Author Topic: GREEN TARA  (Read 13504 times)


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« on: November 13, 2019, 09:26:15 AM »

Tara is by far the most popular goddess in Tibet and often considered a female Buddha. In one of her origin stories, the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is overwhelmed with compassion for the sufferings of beings and sheds two tears that become White Tara and Green Tara. In another version, she emanates from the heart of Avalokiteshvara at the time of his initiation by all the buddhas, composed of their compassion and wisdom. Green Tara is probably the most popular form of Tara, considered to be the source of all 21 of her forms. She is especially revered for her powers to heal and to protect worshippers from the Eight Fears, external dangers such as fire and snakes that also symbolize inner obstacles to the Buddhist path.

Green Tara is distinguished from other forms of Tara by the blue lotus or lily (utpala) she holds in her hand, while the other hand gives the gesture of blessing (varada mudra). In artworks and verses Green Tara is often associated with flowers, plants, and trees, and in this sculpture a second utpala is depicted on her left side and vines are located below her feet. The flowers in her hair are characteristic of the Kadiravani form, Tara of the Acacia Forest. The bark and resin of the acacia tree are noted for their medicinal powers. The fertility of nature is viewed in many cultures as a feminine, nurturing force, perhaps inspiring Green Tara’s color and association with healing. In traditional Buddhist iconography, her green color is explained as deriving from her inclusion in Action family of the green Buddha Amoghasiddhi, as the one who accomplishes all buddha activities.