Author Topic: Kyabje Ling Rinpoche  (Read 9677 times)


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Re: Kyabje Ling Rinpoche
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2016, 08:11:49 PM »
As far as I know, Ling Rimpoche never said anything bad against Dorje Shugden. There is no evidence whatsoever to support that he did. However, as usual, the Dl and followers stretch the truth beyond recognition in the manner such as:

1-He is not recorded as speaking in favor of the practice, therefore;

2-He was not in favor of the practice, therefore;

3-He must have been against the practice!

This sort of logic has been done with may past masters, stretching their words and writtings to suit the policies of Dharamsala. It works in pair with the brainwashing of young tulkus under Dharamsala's control.

What is said by Alexis is indeed true. There are few to no sayings that Ling Rinpoche gave up the practices of Dorje Shugden. Many people may say that there is no evidence that Ling Rinpoche does Dorje Shugden. However, on Tsem Rinpoche's blog there was an article about this situation as well. From the article, it shows video evidence of Ling Rinpoche reciting the prayers to Dorje Shugden. With that, we can conclude that Ling Rinpoche did do Dorje Shugden practices.

As for the current incarnation doing Dorje Shugden practices or not, it is uncertain. They can do the practice secretly and not say anything. With that, it will seem as though they agree with CTA and H.H. Dalai Lama on the ban, but they will still continue the practice in secret. This is what many monks do that the CTA is not aware about.