Author Topic: Tsem Tulku provides proof that Tibet was always a part of China!!!  (Read 3411 times)

Harold Musetescu

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The burning question between China and Tibet is a simple one.

Is Tibet a part of China?

Both have their own arguments about it.

H.E. Tsem Tulku has provided "Documentary" proof that Tibet is part of China.

It came about through an article he wrote and in that article he spoke about H.H. Demo Tulku.

H.H. Demo Tulku was the former Abbot of Tengyeling Monastery.

He was also on three occasions the "Regent of Tibet".

Here is a link to that article, titled "Methar of Tengyleing Monastery".

The following quote is from Tsem Tulku's article.

Tengyeling Monastery was one of the four great Regency monasteries, from which a Regent would be chosen between the successive incarnations of Dalai Lamas. It was built in the 17th century and was also famous for its religious Cham dances. The Regent would rule the country in the period between the passing into clear light of a Dalai Lama and when his new incarnation turned 18 years old. The Tengyeling Regency was considered the most important of the four Regency seats which included the Kundeling, Tsemonling and Tsechogling Regencies. The tradition of Demo Rinpoche becoming Regent began with the 6th Demo Rinpoche, Ngawang Jampel Delek Gyatso, who ruled between 1757 and 1777.

What you now know is that the 6th Demo Tulku was the Regent of Tibet from 1757 through 1777.

There we two groups that had the power to  "Offical Recognize" the "Regent of Tibet"

One group was the Dalai Lama lead Tibet Government.

The other group was lead by the Emperor of China.

I am now quoting again from Tsem Tulku's article, "Methar of Tengyeling".

The tradition of Demo Rinpoche becoming Regent began with the 6th Demo Rinpoche, Ngawang Jampel Delek Gyatso, who ruled between 1757 and 1777. He was bestowed the Mongolian title Khutuktu and declared the Regent of Tibet by the Qianlong Emperor of China. This highlights the level of interaction between native Tibetans and the Chinese in matters of State.

Remember this quote again "He was bestowed....and declared the Regent of Tibet by the Qianlong Emperor of China. This highlights the level of interaction between native Tibetans and the Chinese in matters of State".

What this clearly shows was the the Dalai Lama lead Government could not "singularly" declare who the next "Regent" of Tibet would be.

What they really need was the consent of China.

The Emperor of China Qianlong provided a sealed document to state who "HE" declared would be the next "Regent of Tibet".

The final part of my story is that Tsem Tulku provides that "Document" in that article.

Scroll down the page of Tsem Tulku's article and you will see a yellowish document.(Sorry I couldn't reproduce the document for you here)

At the down of the document you will read.

The official seal from the Qianlong Emperor declaring the 6th Demo Rinpoche as Regent of Tibet

That document dated 1755, it shows the Chinese Emperor officially recognizing the 6th Demo Tulku as the "Regent of Tibet".

It also shows that the Tibet Government accepted the power of the Emperor of China in matters of "Tibetan Regency".

Tsem Tulku has now provided "Documentary " proof that even in the year 1757, Tibet showed that it accepted that it was part of China.

This article continues to show the "Karmic Connection" between Tsem Tulku and Demo Tulku,Nyari Tulku and Methar all from Tengyeling Monastery.

Tsem Tulku showed the true innocence of all those connected to Tengyeling Monastery.

He showed the innocence of Demo Tulku, Nyari Tulku and Methar.

Tsem Tulku brought the Dhamapala "METHAR" back to the Dorje Shugden world.

He has publicly reunioned Dorje Shugden, Kache Marpo, Namkar Barzin and Methar together again.

Now he shows the connection between the 6th Demo Tulku and Qianlong the Emperor of China.

Proof of China's claim that Tibet was always a province of China.

A document that only His Eminence Tsem Tulku was to discover and reveal to the world.

This would be a kind of "Terma" a kind of "Treasure".

Tsem Tulku would not only be a "Tulku" but also a "Terton", a "Treasurer Revealer".

Tsem Tulku was "meant" to reveal the story of Tengyeling Monastery.

Tsem Tulku was "meant" to find "Methar"

Tsem Tulku was "meant" to reunite Methar with Dorje Shugden, Kache Marpo and Namkar Barzin.

Tsem Tulku was "meant" to find the Emperor's "Document" of 1757 and Demo Tulku.

This al shows that Tsem Tulku was "meant" to be a "Terton"


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Re: Tsem Tulku provides proof that Tibet was always a part of China!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2018, 06:50:05 PM »
I really think you guys should stop being so preoccupied about China and Tibet as this is bringing Shugden practitioners into disrepute. Why should Shugden practitioners care about politics and why should they make pronouncements about Tibetan-Sino politics? All you’re doing is providing a basis for the lies that Reuters wrote about us in 2015. Please stop.

The way you guys talk makes it seem that you are paid by the Chinese government!

Politics is meaningless and dirty and has nothing to do with Dharma. I’d like to ask you not to bring our tradition into disrepute by getting involved in worldly disputes: concentrate on something meaningful instead.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Tsem Tulku provides proof that Tibet was always a part of China!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2018, 08:10:41 PM »
So "Lineageholder" should I take your remarks as a "YES" vote for Tsem Tulku is a "Terton"?