Author Topic: Has the Dharmapala "Dorje Draken" abandoned the Nechung Oracle?  (Read 5017 times)

Harold Musetescu

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Has the Dharmapala "Dorje Draken" abandoned the Nechung Oracle?
« on: October 27, 2018, 07:49:28 PM »
My answer to this simple question is YES.

I believe that the present Nechung Oracle is totally corrupt and takes false and fake trances for the CTA.

The very CTA that made him a "Deputy Minister" in their CTA.

The same CTA that pays his salary as a  "Deputy Minister".

If the Nechung Oracle does not "SAY IN TRANCE" what they want him to say he's fired and replaced.

The Nechung Oracle is only taken trance of by the CTA and no one else.

Interesting how this Nechung Oracle condemns Dorje Shugden while a former Nechung Oracle praised Dorje Shugden.

Has the present Dorje Drakden changed his mind about Dorje Shugden being good and now thinks his evil?

No Dorje Drakden has not changed his mind just this corrupt Nechung Oracle who will do anything and say anything the CTA says to stay in power.

The present Nechung Oracle is a "Corrupted Vessel" and no longer suitable for the Dharmapala "Dorje Drakden" to enter.

I do not believe that Dorje Drakden speaks through this fake "State Oracle".

I believe that Dorje Drakden has abandoned the Nechung Oracle.

Here is an article that I wrote in April 2018 were I exposed a scam by the Nechung Oracle.
After reading this article do you really think that "Dorje Drakden" entered the Nechung Oracle and stated through him that this non buddhist voodoo witch was a "Tulku and an Oracle"?


"Nechung Oracle recognizes a NON Buddhist woman as an ORACLE and a TULKU!
« on: April 14, 2018, 01:36:30 AM »

On March 8, 2018 the Nechung Oracle recognized an African American woman as a Tibetan Oracle and a Tulku.

The woman is not a follower of Tibetan Buddhism but of African "Spirit Worship".

That's right we have our first non Buddhist Tibetan "TULKU" and "ORACLE" who takes trance of Mamaki.

She is not only a Tibetan "ORACLE" but also an "EMANATION" of Mamaki who is "a Tibetan Water Goddess and Water Female Buddha".

The Nechung Oracle has officially recognized her as both an "ORACLE" and a "TULKU".

As hard as this is to believe, it's all true.

I didn't make this shit up.

Here is a link to her website.

Here are some quotes from her website.

Part 1
On International Woman’s Day, March 8th  2018, something historic happened. Amid monks blowing trumpets, banging cymbals, reciting ancient mantras African-Caribbean spiritual teacher  and Osun devotee Venerable Yeye Omileye was recognized  as living  ORACLE and EMANATION of Mamaki, Tibetan Water Goddess/Water Female Buddha.

It was a ceremony prepared and officiated by Nechung Kuten La, Medium for the State Oracle of Tibet, who shared with all present the fascinating tale of the adventures he had to go on to make the ceremony happen – including his travels to Mongolia for the Mamaki crown, trip to Nepal after a 25 year absence to bring back the Melong (oracle) mirror and he even found time to personally put the precious pearls on himself.

Part 3
The elaborate recognition ceremony took place in Dharamsala India. It’s historicness was emphasized by Kuten La, who  explained to those present that Mamaki, had not manifested before in living memory. He also  explained the Tibetan Water Mother/Buddha and Osun the Yoruba Water Mother whom  Venerable Yeye Omileye carries an ancient title for – are one Water Goddess just different cultures.

You can go to her website and read the full story.

Maybe the CTA will use this NON Buddhist "ORACLE" and "TULKU" to locate and recognize the next 15th Dalai Lama.

Maybe the Panglung and Ari Kutens will also recognize this NON Buddhist as the "ORACLE" and "EMANATION (TULKU)" of Mamaki.

Tsem Tulku did an article on the spirit "Nyatrul" who was in life the Nyingma Tantric master Nyari Tulku.

He was skinned alive and murdered at Tengyleling Monastery on orders of the 13th Dalai Lama.

The story tells how "Nyatrul" took possession of the Nechung Oracle in the 1930's and murdered the 13th Dalai Lama as an act of revenge against both the 13th and the Nechung Oracle.

The article states that many Tibetans believe that "Nyatrul" to this very day still takes possession of the Nechung Oracle and not Pehar.

The 13th and 14th Dalai Lama's have and still continue to try and destroy the spirit "Nyatrul" via "Fire Pujas".

So who really recognized this NON Buddhist as both the "ORACLE" and "EMANATION" of Mamaki?

Was it the corrupt Nechung Oracle or "Nyatrul"????

Or was it the demon of money that spoke throught the Nechung Oracle.

Welcome to the wacky world of the Nechung Oracle.

Do you really believe that this was a true trance and this was what Dorje Drakden spoke through the Nechung Oracle??

I sent this article to the CTA, Office of H.H. and the Office of Religion and guess what no one replied to my email.

Why the silence if all this was the will of the Dharmapala Dorje Drakden and the Nechung Oracle the simple vessel he spoke through.

Why no announcements by the CTA about this new Tulku and Oracle?

They do believe the Nechung Oracle and what comes out of his mouth don't they?

No, they don't believe in any of this but they can not condemn what he has done.

If the CTA did condemn him they would have to fire him and that would mean there would be no "State Oracles" around to do their bidding.

Just say no to this fake "State Oracle".

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Has the Dharmapala "Dorje Drakden" abandoned the Nechung Oracle?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2018, 09:49:26 PM »

"Reply by Pastor Niral Patel

Dear Eric,

Your questions are thought provoking, as always. When Dorje Shugden or his retinue take trance of either the Panglung Oracle, the Gameng Oracle, or any other oracle for that matter, they speak in the language that the oracle speaks. For example, if the oracle himself speaks Tibetan, and as Dorje Shugden temporarily inhabits the body of the oracle, he uses the faculties of the oracle’s body to speak in Tibetan.

Similarly, if Dorje Shugden was to take trance in an oracle that spoke English, he would communicate with practitioners in English. And you are right in saying that neither the Panglung or Gameng Oracles speak in a “Twilight” language. In fact, they both speak in very clear Tibetan when in trance, as both oracles speak and communicate in Tibetan primarily.

Now, for Nechung, he does indeed speak in a “Twilight” language when in trance of his oracle. Therefore, his predictions and what he says requires ‘translation’ into ordinary language. This ‘translation’ is done by the oracle’s assistants who are said to have been trained in understanding this language. The strange thing is that it is not clear who actually teaches these assistants this “Twilight” language. On top of that since the ‘translation’ comes from ordinary monks, instead of through the oracle and therefore directly from Nechung himself, they can be swayed by outside influence. Therefore you are totally correct is deducing that they could indeed be pressured or bribed into ‘translating’ something entirely false. I hope this helps. Thank you.


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Re: Has the Dharmapala "Dorje Draken" abandoned the Nechung Oracle?
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2018, 04:31:00 AM »
Oh wow! It sounds as though the messages from Nechung Oracle can so easily be manipulated to suit the needs of the requestor. It is a good question of who trained the translator in the "twilight" language to decipher the messages. Even on normal level of translating message from one language to another loses some meaning (same with google translation) and the messages from Nechung through the oracle is not normal. How did the translator from ordinary monks is able to translate something so "extraordinary"?

Why don't just go with Dorje Shugden? So much easier to understand without translator and so so so accurate.


"Reply by Pastor Niral Patel

Dear Eric,

Your questions are thought provoking, as always. When Dorje Shugden or his retinue take trance of either the Panglung Oracle, the Gameng Oracle, or any other oracle for that matter, they speak in the language that the oracle speaks. For example, if the oracle himself speaks Tibetan, and as Dorje Shugden temporarily inhabits the body of the oracle, he uses the faculties of the oracle’s body to speak in Tibetan.

Similarly, if Dorje Shugden was to take trance in an oracle that spoke English, he would communicate with practitioners in English. And you are right in saying that neither the Panglung or Gameng Oracles speak in a “Twilight” language. In fact, they both speak in very clear Tibetan when in trance, as both oracles speak and communicate in Tibetan primarily.

Now, for Nechung, he does indeed speak in a “Twilight” language when in trance of his oracle. Therefore, his predictions and what he says requires ‘translation’ into ordinary language. This ‘translation’ is done by the oracle’s assistants who are said to have been trained in understanding this language. The strange thing is that it is not clear who actually teaches these assistants this “Twilight” language. On top of that since the ‘translation’ comes from ordinary monks, instead of through the oracle and therefore directly from Nechung himself, they can be swayed by outside influence. Therefore you are totally correct is deducing that they could indeed be pressured or bribed into ‘translating’ something entirely false. I hope this helps. Thank you.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Has the Dharmapala "Dorje Draken" abandoned the Nechung Oracle?
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2018, 08:30:34 AM »

Harold Musetescu
Sr. Member

Re: Did Nechung Oracle's translators lie about Dorje Shugden being an evil spirit?

« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2018, 04:04:56 PM »


So are these Nechung  monks and the "Twilight" language the missing link to the saga of Dorje Shugden?

The Nechung Oracle may have been giving correct trances by Dorje Drakden but some Nechung monks could have been lying about what he was saying.

What do you and I know about this "Twilight" language?


How long has it been used to translate what supposedly Dorje Drakden is saying via the Nechung Oracle?

Are there any books or dictionaries for this "Twilight" language?

The new monks that become the new translators must use some books to learn this "Twilight" language.

These Nechung monks could bend to threats, pressures or bribes by very powerful members of the CTA or others.

Who choses these new monks to replace the old ones?

If there are corrupt Nechung monks then they would chose someone who would work with them and not against them.

They would continue to fill their ranks with new "Corrupt" monks in their "Pay for Play" con game.

But there is no way of proving anything because we are dealing with a mysteries "Twilight" language only know by a handful of Nechung monks.

Dorje Drakden could be saying through the Nechung Oracle that Dorje Shugden is in fact a Buddha.

The Nechung monks that translate could be saying the exact opposite and we and the world would never know.

Since the Nechung Oracle is unconscious during these trances he can only rely on these Nechung monks to tell him what Dorje Drakden said.

So we must know consider another possibility in why the Dalai Lama banned Dorje Shugden.


Harold Musetescu

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Re: Has the Dharmapala "Dorje Draken" abandoned the Nechung Oracle?
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2018, 08:38:33 AM »

Harold Musetescu
Sr. Member

Re: Look who Dalai Lama is consulting for decisions!

« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2017, 05:01:18 AM »

If H.E. Tsem Tulku is right then Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) has the power to enter into the Nechung Oracle at will.

If Nyari Tulku can enter the number one State Oracle  can he also enter into other State Oracles at will?

The answer may be yes.

The Gadong Oracle is the number two State Oracle.

The previous Gadong Oracle was a State Oracle from roughly 1986 until his death in 2015.

He took trance of the Dharmapala "Shinjachen".

This is a family lineage of "Oracles" and since his death in 2015 "Shinjachen" has not taken trance of any male member of the "Gadong" clan.

During all those years as the number two State Oracle he never spoke while in trance.

No one knew why he never spoke but could it have been Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) stopping him from doing so?

The number three State Oracle was the Lamo Tsangpa Oracle who took trance of the Dharmapala "Tsangpa Karpo".

The previous "Lamo Tsangpa" Oracle was the Oracle from roughly 1988 until his death in 2003.

The "Lamo Tsangpa" is also a family lineage of Oracles.

Since his death the Dharmapala "Tsangpa Karpo" has not chosen any male member as the next "Lamo Tsangpa" Oracle.

In the mid 1990's he supposedly took trance on two occasions and condemned "Dorje Shugden".

This is now highly suspect since "Tsangpa Karpo" is the "Peaceful Emanation of the Dharmapala Setrap Chen".

How could "Tsangpa Karpo" publicly condemn "Dorje Shugden" when it was "Setrap Chen" who saved "Dorje Shugden" from death in a "Fire Puja".

The very same "Setrap Chen" who lead "Dorje Shugden" to the Sakya who made him a member of the Dharmpala "Gyalpo Sum".

The "Gyalpo Sum" (the Three Kings) who are made up of Setrap Chen, Tsiu Marpo (Kache Marpo) and Dorje Shugden.

Was it in fact "Tsangpa Karpo" who entered into the Lamo Tsangpa Oracle or was it in fact Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul).

Does Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) have the power to enter into the "Three State Oracles of Tibet" at will?

What is the "Black Karma" one possesses when they "Murder" a Tulku like Nyari Tulku?

What is the "Black Karma" one possesses when they also "Murder" another Tulku like His Holiness Demo Tulku?

His Holiness Demo Tulku, Nyari Tulku, the Dharmapala Methar and the Tengyeling Oracle were all "Murdered" on orders of the 13th Dalai Lama and his Government.

In His Eminence Tsem Tulku's article on Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) it states that he was an "Innocent" man who was "Murdered" and arose as a "Wrathful Spirit" to seek revenge against the Dalai Lama and his Government.

Does Nyari Tulku (Nyatrul) continue seeking his "Revenge" to this very day?


Harold Musetescu

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Re: Has the Dharmapala "Dorje Draken" abandoned the Nechung Oracle?
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2018, 12:58:29 PM »

Harold Musetescu
Sr. Member
Were are the Oracles???

« on: December 09, 2017, 04:50:43 PM »

On April 4, 2003 the Lamo Tsangpa Oracle passed away.

He was the #3 State Oracle for the 14th Dalai Lama.

He was taken trance by Tsangpa Karpo who is the peaceful emanation of Lord Setrap.

In 2015 the Gadong Oracle passed away.

He was the #2 State Oracle for the 14th Dalai Lama.

He was taken trance by Shinjachen.

Both of these Oracle lineages were "Family" lineages.

That means when the Oracle passes away one of his sons would be chosen by the Dharmapala to be the next Oracle.

In both cases the Dharmapalas have seen fit NOT to chose one of their sons.

In the case of the Lamo Tsangpa Oracle the answer is simple.

Why would Tsangpa Karpo who is the peaceful emanation of Lord Setrap return and work for the evil 14th Dalai Lama and his CTA.

It was Lord Setrap who saved Dorje Shugden from the fire puja ordered by by 5th Dalai Lama.

The previous Lamo Tsangpa while in false trances in 1996 condemned the practice of Dorje Shugden on behalf of both the Dalai Lama and the CTA.

The previous Gadong Oracle never once was able to take trance of Shinjachen for the 14th Dalai Lama.

These two Dharmpalas want nothing to due with the evil anti Dorje Shugden Dalai Lama and his CTA.

So all we have is the corrupt puppet Nechung Oracle to do the bidding of his pay master the 14th Dalai Lama.

So it would seem to me that both Shinjachen and Tsangpa Karpo have spoken about continuing their association with the Gadong and Lamo Tsangpa family Oracular lineages.

They want nothing to due with them nor their puppet master the evil Dalai Lama and the CTA.

Two more victories for Lord Dorje Shugden against the Dalai Lama and the CTA.

Now with Dorje Drakden turning his back on the evil and corrupt Nechung Oracle that makes not two but three victories for Lord Dorje Shugden.

Long live Lord Dorje Shugden and long live Tsem Rinpoche.