Author Topic: Tibet wants to stay with China, says Dalai Lama  (Read 10894 times)


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Tibet wants to stay with China, says Dalai Lama
« on: March 24, 2018, 05:33:28 PM »
KOLKATA: Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama said on Thursday that Tibet did not seek independence from China but greater development.
Speaking at an interactive session hosted by the Indian Chamber of Commerce here, he said, "We are not seeking independence... We want to stay with China. We want more development."
He added, "Tibet has a different culture and a different script... The Chinese people love their own country. We love our own country."
He said, "From Yangtze to Sindhu rivers, major rivers ... come from Tibet. Billions of lives are involved. Taking care of the Tibetan plateau is not only good for Tibet but for billions of people."
He also lauded India's "spirit of religious tolerance", adding that there were "problems sometimes because of politicians trying to manipulate that".

He took a dig at the average Indian's laziness as well — describing them as "lazier than the Chinese".

"I think Indian people are lazy but that may be due to the climate. But India is more stable and can play a role in the world stage," he added. "India has a tradition of living together. (It is) a living example of different traditions being carried together," the Buddhist monk said, adding: "I can proudly state the same about Tibetan culture."

India should combine modern education with basic human values rooted in its traditional teachings, he said. "This could pave the way for peace in the 21st century+ after the violence that has prevailed in the last 100 years," said the monk. "Religion, too, has become a lip service and failed to bridge the divide between humans," he added, blaming politicians for often using it in a wrong way.
"India is rich in traditional teachings. These, rather than just religion, can help bring people together. If modern India can combine newage education with lessons on inner values in a secular way, then the country can head in the right direction. Modern education is a bit too materialistic," he said.


What on earth is the Dalai Lama saying? So much contradiction and seems like it is done deliberately to annoy India further. Take a read at the top comment from TOI below and learn LESSONS on how to piss off India:

Dalai Lama wants to say that Indian are lazy as they did nothing to liberate Tibet. Indians are divided, muslims, punjabis are with Pakistan , low intellect worker and business classes have converted to desert cults(xtianity/islam) who oppose intellectuals who in turn have fled the country and settled abroad as scientists and scholars. This is what Mughals and British wanted - to turn Indians against each other because ancient Indian culture had united us too strongly .
Dalai thinks it is better to live under China than waste time in India where there is no unilateral decision. Of course he wants to leave his body in Tibet so he is trying to appease China.

And the person signed off as Dalai Lama

This shows us an example of how fickle minded the Dalai Lama is manifesting these days, as well as saying things that are very sensitive and irking people off. It is as if he wants India to throw him out to China. If this is the case then why don't they stop all the Free Tibet protest/campaigns etc. to make China "happy" for a start? This I do not get and now like it or not, they cannot have any more events against China in Indian soil!


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Re: Tibet wants to stay with China, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2018, 08:17:22 PM »
His Holiness also telling Indians to use the ancient Buddhist wisdom to achieve peace and harmony in India. He is said to be insinuating that Hinduism cannot do that. The Hindus are furious with him at the moment also. I see he has been making statements that create doubts in people. Perhaps this is the next level of his divine play that may eventually open the Chinese door for the Tibetans to finally go home to Tibet. Also, he has cancelled all his trips overseas for the rest of the year and it is said due to his old age. He is tantric master and this cannot be the truth. Perhaps it means the CTA should grow up and raise funds themselves.


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Re: Tibet wants to stay with China, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2019, 05:52:02 AM »
Very clearly, the Dalai Lama has not confidence in the CTA anymore. When he talked about development, he said China can help with the development of Tibet, he didn't mention CTA at all. The Dalai Lama is indirectly acknowledging that China is better and give more to Tibetans. Action speaks louder than words, what China has given is result but what the CTA have given is only words but no result. If after 60 years of struggling, the free Tibet movement is still not giving any result, people should just move on and not to waste more time again. China is definitely a better government than the corrupted CTA.


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Re: Tibet wants to stay with China, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2019, 07:50:18 AM »
After 60 years of struggling, Tibetans are still struggling. The promise from the CTA to bring Tibetans back was never fulfilled and the CTA still wants the Tibetans to wait. How effective and efficient is the CTA? They are given so much time to resolve the Tibet issue but until today, the situation between China and the CTA is still the same. Even the Dalai Lama has given up hopes on the CTA. The Dalai Lama sees how China has helped the Tibetans in China, the living conditions in Tibet is so much better than in India. Result is everything, no one has another 60 years to give the CTA to make free Tibet movement a success. It will be better to stay with China.


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Re: Tibet wants to stay with China, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2019, 10:20:45 AM »
It is obvious that only China can help with the Tibetans now. There is no one in the world is capable of providing what the Tibetan need most which is a land that they call home. However, the Tibetan government does not have the ability to do so and yet they are still giving empty promises to the people that they will be able to get back their country eventually from China.

They are just prolonging the time where they can get donations for free in the name of the Tibetan cause. The cause is long dead ever since China became one of the most powerful countries in the world. There is no way for them to get back their country other than the going for Umaylam which was suggested by His Holiness for a long time now.


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Re: Tibet wants to stay with China, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2019, 11:32:20 AM »
Whatever it is, the Dalai Lama sure is being flippant and I am sure this is deliberate.

Well, the latest news is that he is praising CTA... another show for the people?

His Holiness the Dalai Lama praises the leadership of CTA, consecrates renovated headquarter of CTA

Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama presided over the valedictory session of the 14th Tibetan Religious Conference today as the key-honoured guest.

On his arrival at Gangchen Kyishong where lies the seat of the Central Tibetan Administration, His Holiness expressed his fascination with the infrastructural developments that had taken place at the CTA headquarters as he was being led by Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay who described the arrangements of the newly built and renovated office buildings and the upcoming well-equipped Tibet Museum among others.

Commending the leadership of the Central Tibetan Administration, His Holness said, “So many buildings have come up that it is unrecognisable. Very good changes have taken place. Good job!” At Sikyong’s request, His Holiness blessed and consecrated the newly built and renovated headquarter of CTA before leaving for his residence.



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Re: Tibet wants to stay with China, says Dalai Lama
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2019, 09:45:19 AM »
At the rate they are going, Tibet is part of China and the exile Tibetans have no part in it. No home and the Dalai Lama won't be able to return home at all.

All that talking at the end of the day China still won't respond to the CTA and who can blame them when all CTA does is provoke them, especially from the so-called unrecognised President Lobsang Sangay who tours around the Western world insulting and inciting hate on China.

Even the Dalai Lama admits, China is not going to be bothered if the representatives are from the CTA and that the only hope they have is those he appoints from his side... “If we appoint envoys representing the exile administration, that may prompt Chinese leadership to reject them blatantly. The alternative is to explore the same channels of communication that were established through me and maintain that. I have been approached by influential Chinese businessmen and even government officials”.   :-\

This statement from Sangay is the funniest I've heard thus far, what a joke  ;D ;D ;D "People keep coming from the Chinese side and we are very transparent with them.”

32nd Task force on Sino-Tibet dialogue meet underway

DHARAMSHALA, Dec. 11: The 32nd session of the core group that oversees dialogue on the Tibetan side for the Sino-Tibet negotiations is underway here at Dharamshala, considered the virtual capital of the exile Tibetan set up. The two-day meet comprising a handful of noted individuals began on Wednesday at the Asia Health Resorts here.

“The Task Force will hold an in-depth discussion on the situation inside Tibet, the perceptible shifts in the global political landscape and the overall prospects for the resumption of dialogue between Dharamshala and Beijing to resolve the protracted issue of Tibet,” the Central Tibetan Administration run said of the closed door meeting today.

The deliberations headed by the CTA President Dr. Lobsang Sangay is also joined by former special envoy Kelsang Gyaltsen, Chinese section Secretary at the Dalai Lama’s private office Ngaba Tsegyam, former CTA bureaucrat Thubten Samphel, among others.

Speaking to the media, the Secretary of the International Relations wing of the exile Tibetan government Karma Choeying said that although the meeting has no “special agendas” other than the previously discussed issues such as the geopolitical dynamics between the US to China and China’s relation with regions such as Hong Kong and Xinjiang. Choeying said that the meeting is not convened to appoint new envoys.

There has been no official contact between the Tibetan side and Beijing since 2010 marking an impasse between the two sides. In June 2012, the two Special Envoys of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, late Lodi G. Gyari and Kelsang Gyaltsen, who had led nine rounds of talks with the People’s Republic of China since 2002, resigned from their positions. They cited the deteriorating situation inside Tibet and their “utter frustration” over the lack of positive response from the China as reasons for their decision to resign.

The vacant positions for the special envoys, observers and Tibetan lawmakers, said were indicative of complete breakdown of communications between the side. However, the Dalai Lama in October 2019 said that he and the President of the Central Tibetan Administration Dr. Lobsang Sangay discussed that appointing new envoys may result in outright rejection from Beijing.

“If we appoint envoys representing the exile administration, that may prompt Chinese leadership to reject them blatantly. The alternative is to explore the same channels of communication that were established through me and maintain that. I have been approached by influential Chinese businessmen and even government officials,” the Tibetan leader said adding that outright rejection of new envoys will be counter productive to the process.

The Tibetan President in an interview with News18 on April 3, 2018 said, “There has been no official communication between China and the CTA since 2010. But there are back channel talks that happen. People keep coming from the Chinese side and we are very transparent with them.”
