Author Topic: Current Incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen DECLARES Dorje Shugden Is a YIDAM!!  (Read 11569 times)

Harold Musetescu

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A Prayer by the Current Incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
Posted on May 25, 2013 in Dorje Shugden Prayers · 10,932 Views · 17 Comments

To Lama Dorje Shugden,

In places where people are wild and untamed,
You assist and protect me. You show reasons for them to turn
Their minds around towards the dharma.

When I have no money, food, medicine or housing,
You provide everything for me. And what I need your provisions grow
And increase with time. You show me the six paramitas continuously.

When I am depressed, sad and lose hope,
You assure me of your presence, your blessings and your friendship
Lifting my spirits. No friend can be better than you.

When I have been abandoned by others who are not real friends,
You are my real friend, confidant and inspiration. You show me a
Friendship that is super worldly and at the same time worldly.

When I am afraid, attacked or have been cheated,
You replace what has been taken, reassure me and
Advise me to continue. You give with love, abundance and no agenda.
You give solely to benefit.

YOUR ARE BY BUDDHA  ;), MY YIDAM  ;) ;) ;) , my Guru, my protector and my
Complete source of blessings. By relying on your rituals, mantras, prayers and puja,
I can always create a powerful Vajra Manjushri link to you that will extend
To future lives.

May I never be separated from you in this and future lives.
Bless me to gain real genuine bodhicitta, love, forgiveness,
Compassion and skilfull means.

You give me purpose, goals and visions that surpass anything
We can be attached to or be tricked by in samsara. Nothing we have attachment
For in samsara can hold light next to your advice and your goals for us.
I trust you and surrender my attachments to your goals and advice. Which are
Meant for my benefit.

Bless me to have entourage, sponsors, help, assistance and
Many auspicious signs from You. Follow me like a shadow to the body.
Never abandon me when my mind occasionally turns negative and
Keep me close to you. Let me always have close contact, signs and omens from you.
You are no other than the Gentle Lord Manjushri in a worldly form to rescue me.

I love you as I have not loved anyone else. I trust you because you will never disappoint me.
I believe in you because you abide in pure compassion and powerful abilities.
I will never choose anything or anyone in samsara over you. You never ask me to choose, but I am just expressing your nature and the reasons for my choice.

Your presence, blessings and existence is permanent without permanence whereas the friends and objects I am attached to do not last and in the end have to be abandoned or leave. I am left in despair even before they leave. But your presence is promised till the 1,000th Buddha appears. I choose you and your ways Lord Protector.

I hold you close to me. You are more precious than diamonds, gold, money, rich friends, foods, travel, palaces, fame and reputation to me as your nature is fixed yet changing. I will remain loyal and devoted to you above anything because it is so rare to find such a support such as you in this degenerate age.

Hold me close. Love me. Protect me. Bless me. Watch over me and my loved ones. Show me swift action to tame my and other’s mind. In return I promise you to work compassionately and skilfully towards the benefit of others. I promise you to develop in this life compassion, love and wisdom so I may rank among the highly skilled beings that take birth for others. Bless me to be so and not be afraid. As fear arises from ignorance and not the state of our goals.

I must and will realize you are far better to cling to than children, parents, husband, wife, partner, friend, sponsor, confidant and any relations I deem to have, have had or will have. By resolutely alliancing myself to You, I will in fact benefit those I have wrongly or conceptually clung to. Bless me to realize and immediately enact this attitude.

May I gain your wisdom mind that is equal to the attainments described by Nagarjuna and Lam Rim. May I not be stuck in the quicksands of samsara and my tight mind anymore. All sufferings, problems, delusions, and their results arise from my clinging to the wrong objects time and time again. Finally I have found the right being to rest my mind with and this being is no other than You.

Om Svasti!

composed by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
May 25th, 2013

Harold Musetescu

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WAS the "current" incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen in fact none other than the late H.E. Tsem Rinpoche?

Was H.E. Tsem Tulku writing the article about himself?

Was he stating that he was the secret incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen??

Remember that the date of that article was originally published on May 25, 2013 on this website.

Here is a link to an article about Rinpoche's "4th edition of "The promise the life story of Tsem Tulku".

The 4th edition states that Tsem Tulku previous incarnation lineage included "DULDZIN DRAKPA GYELTSEN".

Those who know Rinpoche, know a lama who is extremely humble and down to earth with no airs of grandeur whatsoever. However, Rinpoche’s line of previous incarnations include some of the most important personages and erudite scholars to have shaped and made Tibetan Buddhism into the potent spiritual practice that it is today.

This list includes the likes of Magadha Sangmo, a student of the historical Buddha whose reverence for Lord Shakyamuni was legendary; DULDZIN DRAKPA GYALTSEN  8), a direct disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism; Mahasiddha Virupa, the great 9th century yogi and Abbot of Nalanda Monastery; and Thonmi Sambhota, a key minister of the 7th century Emperor Songtsen Gampo who was the first to bring Buddhist texts from India to Tibet and who invented the Tibetan script....

The next link is to wikipedia on Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen.

In it they show that one of his incarnations was Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen.

Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen (1374-1434), the first Kyorlung Ngari Tulku,[1] was one of the principal disciples of Je Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism.[2]

Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen is renowned for his strict adherence to the Vinaya or Buddhist monastic code[1][3] as well as for his survey of the Sarvadurgatipari?odhana Tantra.[2]

Drakpa Gyaltsen was the founder of Tsunmo Tsal (btsun mo tshal) monastery in Tagtse Dzong (stag rtse rdzong), Central Tibet.[1]

His students included Jamyang Choje Tashi Palden (1379-1449), the founder of Drepung Monastery, and most of the other important Gelug masters of the time.[1][2]

Subsequent re-births
Charchen Chödrak (????????????????)[4]
Panchen Sönam Drakpa (???????????????????????) [1478—1554][5]
Sönam Yéshé Wangpo (???????????????????????)[6]
Ngakwang Sönam Gélek Pelzang (?????????????????????????????????)[7]
TULKU DRAKPA GYELTSEN  ;) (??????????????????????????)[8]

Pray for the swift rebirth of Tsem Rinpoche aka Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen!!!!

Harold Musetescu

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If Tsem Tulku was in fact an incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen it would explain somethings.

It would explain why he was the number one fighter in the world for Dorje Shugden.

Why he created this website and his own personal website which were both to promote Dorje Shugden.

It would also mean that Tsem Tulku was stating that Dorje Shugden is a both a BUDDHA and a YIDAM.

Not stating this as Tsem Tulku but as Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen.

Maybe the truth about this whole matter will come out now that Tsem Tulku is dead.

One can only imagine what the Dalai Lama and the CTA would have attempted to do to the previous Tsem Tulku if it was public information.

Remember H.H. Trijang Rinpoche lives with Bodyguards at all times out of fear of being murdered.

Maybe Tsem Tulku's  "Ladrang" will issue a statement about Tsem Tulku really being Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen now that he is dead.

Or maybe they won't out of fear for his next incarnation's life.

Harold Musetescu

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Who was it at this website that originally approved this article on the  "Current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen" on May 25, 2013?

They would have had to know that there was in fact a "Current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen.

That his "Prayer" was bonafide.

Who would have know all this and given the final approval to publish it on this website?

Prior to May 25, 2013 there were few that knew that there was a "Current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen".

By publishing this article the world would now know about this shocking news.

The Dalai Lama and the CTA would now know that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was reincarnated.

That he was rallying his supporters around the world by declaring he was back.

Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen would have had to give his approval for this information to be made public.

Senior Tulkus and Lamas in the Dorje Shugden would have been given prior knowledge about this release.

Who authorized the release of this article to the world.

The man who created this website.

Tsem Tulku aka Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen.

Harold Musetescu

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It was Tsem Tulku who was the author of "A prayer by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen".

He wrote it because he knew he was the "Current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen".

But he could not reveal that fact to the world.

If the world knew the truth some would consider him a THREAT to the life of the Dalai Lama and their return to Tibet.

Some would be driven to take "Murderous Action" against him in the name of the Dalai Lama and Tibet.

Tsem Tulku fate would not be like that of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen or by a "Fire Puja".

That's why his true identity was keep a secret.

That's why the article ends with these words, "composed by the current incarnation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen May 25th, 2013".

Pray for the swift rebirth of Tsem Tulku our very own Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen.

Harold Musetescu

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Below is a link to a youtube video done by Pastor David Lai on the lineage of Dorje Shugden.

Pastor Lai is a senior Pastor for the late Tsem Tulku.

Please go to the 29:00 minute mark he hear him speak about Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen being in Dorje Shugden's lineage.

The 4th edition states that Tsem Tulku previous incarnation lineage included "DULDZIN DRAKPA GYELTSEN".

Those who know Rinpoche, know a lama who is extremely humble and down to earth with no airs of grandeur whatsoever. However, Rinpoche’s line of previous incarnations include some of the most important personages and erudite scholars to have shaped and made Tibetan Buddhism into the potent spiritual practice that it is today.

This list includes ......... DULDZIN DRAKPA GYALTSEN  8), a direct disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism....

Harold Musetescu

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Below is a link to Tsem Tulku's PDF on the Mo Divination of Dorje Shugden.

From page 3 I have taken the "Invocation of the Yidam" where we take Dorje Shugden as the YIDAM in front
of us.

This Mo Divination text was given directly to us from Dorje Shugden via his "Oracle" Dulzin Choyang Kuten.

These words are Dorje Shugden's words to us.

It is Dorje Shugden who is describing himself as a YIDAM in the "Invocation of the YIDAM".

So it is not I who claim that Dorje Shugden is a YIDAM it is in fact Dorje Shugden who is stating that he is a YIDAM.


Invocation of the YIDAM :)

HUM! Before myself as the YIDAM :)
In the midst of a wind swept dark red fire.
On a lotus and sun trampling enemies and obstructors.
Seated on a terrifying magnificent lion IS OUR HEART JEWEL ;)
Dharmapala mighty Dorje Shugdan.
His body is adorned by the monk’s robes.
And wearing a golden hat on his head,
Holding a nada sword and an enemy’s heart.
Showing delight towards the practitioner.
With a fierce gaze subduing enemies and hinderers.
With his chief attendant Kache Marpo,
And surrounded by a large retinue.
Rays of light from my heart invite,
From the natural sphere and all palaces where ever they abide,
In an instant, all wisdom beings to become one with the commitment beings.

So now we have proof from none other that Dorje Shugden that he is a YIDAM and can be seen as a YIDAM by all of us.


Harold Musetescu

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Here is a previous answer to this question by Big Uncle who is a Moderator on this website.

"Big Uncle
Hero Member
Posts: 1995

Re: Dorje Shugden is a "YIDAM" ??

« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2016, 08:34:50 PM »

Hi Harold,
You are right. It is unspoken that Dorje Shugden could be regarded and propitiated as a Yidam.......

You can also go to Tsem Rinpoche's website ( and check out "Ask a question".  You will see that I asked Tsem Rinpoche's, "Pastor", the question if I could use Dorje Shugden as my "YIDAM"

His official answer on behalf of Tsem Rinpoche was, YES.

Question asked by Harold Musetescu

DEC 29, 2015

I just ask a question below about could Dorje Shugden be my complete practice. I had also asked in the past if he could be my yidam practice and you told me no. On please type in "A pray by he current reincarnation of Drakpa Gyalsten" dated May 25,2013. In his prayer the opening line of the 6th paragraph he states "Your as my BUDDHA, my YIDAM, my GURU, my PROTECTOR". If the current reincarnation of Dorje Shugden see Dorje Shugen as a BUDDHA, YIDAM, GURU and PROTECTOR" should not we his followers see him as that also. Please ask H.E. Tsem Tulku if he could personally answer this most serious revelation by the current reincarnation of Dorje Shugden. I don't think that there can be a higher authority on what Dorje Shugden can manifest as then then his current reincarnation.

Reply by pastor
Dear Harold Musetescu,

Since Dorje Shugden is a enlightened being he can be relied upon as a Yidam. This is because he abides in great bliss and emptiness. These two are just some of the qualities of a fully enlightened Buddha.

Now Tsem Rinpoche through his "Pastor" says YES we can have Dorje Shugden as our "YIDAM". I'm not saying it but Tsem Rinpoche website is saying,YES, we can rely upon Dorje Shugden as our YIDAM.