She [Lindsay McCune] clearly states the reasons why "Damsi" is very likely not meant to be vow-breaking spirit.
She is clear and states that there is no reason why the stanzas by the great 5th would be undoubtedly referring to Dorje Shugden.
Lindsay McCune cannot say that “Damsi”
meant what it meant, and that the evil butcher the 5th dalie
did refer to Dorje Shugden, because she wants to preserve a positive image of the evil 5th among Shugdenpas.
The cult of the evil 5th is rampant among Shugdenpas. This can be directly seen in pro-Shugden monasteries such as Pelgyeling in Kathmandu, where footprints of the butcher are held as object of veneration.
This is similar to the rampant cult of the evil 14th seen nowadays among Shugdenpas -- by those sycophants who cannot stop blaming the “CTA” for the crimes of the evil dalie, actually hoping for a place in the evil dalie's court.
Even if the evil 5th later “regretted” and sponsored Dorje Shugden monasteries and shrines, he did so out of fear and political interest.
As long as Shugdenpas do not get rid of their own political ambitions as vassals of some evil dalie, they are bound to repeat such fanciful, self-serving stories.
Lindsay's main idea is to protect the evil butcher the 5th dalie's (and therefore his supposed reincarnation the current 14th evil dalie's) image even among Shugdenpas. She is just playing the ”good cop”, or the doctor who assists a torturer, occasionally healing the wounds of the victim.
Which of course serves well CIA interests, because there are both Shugdenpas and anti-Shugdenpas among its Tibetan assets, and it is not in CIA's interest to break the ”unanimity” around the current evil dalie, his role model the 5th evil butcher, and the institution of “Dalai Lamas” in general.