nothing to offer in India. The CTA has failed the Tibetans. The Tibetans have put their trust to the CTA wrongly. It is good that they are moving forward instead of waiting for the sun to rise at night. CTA is nothing but a dark night with no moon, no breeze, not star, no nothing. All they offer is unseen steps and forced everyone to walk blindly without aid. The CTA is definitely the dark scary night!

China tech giants elbow into fast-growing Tibet

Tencent and Alibaba set up shop 60 years on from revolt

SHUNSUKE TABETA, Nikkei staff writer
MARCH 13, 2019 11:48 JST
A delivery man of a Alibaba's logistics unit checks the status of a parcel in Lhasa. The e-commerce giant has also established an investment unit in the city.   © Reuters

BEIJING -- Major Chinese tech players are advancing into the Tibet Autonomous Region, seizing on the chance to market their artificial intelligence and big-data capabilities as the government seeks to encourage growth and tighten its grip on the area.
The likes of state-backed chipmaker Tsinghua Unigroup, facial-recognition startup SenseTime and online mall operator Alibaba Group Holding are all building their presence in the southwestern Chinese zone with a history of resistance to Beijing.
On March 10, 1959, a Tibetan uprising prompted the 14th Dalai Lama to flee to India, and in 2008 a series of violent protests erupted in Lhasa, the capital. But Tibet has proven one of China's fastest-growing areas of late. Bringing tech players there is aimed both at maintaining the pace of growth and meeting demand for high-tech surveillance.
"The Tibet Autonomous Region is a critical place for China's national development in a strategic sense, and we will pursue digitization and computerization on all fronts," a Tsinghua Unigroup executive said in announcing a strategic partnership with the autonomous zone's government in September.

Tsinghua, a major tech conglomerate affiliated with Chinese President Xi Jinping's alma mater Tsinghua University, is expanding its business in data centers, which provide the foundation for cloud services and AI development. On top of receiving guidance and subsidies from the government, it looks to have set its sights on Tibet in hopes of speeding up its development in fields such as big-data analysis.

The company is building infrastructure that complies with IPv6 -- the newest version of the Internet Protocol, which assigns a digital address to all devices connected to the web. Tsinghua Unigroup plans to invest 1 billion yuan ($149 million) over three years to build centers for analyzing and exchanging data.

Also delving into Tibet are the five tech giants China has named to spearhead Xi's national AI development plan: Alibaba, search provider Baidu, chat app operator Tencent Holdings, voice-recognition company iFlyTek and SenseTime.
IFlytek has embarked on joint research with Tibet University, and listed the school among its partners in a 2018 interim report on its operations. Their research efforts include voice recognition and translation of the Tibetan language, according to Chinese media.

Meanwhile, SenseTime -- the world's most valuable AI startup -- has set up a venture capital unit in Lhasa conducting what a company PR person described as "investment activities."

Tencent has also set up its own investment arm in the autonomous zone's eastern city of Nyingchi, or Linzhi. According to Hong Kong media, Alibaba has also established a Lhasa investment unit. The two investment firms did not respond to questions from Nikkei about the nature of their activities.

Beijing wants to put AI and big data to use in the autonomous region to help keep public order. The 2008 protests in Lhasa drove authorities to install vast numbers of security cameras to keep tabs on the populace.

Meanwhile, though China's economic growth has lost steam overall, Tibet's relatively high growth presents business opportunities. Its gross regional domestic product grew by 9.1% in 2018, tying with Guizhou Province for first place in China. This year, it aims to be the sole leader at 10%.
On the tech companies' side, working in Tibet offers a chance to speed development with subsidies and other backing from a government eager to employ their latest technologies. It also helps reduce tax burdens, according to an official at one Chinese investment firm. Companies in the region enjoy a real tax rate of 9%, compared with the standard corporate tax rate of 25% for the rest of China.
Six decades on from the 1959 revolt, many Han Chinese are flowing into Tibet as public transit improves and tourism is developed, contributing to the region's strong growth. Most of the autonomous region's top companies, as calculated by the amount they owe in taxes, are units of big companies based in cities like Beijing. Moreover, Han Chinese occupy the upper echelons of the region's government.

Even as Tibet's economy grows, its people appear to be growing more dissatisfied with their lot. But Beijing's control has only tightened under Xi.
At a March 6 regional subcommittee meeting of the National People's Congress, a representative from the autonomous region criticized the 14th Dalai Lama and said China's ruling Communist Party had improved life in Tibet.


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Re: Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2019, 03:05:14 PM »
This write-up further shows how China is pushing for Tibet’s development. Another proof of why Tibetans are returning to Tibet willingly. It is surely better off staying in Tibet as CTA has nothing to offer in India. The CTA has failed the Tibetans. The Tibetans have put their trust to the CTA wrongly. It is good that they are moving forward instead of waiting for the sun to rise at night. CTA is nothing but a dark night with no moon, no breeze, not star, no nothing. All they offer is unseen steps and forced everyone to walk blindly without aid. The CTA is definitely the dark scary night!


The Chinese government is very progressive and aggressive. They manage to reduce the poverty rate in Tibet from 35% to 8% in 5 years time. This achievement is remarkable, can CTA achieve this? The Chinese government has the money and the right resources to do that. They are very experienced in managing a country and an economy of 1.3 billion people.

The CTA, on the other hand, is only capable of creating conflicts in the Tibetan community. They can't even manage 80,000 people. They want the Tibetans to remain as refugees and fail to give a direction to the Tibetans. The future of the Tibetans is very uncertain and shaky. However, the CTA just doesn't care.

The living condition in Tibet is so much better than in India and there is so much more opportunity. For the Dalai Lama to ask the Tibetans to go back to China, it must be that he is also losing hope in the CTA. He is telling the Tibetans instead of relying on the CTA, they should just go back to Tibet on their own.


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Re: Dalai Lama advocates Tibetans’ return to China
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2019, 11:12:31 PM »
If the Tibetans claim they love their Dalai Lama and that he is the flawless Buddha of Compassion, Chenrezig then they should listen to him all they way. Why don't they? Unless it is fake loyalty and fake devotion.

Why do they listen to only selected things that they like and are comfortable with and if it is not what they like to hear, they blatantly ignore and do the opposite to a point of jeopardising Dalai Lama's hope to return to Tibet? I see a nation crumbling and self-destructing. Sad indeed. Only the Tibetan lamas that are spreading Buddhism all over the world and especially those in China who will be able to penetrate billions and from there it can trickle down to the world. Buddhism will be revived from China. Watch and see...

Tibetans' love for His Holiness the Dalai Lama is based on conditions. If they love him so much, they should come together and work to fulfill His Holiness's wishes. His Holiness had announced for Tibetans to work towards Umaylam, but until now Rangzen movement still exists. Until now, Tibetans still went on protesting against China.

For Umaylam to manifest, Tibetans have to get into China's good books. If they can't, there is no way Umaylam will become a reality. Instead of behaving and try to make China look good, they keep talking bad about China everywhere they go. How are they going to get into China's good books?

His Holiness the Dalai Lama worked so hard for his entire life for Tibetans and Buddhism. He always has been putting the welfare of Tibetans on his mind and when he says Umaylam is the way to go, all Tibetans should follow his advice and work towards it. Hence, the first thing must stop will be Rangzen which is the total opposite of what His Holiness wants.